The Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child!!!

I work with drug addicts, alcoholics, and welfare recipients, and I'd be happy to give you my opinions of all three. If you'd like me to talk about the parents of gang members, I can interject that, as well, along with the pussification of America.

I'm openly critical of a high percentage of my fellow Americans, and I certainly don't limit it to those whose constantly populated vaginas are controlled by their religious faith.

A hundred years ago, PC, we weren't dealing with overpopulation, social infrastructure (roads, highways, schools, hospitals, etc.) that can barely contain us, and an environment that is in crisis.

So, different times, different values. Conspicuous over-consumption (and overpopulation) aren't en vogue anymore. It is my hope that we will begin to live more thrifty, less hard on the earth lifestyles...all of us.

If we don't, I fear for our children and our children's children.

Maybe Jesus will come and save you from the earth you trash, but since I don't believe in fairy tales, I think it's up to use to save the earth for our future generations.

Boy you must be out of touch. Time to update your reading list.

The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by Paul R. Ehrlich. A best-selling work, it predicted disaster for humanity due to overpopulation and the "population explosion". The book predicted that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death", that nothing can be done to avoid mass famine greater than any in the history, and radical action is needed to limit the overpopulation. History proved Ehrlich wrong, as the mass starvations predicted for the 1970s and 1980s never occurred.

The Population Bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can also cross Malthus off your list.

Now see if you can come up with another reason to dislike this family.
why? i have 2 kids. am i on welfare, too?

To a certain degree, this country has always relied upon the taxpayers to subsidize education for all children. So, in fact, your childless neighbors are subsidizing you to some degree, depending upon what you pay in income and property taxes. However, I doubt they are subsidizing you to the tune of 90k a year because your wife can't keep her legs closed.
Boy you must be out of touch. Time to update your reading list.

I'm talking about today, sweetie. Have you driven on the roads lately? Have you seen the rampant destruction of more and more wild places in this country as cities encroach on what used to be farmland and natural habitats?

Do you want a country with nothing but asphalt and strip malls to leave to your children?
Yeah, that's just the share the U.S. taxpayers are putting into the pot.

Well here you have proved that you are either dumb or ignorant.

Either way, your not open to understanding the different applications and how it is not welfare.

Your like an old horse with blinders on who has traveled the same road for so long, if the blinders were removed, you would know no different.

I work with drug addicts, alcoholics, and welfare recipients, and I'd be happy to give you my opinions of all three. If you'd like me to talk about the parents of gang members, I can interject that, as well, along with the pussification of America.

I'm openly critical of a high percentage of my fellow Americans, and I certainly don't limit it to those whose constantly populated vaginas are controlled by their religious faith.

A hundred years ago, PC, we weren't dealing with overpopulation, social infrastructure (roads, highways, schools, hospitals, etc.) that can barely contain us, and an environment that is in crisis.

So, different times, different values. Conspicuous over-consumption (and overpopulation) aren't en vogue anymore. It is my hope that we will begin to live more thrifty, less hard on the earth lifestyles...all of us.

If we don't, I fear for our children and our children's children.

Maybe Jesus will come and save you from the earth you trash, but since I don't believe in fairy tales, I think it's up to use to save the earth for our future generations.

I work with them, too.

I think the whole "conspicuous over-consumption and over-population" hysteria is a fairy tale, along with the concept that we have the ability to harm the earth in any substantial manner.

And while it's good sense to be good stewards, I don't think that carries over to telling people whether or not they should be having children, what religion they should follow, or how many children they should be allowed.

I mean, it's working so well in CHina, isn't it. Infanticide, child sweatshops, the worst pollution in the world.

But by golly, they keep t hose kids to one per family, and they pooh-pooh religion. I guess that makes them better.
To a certain degree, this country has always relied upon the taxpayers to subsidize education for all children. So, in fact, your childless neighbors are subsidizing you to some degree, depending upon what you pay in income and property taxes. However, I doubt they are subsidizing you to the tune of 90k a year because your wife can't keep her legs closed.

I don't see any support for the 90K figure. Where are you getting that? It doesn't come from the deduction, and if it did it wouldn't be a subsidy. The child tax credit is generally not refundable, so again it wouldn't be a subsidy unless you wanted to argue the limited cases where it IS refundable, and I don't think it approaches 90K even then. Not even close in fact.
I gave myself to Jesus, but now he never calls.

Hmmm ............. You sound like those welfare people your bitching about. Waiting around for a handout, then pissed because it never came!

At least now I understand your avatar. lol

Hey, enjoy the evening .............. Tis the Season!
To a certain degree, this country has always relied upon the taxpayers to subsidize education for all children. So, in fact, your childless neighbors are subsidizing you to some degree, depending upon what you pay in income and property taxes. However, I doubt they are subsidizing you to the tune of 90k a year because your wife can't keep her legs closed.

let's leave my wife out of the conversation.

you're correct that taxes have always subsidized the education of all our children. yes, my childless neighbors have paid taxes for services that they didn't receive. my neighbors that don't own cars got screwed for highway repairs, and they're also going to help pay to plow the roads tonight.

letting someone keep the money they've earned is not a subsidy.
I'm talking about today, sweetie. Have you driven on the roads lately? Have you seen the rampant destruction of more and more wild places in this country as cities encroach on what used to be farmland and natural habitats?

