The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Not only does this stuff turn off people who are not particularly ideological, it feeds right into the arguments of the other tribe.

Liberals like Maher and Carville and Beto are trying to tell them, but they're just not listening.

We don't need two Republican parties in this country.

If we had listened to people like you back in the Aughts, we wouldn't have gay marriage now. In fact, Carville was the genius that talked Clinton into signing the unconsitutional DOMA.

What the Democrats need to do is stand up for principles rather than pander to people who aren't going to vote for them anyway.
My impression of the Right is that they tend to see the world as black and white. I think the reality is the world is complex and people come in all shades
Nice way to try to get out of the fact you believe men cannot be women without admitting that you said it.

Ladies and gentlemen. The leftist dandy two by two step. Probably snapping his fingers doing that little dance.
We don't need two Republican parties in this country.

If we had listened to people like you back in the Aughts, we wouldn't have gay marriage now. In fact, Carville was the genius that talked Clinton into signing the unconsitutional DOMA.

What the Democrats need to do is stand up for principles rather than pander to people who aren't going to vote for them anyway.
Not having queer marriage legal would be a good thing.
Nice way to try to get out of the fact you believe men cannot be women without admitting that you said it.

Ladies and gentlemen. The leftist dandy two by two step. Probably snapping his fingers doing that little dance.
If I'm smiling it's because you couldn't prove me right fast enough.

Frankly, all arguments against gay marriage (or gay anything) boil down to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad". Neither of which is a rational argument.

No, my argument was always they will demand gay marriage, then attack the churches......that is coming next.....once they sexualize children, using "we just want to talk about gay marriage," tactics...
And women's prisons...they are doing that now too....allowing men with their male sex organs intact into women's prisons simply because they fell like women......
Ok, I will perfectly honest. If I were going to prison, I may just have to claim I am a woman. That would actually make a whole Lotta sense.
No, my argument was always they will demand gay marriage, then attack the churches......that is coming next.....once they sexualize children, using "we just want to talk about gay marriage," tactics...

Actually, the Churches will all be denying they had anything to with homophobia in 20 years.

The way they claim they had nothing to do with slavery and segregation today.

Also, did you just forget your childhood? Nobody has to sexualize children. Every kid I went to school with in my Catholic neighborhood had their secret porn stash... today that's all on line.

The idea that we need to "Keep this out of schools" when the mass media is shoving it down our throats is kind of silly.

"Don't Say Gay" laws are about parent's paranoia, not what kids who are struggling with their sexual identity need.

I have gay friends, they all told me they knew they were gay before they hit puberty. No one needed to "sexualize" them, they came out despite being in religious families.
Joe is a very special combination of utter stupidity and pure evil.

He is a sociopath who neither understands the concept of fairness nor is concerned at all with it
He has creative ideas, though; I like that. He's a free-thinker.
The American Left turned a critical corner when it went from passionately advocating for their cultural issues to attacking, intimidating and punishing people who dared to disagree with them on those issues.

The election of 2016 was the pushback to years of that bullshit. And now, here we are.
Actually, the Churches will all be denying they had anything to with homophobia in 20 years.

The way they claim they had nothing to do with slavery and segregation today.

Also, did you just forget your childhood? Nobody has to sexualize children. Every kid I went to school with in my Catholic neighborhood had their secret porn stash... today that's all on line.

The idea that we need to "Keep this out of schools" when the mass media is shoving it down our throats is kind of silly.

"Don't Say Gay" laws are about parent's paranoia, not what kids who are struggling with their sexual identity need.

I have gay friends, they all told me they knew they were gay before they hit puberty. No one needed to "sexualize" them, they came out despite being in religious families.

The democrat party churches in the south supported slavery and segregation..........fixed that for you.

At the same time, it was churches and religious conservatives who started the movement to end democrat party slavery and shitheads always forget that fact....

Democrat party controlled churches, suppored slavery and segregation....

Republican churches, and conservative religious groups fought against slavery and segregation....
but you are all for women getting scholarships for being inferior athletes compared to men?
1. It was never our idea. It was how that stupid law was written,.

2. Hey, money is money. Why shouldn't women get a whack at the pot?

Frankly, all arguments against gay marriage (or gay anything) boil down to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad". Neither of which is a rational argument.
God says murder and stealing are bad. Are those rational arguments?
Even your own article admits much of it has to do with children. Women have to leave work to get to the school their child is in if they get into trouble or become ill. Women stay home with a sick child sometimes for several weeks if need be. Maternity leave is another factor for working women who have not yet had children. Is it fair that Laura gets the same wage increase as Bob when Bob was working 50 weeks a year 50 hours a week while Laura stayed home ten or more of those weeks?
Yeah, sorry, guys, we're busy doing really important things. We can't bother with those corporate ladders and all that stuff; unless we can't have children or they are grown and we just want to.
If I'm smiling it's because you couldn't prove me right fast enough.
Here you go. In honor of you and dancers like you. Now let's see that snappy happy double squat clap and point. It's all in the rhythm and timing.

Now tell me snappy and happy and yappy, do you really think real women are attracted to you dandy men with all your little feelings and sensitivity or do you think they yearn for real men and they they used to be?


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