The dude Lia Thomas wins women's NCAA swimming title

Works on the assumption a trans person is crazy. Other than their gender identity, most of them function just fine.

I give you Colonel Jennifer Pritzker, cousin of the current Illinois governor, who despite being trans, rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Army National Guard, runs several charities, some related to veterans, and generally functions just fine.

or Amy Schneider, who recently completed a record-breaking run on Jeopardy! Seems she's perfectly well adjusted.

Hey...moron...that Pritzker was my Company commander when I was in the National Guard......he was a good guy, a less than competent leader........but he tried hard.....

He is still a dude no matter what he chops off...
women who work the same hours as single men with families are outperforming single men......

and are still getting paid less.

This year, Equal Pay Day was March 21, as that’s how far into 2021 the average American woman had to work (in addition to working all of 2020) to make as much money as the average American man earned in 2020.

Over the past few decades, this gender pay gap has been narrowing. But it’s a slow process and at the current rate, the gender pay gap will remain until 2059.
It should never have been thrown on these ladies backs to put an end to this garbage. That’s what the college sports organizations are for. The Athletic Directors, Deans and NCAA should be and should have been the ones to end this farce. These girls have what? One or two years to make an impact on their athletic futures? Olympic team and such? They shouldn’t be the ones having to ruin their career over this while some woke college AD gets paid six figures a year allowing this stupid shit.

Yep......this is fucking insane........the very party that lies about protecting the Rights of women will crush any woman who tries to speak up in the face of this insanity.... you finally see what we have been telling you about the democrats?
If they don’t cut out all the nonsense, at some point the women’s teams will consist solely of biological males who identify as female. The real women won’t bother, knowing how the odds are stacked against them.

I’ve been trying to think of a sport where males don’t have an advantage over females, and the only one i could think is horse racing, but that’s because it’s the HORSE that’s competing.

Maybe gymnastics. You'll notice that men's gymnastic competitions are quite different from women's, and the best female gymnasts are actually the ones who are small. This is because in women's gymnastics, a small size is actually an advantage in throwing your body around. No amount of extra strength is going to make up for the fact that a larger body is more awkward to maneuver gymnastically.
and are still getting paid less.

This year, Equal Pay Day was March 21, as that’s how far into 2021 the average American woman had to work (in addition to working all of 2020) to make as much money as the average American man earned in 2020.

Over the past few decades, this gender pay gap has been narrowing. But it’s a slow process and at the current rate, the gender pay gap will remain until 2059.

No...they are not getting paid less...that is a lie you assholes keep telling people.....

Women make slightly less because of the choices they have made compared to men.......there is no pay gap when you actually compare apples to apples.....

FACTS: No matter how many times this wage gap claim is decisively refuted by economists, it always comes back. The bottom line: the 23-cent gender pay gap is simply the difference between the average earnings of all men and women working full-time. It does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure or hours worked per week. When such relevant factors are considered, the wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing.

Look at the gender pay gap. Women get paid less for equal work. Look at how women are always at a disadvantage when it's time to choose promotions. You guys are really missing the big picture. This sporting event sends a loud and clear signal to women, and especially young girls, all over the country: If you want to get ahead in our society you can! All you have to do is to be born a man first! Wait--I think I missed a zero somewhere.

Maybe, uh....If you want to achieve your dreams and become a CEO or win gold at the Olympics all you have to do is have a surgery and become a man! No, that's still not right.

Oh! You remember the beginning of Braveheart, when they say that if we can't get rid of the Scots we'll breed them out of existence? It's a lot like that, but with lane lines and--er, no, that's still not adding up.

Skip for now, come back to me later, I'll figure this out.
Women.....this is all you need to know...

The democrat party supports men competing in women's sports and taking away the money, awards and scholarships from girls.......and making them feel really, really awkward in the locker room......

But, keep voting for democrats and see what else they are willing to do to you.....
Look at the gender pay gap. Women get paid less for equal work. Look at how women are always at a disadvantage when it's time to choose promotions. You guys are really missing the big picture. This sporting event sends a loud and clear signal to women, and especially young girls, all over the country: If you want to get ahead in our society you can! All you have to do is to be born a man first! Wait--I think I missed a zero somewhere.

Maybe, uh....If you want to achieve your dreams and become a CEO or win gold a the Olympics all you have to do is have a surgery and become a man! No, that's still not right.

Oh! You remember the beginning of Braveheart, when they say that if we can't get rid of the Scots we'll breed them out of existence? It's a lot like that, but with lane lines and--er, no, that's still not adding up.

Skip for now, come back to me later, I'll figure this out.

Wrong....that is a lie....
Yep......this is fucking insane........the very party that lies about protecting the Rights of women will crush any woman who tries to speak up in the face of this insanity.... you finally see what we have been telling you about the democrats?
When I started getting cancelled by my liberal dem acquaintances because I didn't hate Trump enough, I started looking at them all a bit more critically, and I saw just how deeply all those feminist women actually hate women! There were tons of stories in our shared history of how my feminist acquaintances really did awful things to the women around them.

I am totally convinced that the feminist left despises women.
Fair treatment for all means everyone competes with their peers. That's why we don't have college football teams playing Peewee league teams. It's why we don't have Olympic sprinters competing against high schoolers. And, drum roll please, it's why we don't have women competing against men in sports that emphasize strength speed and agility. But of course, if you have a 1950's mentality about women, you don't care.