Do you want a country with nothing but asphalt and strip malls to leave to your children?

Do you realize how inane your response was? Talk about anectodal reports! I bet because you go to the movie theater that you believe that this country is populated by people shoulder to shoulder.

"As of September 30, 2003, 29.6% of all land in the U.S. was owned by the federal government, with total acreage of 671,759,297.7. "

Next time, pick a subject you know something about.
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Do you realize how inane your response was? Talk about anectodal reports! I bet because you go to the movie theater that you believe that this country by people shoulder to shoulder.

"As of September 30, 2003, 29.6% of all land in the U.S. was owned by the federal government, with total acreage of 671,759,297.7. "

Next time, pick a subject you know something about.

LOL Yep!
I'm talking about today, sweetie. Have you driven on the roads lately? Have you seen the rampant destruction of more and more wild places in this country as cities encroach on what used to be farmland and natural habitats?

Do you want a country with nothing but asphalt and strip malls to leave to your children?

Unfortunately, what you support is destructive to our economy and our population.

People have a right to use the resources on their land, we have a right to use our own resources, instead of purchasing things like lumber from Japan and oil from Mexico, and people who own land should damn well be able to develop it as they see fit.

The price of having the highest standard of living in the world is development. The landscape will change, and change is not bad. The Romans changed the world with roads and garrisons, they brought order and education to the masses. It is DEVOLVING to refuse to develop your own resources and move forward because you want a primitive landscape for city dwellers to enjoy the one time a year they step foot outside the smog zone and take a vacation.
Actually kids, we are pretty close in this country to zero population growth. That's why amnesty for illegals is a good idea.

Do they pay the actual cost for the services they take out of the system, i.e., attending local schools? If not, they are indeed being subsidized by the rest of us.

These children do not attend public shcool and therefore noone's tax dollars pay for their education. They are home schooled which given that they teach them that the earth is 6,000 years old might be a problem later but it won't be the tax payers problem I'd guess.

They apparently own residential and commerical rental property as well, which would seemingly generate a substantial income not to mention I doubt they do their show for free.

They never buy their clothing or shoes new, only at thrift stores and I just watched an epi where they got 20 pairs of shoes for something like $6.00!

They buy their food in bulk and make their own laundry soap as well. They have figured out how to live within their means and even if you don't have 18 kids they way they run their home could be a lesson for all of us. They don't waste anything it appears.

Is the mother and father able to "properly" parent each and every child every minute of the day? probably not but that's really no different than the mother and father with 1 or 2 children who are so wrapped up in their own lives that they don't properly parent either. At least in this family there are older sibilings around to look after the younger ones. They certainly all appear to love each other and IMO that counts for a lot.
It's her body, she can have as many kids as she wishes without anyone telling her otherwise. Or does that stand only pertain to abortion?
I have a theory that people who don't want to have children are too darn selfish. They are afraid that children will "ruin" their lifestyle.
I have a theory that people who don't want to have children are too darn selfish. They are afraid that children will "ruin" their lifestyle.

Isn't it much more selfish to have a child you don't want and then neglect it or pawn it off on other people so you can do your own thing? Not everyone is meant to be a parent and sometimes it's much more selfish to have a child because it's EXPECTED rather than admit that you just don't want them.

I find the opinion that it's selfish to NOT have children to be disturbing and judgemental as the opinion that too many children is selfish. I have a friend who is nearing 50 and she never had children because she never wanted them. She's a fantastic aunt to her nieces and nephews and she's in a loving and healthy relationship with a wonderful man but neither of them ever felt the need to have children of their own. I'm not sure what makes you see that as selfish.....
I think I relived some of my labor pains when I heard this story.

It's a girl! Duggars welcome 18th child
Ever-growing Arkansas family adds a holiday bundle-of-joy to their brood
TODAY staff and wire
updated 7:38 p.m. ET, Thurs., Dec. 18, 2008
Michelle Duggar has given birth to her 18th child.

The Arkansas supermom delivered the baby girl by Caesarean section Thursday at Mercy Medical Center in Rogers. The baby, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar, weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.

"The ultimate Christmas gift from God," said Jim Bob Duggar, the father of the 18 children. "She's just absolutely beautiful, like her mom and her sisters."

The Duggars now have 10 sons and eight daughters.

Jim Bob Duggar said Michelle started having contractions Wednesday night. She needed the C-section, her third, because the baby was lying sideways. Jim Bob said both baby and mother were doing well Thursday night.

"We both would love to have more," he said.

The cable network TLC broadcasts a weekly show about the Duggars, called "Seventeen and Counting." Chris Finnegan of TLC — which handles public relations for the Duggar family — said the show's name would be updated to account for the latest addition to the family. He said TLC also will air a show Monday on the baby's delivery.

Jim Bob Duggar is 43, a year older than his wife. Their oldest child, Joshua, is 20.

"Our whole family is excited about Jordyn's addition to our family," Jim Bob Duggar said. "She's just perfect in every way."

Read more below if you can handle it. Actually, I always wanted a big family, but I dislike being pregnant.

It's a girl! Duggars welcome 18th child - Parenting & Family -

Are these people retarded??

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