The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

So, you only watch to be turned on by the women?

I agree that the WNBA is pretty bad, but I feel the same way about the NBA. Now I love me some college BB both men and women. I love watching Track and Field matters not if it is women or men.

None of them do I watch to check out how hot the competitors are.
No, indeed, all those oversized, nearly naked men, mostly black, sweating like pigs, sweat just dripping off them, running onto the floor. Makes me sick. I don't know why anyone watches that stuff.
The time set by lia was 10 seconds off the World record and she beat the silver Olympic medalist...

I think this is just transpobhic more than anything else...

Look at the complainers here... They refuse even to call Lia a woman... They are not talking about equality in sports which is understandable...
"Lia" is not a woman. "Lia" has male DNA. You must be one of those anti-science freaks not to realize this.
"Lia" is not a woman. "Lia" has a male DNA. You must be one of those anti-science freaks not to realize this.
Why do we have women's athletics? Mostly because we created something called Title IX that required schools to create women's athletics programs that no one cared about and give out scholarships for them. In short, it allowed women to game the system. Awesome. So one trans-woman learns to game the system that other people were gaming, and I just can't get all that upset about it.
I agree: people go where the money is. Some women played around with women's sports before Title IX (yeah, field hockey, and sports not into teams as much as men's sports like riding horses and fencing and so on), but it's only been since they offered scholarships that there has been this big push toward sports for women.

Stupid, IMO. But that's the effect of money rewards.
The guy-woman was actually cute as a guy. Now he’s a weird-looking woman.
Again, I don't think it's relevant what people look like! (Though yeah, these transvestites are usually VERY strange-looking.)

What matters to me is that he is a fraud. I don't like frauds.

I don't like desperate attention-hoggers, either. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL these transvestites in the news seem to be hysterically eager to STAY in the news. I would bet that is their central mental illness right there. The delusions are secondary, incredibly.
Way to play both sides of the fence. It's one or the other. You either admit it is impossible for a man to become an
I consider myself pretty liberal and abhor any discrimination against LGBTQ people. However, this is one area I may part ways with some. I think transgender people can have a full and rewarding life without competing against the non-transgendered.

They are welcome to have their own transgender olympics (which I won't be watching).

Stop playing both sides of the fence like every good leftist. You either admit it is impossible for man to become a woman and vice versa or you don't admit.

However you are admitting it but a rather silent about it out of fear of being ever associated with a conservative. Won't be invited to the parties and the girls who bend over any book rack for a good enough socialist will shun you.
Okay, let's look at that statement... that if you undergo surgery to change your self-image, you need treatment and are a danger to yourself.

So we also have.

Hair Transplants
Breast Implants
Blepharoplasty for Asian people who want to look less Asian by having their eyes rounded.
Plastic Surgery
Face lifts
Bariatric Surgery for weight loss

Wow, we are doing a lot of unnecessary surgery on people who don't like who they are.

Surgery to enhance your looks is different than surgery to mutilate yourself thinking you can become somebody of the opposite sex. It's like getting surgery to make you more like a dog than a human.
Or we have a sense of perspective.

Why do we have women's athletics? Mostly because we created something called Title IX that required schools to create women's athletics programs that no one cared about and give out scholarships for them. In short, it allowed women to game the system. Awesome. So one trans-woman learns to game the system that other people were gaming, and I just can't get all that upset about it.

Um, yeah, not winning a little plastic trophy is just like being a victim of genocide!!!

Should point out that the Nazis were hardly socialist, despite their name. They were completely in bed with Germany's capitalists, where German and American companies did very well in the Nazi Regime. Henry Ford and Hitler had a serious bromance up until the war started.

Or we recognize that in the quest for fair treatment for all, there are going to be bumps in the road.

The biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, but white women are the ones complaining the loudest about it.

98% of college students will not get athletic scholarships. of the 2% who do, their chances of actually having to compete against a trans athlete are negligible.

