The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Yeap and people starting to speak out. Then again I will bet most of those speaking out speak out loudly in support of transgenderism.

The left always want it both ways. They are all woke for thee but not for me people. Meaning, until the policies they support effect them, they are unable to see their absurdity. Often times throughout history not until its too damn late.

Look at the German socialists supporting their dear socialist leader in the 30s and then finding afterwards what the socialist policies really were about.

That's the clear example the left always bring up every moment of every day right? Except like usual the point they think they are making through their sniveling spoiled minds is the exact opposite. a dude won the women's swimming and named woman's athlete of the year and another dude named woman of the year.

Lol at the left and all of their stupidity.

I think the actual women he competed against should cut his pecker off and feed it to him.
Again, I don't think it's relevant what people look like! (Though yeah, these transvestites are usually VERY strange-looking.)

What matters to me is that he is a fraud. I don't like frauds.

I don't like desperate attention-hoggers, either. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL these transvestites in the news seem to be hysterically eager to STAY in the news. I would bet that is their central mental illness right there. The delusions are secondary, incredibly.
I’ll agree about the looks. Not really relevant. But I was just commenting on what a cute guy he was. (I may be older, but I’m not dead.)

As far as attention-seeking, I’m not sure. Lots of this gender fluidity stuff is just a trend. Apparently, being bi is in the “in thing“ these days, as my niece just chopped off all her hair and announced she’s bi. She’s at a liberal college, and indoctrinated into thinking that being white and straight is a big yawn. I told my sister to play along, and she’d probably get over this fling she’s now having with a girl.
I’ll agree about the looks. Not really relevant. But I was just commenting on what a cute guy he was. (I may be older, but I’m not dead.)

As far as attention-seeking, I’m not sure. Lots of this gender fluidity stuff is just a trend. Apparently, being bi is in the “in thing“ these days, as my niece just chopped off all her hair and announced she’s bi. She’s at a liberal college, and indoctrinated into thinking that being white and straight is a big yawn. I told my sister to play along, and she’d probably get over this fling she’s now having with a girl.

I heard this author interviewed about the damage being done to girls with this transgender stuff..........she didn't have a dog in the fight, talked to countless families for the book...and now she is under constant attack...

Groups of female friends in schools across the world are coming out as ‘transgender’. Most are girls who have never expressed any discomfort in their biological sex until they hear a coming out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discover the internet community of trans influencers. ‘Gender-affirming’ therapists now recommend medical interventions for them.

Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, investigates this phenomenon. Shrier has talked to the girls, their agonised parents, and the therapists and doctors who enable gender transitions, as well as to ‘detransitioners’ – young women who regret what they have done to themselves.

Shrier concludes that far too much of the discourse around being female is negative, and offers a series of steps parents can take to enhance their daughters’ well-being.

'Every parent needs to read this' Helen Joyce

Amazon product ASIN B08NWMFP1S
Surgery to enhance your looks is different than surgery to mutilate yourself thinking you can become somebody of the opposite sex. It's like getting surgery to make you more like a dog than a human.

I'm not a huge fan of surgery strictly for cosmetic reasons, but unless you get a really bad surgeon who botches the operation or you have one of those weird obsessions with repeated surgeries, you aren't actually permanently damaging your body's natural function.

Also, his list includes things that are not strictly cosmetic, or are not always strictly cosmetic. Bariatric surgery, for example, is performed to correct a very real danger to your health and body function. A reputable bariatric surgeon will not perform it unless the patient is morbidly obese and presents with at least one co-morbidity such as Type II diabetes, hypertension, respiratory disorders, or osteoarthritis.
They need to keep them out of the girls’ bathrooms, too.

And women's prisons...they are doing that now too....allowing men with their male sex organs intact into women's prisons simply because they fell like women......
If no one cares about womens sports is fucking retarded argument from the left….. why was a change rules made ANYWAY?

I heard this author interviewed about the damage being done to girls with this transgender stuff..........she didn't have a dog in the fight, talked to countless families for the book...and now she is under constant attack...

Groups of female friends in schools across the world are coming out as ‘transgender’. Most are girls who have never expressed any discomfort in their biological sex until they hear a coming out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discover the internet community of trans influencers. ‘Gender-affirming’ therapists now recommend medical interventions for them.

Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, investigates this phenomenon. Shrier has talked to the girls, their agonised parents, and the therapists and doctors who enable gender transitions, as well as to ‘detransitioners’ – young women who regret what they have done to themselves.

Shrier concludes that far too much of the discourse around being female is negative, and offers a series of steps parents can take to enhance their daughters’ well-being.

'Every parent needs to read this' Helen Joyce

Amazon product ASIN B08NWMFP1S

I have that on audiobook. Brilliant and thought-provoking, and also heartbreaking at times.
I have no problem with transgenderism, their life they can live it how they feel.

But I do have an issue with them being allowed to compete against biological females in sporting events. The only way it is going to stop is if the athletes themselves stand up against it.

We are starting to see that happen, which is good.

As Americans just love to do, that end of the spectrum just takes this too far.

Not only does this stuff turn off people who are not particularly ideological, it feeds right into the arguments of the other tribe.

Liberals like Maher and Carville and Beto are trying to tell them, but they're just not listening.
Wow..what a melodrama claim

Keeping guys from competing in womens sports does not lead to religious extremists taking over the country.
Sure it does... in fact, if you got rid of all the social conservative nonsense that came in starting with Reagan, we'd probably still have a middle class in this country.

A. It, instead, enables women to be able to compete in sports receiving free scholarships, wages for being professional athletes, and the lucreative endorsement deals. It also encourages more female role models for little girls who will live out their dreams getting involved in sports in just the HOPE of being a professional female athelete.

Uh, yeah, here's the problem with that... most of the cool athletic stuff actually goes to the dudes. If it were lucrative, you wouldn't need a carve-out like Title IX to game the system.

B. Allowing males in female sports takes away female scholarships, lowers ratings and support for female sports, lowering wages and endorsement deals for females. It also discourages little girls from even dreaming of being an athlete as they physically will never be able to compete against males.

Except that there are no "ratings" for women's sports. 17 million people watched the NBA playoffs, but only 213, 000 watched the WNBA playoffs. Heck, putting a tranny on a WNBA team would probably help the ratings in a train-wreck sort of way.

Come to think of it, was ANYONE paying attention to women's swimming before Lia Thomas lost her balls?
Way to play both sides of the fence. It's one or the other. You either admit it is impossible for a man to become an

Stop playing both sides of the fence like every good leftist. You either admit it is impossible for man to become a woman and vice versa or you don't admitshades

However you are admitting it but a rather silent about it out of fear of being ever associated with a conservative. Won't be invited to the parties and the girls who bend over any book rack for a good enough socialist will shun you.
My impression of the Right is that they tend to see the world as black and white. I think the reality is the world is complex and people come in all shades

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