The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Exactly....If you want to hear someone discuss this on a regular basis, try out Andrew Klavan and his podcast over at Dailywire.........he talks about the importance of women and mothers in the creation of society and how the left is doing their best to destroy their role as the creators of moral and normal humans...

He is a great source because he explains the vital role mothers play in raising children, and how the left is trying to take children out of the home.......

I never miss an episode of Andrew Klavan. I don't always agree with him, but I like his perspective on things from the arts, and his monologues frequently make me laugh out loud (which is very difficult to do).

However, he still does not take the theory as far as I do. It's always been said that men build and create civilization, with all their various activities like creating architecture, building roads, forming armies, what-have-you. In my theory, WOMEN build and create civilization, because civilization is not the buildings and technology and things; it's the people themselves. And it's women who primarily create those. The things that men do, which cram our history books, are all actually just the support infrastructure for the civilization, not the civilization itself. They are essentially a secondary supporting role for the work of women, and as such are, at root, dictated by the needs of women and the needs of the woman's role.

This is in no way to denigrate or devalue the role of men. I very much believe that both men and women are equally essential and important to the survival and furtherance of the human species and human society. But I do believe that we have gotten it backward all this time in the respect of viewing the man's role as primary and the woman's as secondary and supportive.
And as a man ( still is), I don't think he ever went anywhere as a swimmer.

Imagine that.
The boy who won the highschool championship in the same event just swam 2 seconds faster than the trans dude's NCAA winning time in the women's division. Think about that for a second.
Nothing to do with leftist. Good god everything you trampers don't like is leftist, but your right.

It's the left that makes it political. One of the first things Dementia did taking office was to reverse Trump's policy of schools not being forced to allow weirdos in dresses to compete in school athletics.
If someone wants to be a tranny ok that's fine, it has no impact on me. There are 7.5 billion people in the world. That's too many for me to give a shit about. So yeah, go be a tranny. I don't care.

But I do care when I am expected to acknowledge that a man is a woman because they aren't. I also care when their fantasy is forced to become everyone else's reality.
Totally agree. There always have been male prostitutes in big cities and there are now. This never was something decent people paid attention to. And I don't now.

But the coercion of forcing us to use special pronouns, call a he a she, and otherwise lie --- I'm just plain not going to do that.

Go that way and pretty soon we are believing in transubstantiation, and Catholics are burning Protestants at the stake again because they won't believe the wafer is 2000-year-old man-meat -- how about we stick with reality instead?
I have thought that FOREVER!!!! :D

My guys hate it when they point out that nature must have intended for men to be primary, because it made them larger and stronger and able to overpower women. To which I respond, "Here's this picture of Prince (the late singer) surrounded by his bodyguards, all of whom are larger and stronger and technically able to overpower him. Who's the primary person here?"

It's especially hard for them to argue against, because every one of them - right down to the 13-year-old, who's still shorter and physically weaker than I am (but not for long) - believes firmly that it is their responsibility to protect me and look out for me, even if it means sacrifice on their part.
Yes, they should let religious nutters turn the country into Theocracy because you had to compete against a trans-woman once.

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Uh, most women are going to be fine.

You see, just because you get freaked out by Trans people doesn't mean everyone else does.
Wow..what a melodrama claim

Keeping guys from competing in womens sports does not lead to religious extremists taking over the country.

A. It, instead, enables women to be able to compete in sports receiving free scholarships, wages for being professional athletes, and the lucreative endorsement deals. It also encourages more female role models for little girls who will live out their dreams getting involved in sports in just the HOPE of being a professional female athelete.

B. Allowing males in female sports takes away female scholarships, lowers ratings and support for female sports, lowering wages and endorsement deals for females. It also discourages little girls from even dreaming of being an athlete as they physically will never be able to compete against males.

We have to choose which route we want to go....Gee let me think a or b which one is better for little girls/women and which one only means another failed woke Victoria Secret massive Phluck up.

(For you idiot libs, choice A is the obvious choice.)

Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

The SOB should be required to wear fake boobs equal to the largest breast size and weight of his competition and see how he handles the drag.

So you don't support women's rights.
I often feel that poster argues just for the sake of arguing. They actually think they are playing devil's advocate or some such stupid thing. This is why that poster is usually in my time-out corner, because like folks who are so invested in just arguing for the hell of it, they generally don't make any sense.
So, can some leftist try to explain to us a dude winning female athlete of the year and a dude winning woman of the year isn't the same as a white dude using black face being given a statue for bravery at the NAACP?
I don't really watch men lecturing at women --- that's what I've been saying.

Not of interest, but thanx anyway.

We just don't need them.

You never turn away allies.....but go ahead....see if you can stop democrats with just women....
Tolerating and approving of it are 2 different things.

Bullshit. It has nothing to do with the American left. It has to do with the sports federation.
The left might support it, and I do not. I am an independent who voted for Biden, due to the alternative.

Oh fucking please!! This is right smack out of the left's playbook! You guys are 100% for giving us shit like this, and you've worked tirelessly to silence any opposition who dare to publicly oppose it.

"Nothing to do with the American left", yeah right, what a fucking tool!
So, can some leftist try to explain to us a dude winning female athlete of the year and a dude winning woman of the year isn't the same as a white dude using black face being given a statue for bravery at the NAACP?

Excellent point.....
Wow..what a melodrama claim

Keeping guys from competing in womens sports does not lead to religious extremists taking over the country.

A. It, instead, enables women to be able to compete in sports receiving free scholarships, wages for being professional athletes, and the lucreative endorsement deals. It also encourages more female role models for little girls who will live out their dreams getting involved in sports in just the HOPE of being a professional female athelete.

B. Allowing males in female sports takes away female scholarships, lowers ratings and support for female sports, lowering wages and endorsement deals for females. It also discourages little girls from even dreaming of being an athlete as they physically will never be able to compete against males.

We have to choose which route we want to go....Gee let me think a or b which one is better for little girls/women and which one only means another failed woke Victoria Secret massive Phluck up.

(For you idiot libs, choice A is the obvious choice.)
The spineless indoctrinated pawn will always blame common sense and reality for attempting to wake them up.

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