This just isn't a crisis, other than you guys playing on Transphobia to make it one.
You really are an awful human being
These are women sports...for women......not men....this dude is going into a woman's sport with his male advantages and taking away the rewards of their dumb ass......

You leftists are so dishonest and evil it is hard to comprehend sometimes...

Well, no, it's pretty easy to understand.

You guys demonize trans people, the way you demonized gay people 20 years ago, and demonized black people, well, pretty much since the country began. really are stupid.....the majority of college degrees now go to women...women who work the same hours as single men with families are outperforming single have nothing that backs up what you believe.....but you post with such confidence....

You miss the point entirely... The problem isn't that they get degrees, it's what they get degrees in. We need more women in STEM.

Hey...moron...that Pritzker was my Company commander when I was in the National Guard......he was a good guy, a less than competent leader........but he tried hard.....

He is still a dude no matter what he chops off...

I served with her as well... but I don't want to say more in case we were in the same unit. What I remember was she would waddle in front of the formation and the men would laugh at her. I thought she was an entitled jackass and frankly, couldn't transfer out of that unit fast enough. (Yes, I am using female pronouns even though she presented as male at the time.)

Point was, despite being trans, she was functional and not insane... Actually, most National Guard officers in my experience were kind of useless. They were all the guys who were asked to leave the Real Army after hitting O-2 and then kept climbing up the ranks in the Guard.
Goes back to the point, if you spend your life honing your skills, and you can't beat a mediocre male competitor, what's the point?

Maybe they should hone their skills in practical things that will still be useful for them after the age of 30.
Maybe men who lose should do that too. Hey, loser, give up football and mow the lawn!

Maybe we aren't interested in beating males. Migod, what an idea. I was never interested in any sport with the idea of beating men or women -- just getting better at it, same as with non-sports like knitting and cooking and Latin. I used to be a pretty good horseback-rider, but it never occurred to me to compete with people about it!! What an idea.

Your ideas are hung up with competition: that's not the whole world of activity, you know, especially not for women. Before they dangled college money at girls, organized women's sports were rare. Hey, I know! We're DIFFERENT from you!!!
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Yep......this is fucking insane........the very party that lies about protecting the Rights of women will crush any woman who tries to speak up in the face of this insanity.... you finally see what we have been telling you about the democrats?

Yes, they should let religious nutters turn the country into Theocracy because you had to compete against a trans-woman once.


Why are you trying to excuse away an obvious abomination from policies YOU SUPPORT.

You have cancelled WOMEN…congrats.

Uh, most women are going to be fine.

You see, just because you get freaked out by Trans people doesn't mean everyone else does.
If someone wants to be a tranny ok that's fine, it has no impact on me. There are 7.5 billion people in the world. That's too many for me to give a shit about. So yeah, go be a tranny. I don't care.

But I do care when I am expected to acknowledge that a man is a woman because they aren't. I also care when their fantasy is forced to become everyone else's reality.

You are free to think and cosplay as whatever sex you want, but it won't change reality. A man cant never, ever be a woman because they are a man.

Stuff like this is unfair and a lie. I was raised to believe both of those things are bad.
I think it 2
If someone wants to be a tranny ok that's fine, it has no impact on me. There are 7.5 billion people in the world. That's too many for me to give a shit about. So yeah, go be a tranny. I don't care.

But I do care when I am expected to acknowledge that a man is a woman because they aren't. I also care when their fantasy is forced to become everyone else's reality.

You are free to think and cosplay as whatever sex you want, but it won't change reality. A man cant never, ever be a woman because they are a man.

Stuff like this is unfair and a lie. I was raised to believe both of those things are bad.
I believe it is our brains that make us human not our biology.
Wow, so the only reason to watch female athletics is if the women are attractive to you?

Really? This sort of blows the rest of your position out of the water.
That is why most men WATCH womens sports------truthfully speaking.

Allowig the trannies up, like with Victoria Secret, hurts the womens sports brand name and thusly funding and wages for their female athletes.

In the business interest of female sports and by any sense of morality--kick the fucking dudes and dresses out.

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