We should be so lucky as to have him have a 1950s mentality about women. At least then he'd recognize that men and women are inherently different and one cannot become the other.

What he actually has is an inane, incoherent, and misogynist view of women. It's equally stupid and indefensible in all time periods.
Divide and conquer. Separate out into groups. Identity politics gets its roots from the Frankfurt School in the 1920s after WWI proved karl marx and Das Kapital wrong. Much to the dismay of the marxist disciples who were so committed that they devised another way to implement that worldwide revolutionary plan. Use political correctness to divide and conquer their true great threat and that was the America Republic where the middle class had a loud enough voice and since the American Presidents weren't Prime Ministers, kings or emperors, they knew it would a long struggle. They infiltrated the three main avenues by which to implement it. Educational system, by the extension the American media and the entertainment industry where the pied pipers are so effective.

Hence what we see now. The so called marxist system which for intents and purposes feudalism. Which is another one their tactics. Communism, marxism, socialism, democratic socialism, all packaged words in order to dilute the minds into thinking the real power elites really really really really care about them.

As tent cities rise in mass numbers as the power elites stay silent and carry on with their plans. As their trained monkeys yap away everyday about utter absurd bullshit.
I used to suppose all this was conspiracy theory -- the narrative that the hard Left is trying to destroy the family, all normal values, cause racism, etc., to destroy the society through chaos. And then they can take over. Now I do believe it. It's become obvious that something like this is going on.

Bill Barr, Trump's attorney general, also seems to believe it. I just finished his book (One Damn Thing After Another), which is wonderful and very thoughtful, and he says this new racism by the Left is Marx's materialism, class-based continual societal uproar, transmuted for America into race-based continual class warfare. A very interesting interpretation of what is going on. I never understood what materialism meant, but the rest makes sense to me. Marxism, trying again.
When I started getting cancelled by my liberal dem acquaintances because I didn't hate Trump enough, I started looking at them all a bit more critically, and I saw just how deeply all those feminist women actually hate women! There were tons of stories in our shared history of how my feminist acquaintances really did awful things to the women around them.

I am totally convinced that the feminist left despises women.

Leftist feminists...versus those real feminists who simply wanted to be treated fairly......are simply leftists....and they are insane.......they just took the path of using women to attack their enemies and shield themselves from critics...
and are still getting paid less.

This year, Equal Pay Day was March 21, as that’s how far into 2021 the average American woman had to work (in addition to working all of 2020) to make as much money as the average American man earned in 2020.

Over the past few decades, this gender pay gap has been narrowing. But it’s a slow process and at the current rate, the gender pay gap will remain until 2059.

Even your own article admits much of it has to do with children. Women have to leave work to get to the school their child is in if they get into trouble or become ill. Women stay home with a sick child sometimes for several weeks if need be. Maternity leave is another factor for working women who have not yet had children. Is it fair that Laura gets the same wage increase as Bob when Bob was working 50 weeks a year 50 hours a week while Laura stayed home ten or more of those weeks?

I had one employer that only hired women with children because of what it did to his healthcare costs. Having a baby is very expensive.

In the end it all evens out. Women are not underpaid simply because they're women if they can provide their company with the same level of output as their male counterparts.
Wow, so the only reason to watch female athletics is if the women are attractive to you?

Really? This sort of blows the rest of your position out of the water.
It's not women's business to be attractive to you men. That's your problem. I agree with GG.
Leftist feminists...versus those real feminists who simply wanted to be treated fairly......are simply leftists....and they are insane.......they just took the path of using women to attack their enemies and shield themselves from critics...
Well said.
Leftist feminists...versus those real feminists who simply wanted to be treated fairly......are simply leftists....and they are insane.......they just took the path of using women to attack their enemies and shield themselves from critics...
I THINK it's a question of mass confusion, and that it will soon straighten out.

I could be wrong ----------- :neutral:
I used to suppose all this was conspiracy theory -- the narrative that the hard Left is trying to destroy the family, all normal values, cause racism, etc., to destroy the society through chaos. And then they can take over. Now I do believe it. It's become obvious that something like this is going on.

Bill Barr, Trump's attorney general, also seems to believe it. I just finished his book (One Damn Thing After Another), which is wonderful and very thoughtful, and he says this new racism by the Left is Marx's materialism, class-based continual societal uproar, transmuted for America into race-based continual class warfare. A very interesting interpretation of what is going on. I never understood what materialism meant, but the rest makes sense to me. Marxism, trying again.

Yep.....I call it "Reality Dyslexia." They see truth, facts and reality the completely opposite of what they are...

To understand leftists....try this guy.....I think he explains what a leftist is and how they think and what they want better and more clearly than anyone else...

Country is not reproducing at the rate we need. We kinda been over this, woman play an important role in our countries success, it’s being a home engineer.

We have lively discussions in my house (where I live with my husband and two sons) because I maintain that women are actually the more important and essential of the two sexes in human society and civilization. Men are actually designed by nature to be the supporting role, not the other way around, and humans have actually misinterpreted it all this time. Unsurprisingly, my menfolk hate this theory, but they have yet to successfully dispute it.

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