The economy could crash and Trump would still win in 2020

Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

If the economy goes south then even Harris might beat Trump... Trump need a strong economy to win again and if the economy goes south so does his bid for a second term...

It's all about cultural issues, same as in 2016. The democrats are fully committed to redefining the very fundamentals of what it means to be human and most people aren't on board with that shit. Not yet anyway.

In red and blue states you are correct but in swing purple states I disagree and a poor economy hurt Trump...

Golfing Gator is correct when pointing out Trump barely won those swing States in 2016 and had it not been for that Scandal within the DNC Hillary would have won.

You better hope those that voted Green stay Green because if not Trump loses...
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

If the economy goes south then even Harris might beat Trump... Trump need a strong economy to win again and if the economy goes south so does his bid for a second term...

It's all about cultural issues, same as in 2016. The democrats are fully committed to redefining the very fundamentals of what it means to be human and most people aren't on board with that shit. Not yet anyway.

In red and blue states you are correct but in swing purple states I disagree and a poor economy hurt Trump...

Golfing Gator is correct when pointing out Trump barely won those swing States in 2016 and had it not been for that Scandal within the DNC Hillary would have won.

You better hope those that voted Green stay Green because if not Trump loses...

I hope the antics of the left since Trump's election showed the fence sitters just exactly why it's so important that they be smashed.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

If the economy goes south then even Harris might beat Trump... Trump need a strong economy to win again and if the economy goes south so does his bid for a second term...

It's all about cultural issues, same as in 2016. The democrats are fully committed to redefining the very fundamentals of what it means to be human and most people aren't on board with that shit. Not yet anyway.

In red and blue states you are correct but in swing purple states I disagree and a poor economy hurt Trump...

Golfing Gator is correct when pointing out Trump barely won those swing States in 2016 and had it not been for that Scandal within the DNC Hillary would have won.

You better hope those that voted Green stay Green because if not Trump loses...

Trump barely won those swingers because he had no history of working his ass off for America’s Best, no history to prove his commitment and relentlessness to ruin the Left, no history to prove he wants wetbacks eradicated....That’s no longer the case.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

If the economy goes south then even Harris might beat Trump... Trump need a strong economy to win again and if the economy goes south so does his bid for a second term...

It's all about cultural issues, same as in 2016. The democrats are fully committed to redefining the very fundamentals of what it means to be human and most people aren't on board with that shit. Not yet anyway.

In red and blue states you are correct but in swing purple states I disagree and a poor economy hurt Trump...

Golfing Gator is correct when pointing out Trump barely won those swing States in 2016 and had it not been for that Scandal within the DNC Hillary would have won.

You better hope those that voted Green stay Green because if not Trump loses...

I hope the antics of the left since Trump's election showed the fence sitters just exactly why it's so important that they be smashed.

Swing State voters especially green voters only care about what is offered to bribe then to vote for the left candidate.

Green voter in Swing States will be the one that either help the left or help Trump win by them going third party again in 2020...
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

If the economy goes south then even Harris might beat Trump... Trump need a strong economy to win again and if the economy goes south so does his bid for a second term...

It's all about cultural issues, same as in 2016. The democrats are fully committed to redefining the very fundamentals of what it means to be human and most people aren't on board with that shit. Not yet anyway.

In red and blue states you are correct but in swing purple states I disagree and a poor economy hurt Trump...

Golfing Gator is correct when pointing out Trump barely won those swing States in 2016 and had it not been for that Scandal within the DNC Hillary would have won.

You better hope those that voted Green stay Green because if not Trump loses...

Trump barely won those swingers because he had no history of working his ass off for America’s Best, no history to prove his commitment and relentless to ruin the Left, no history to prove he wants wetbacks eradicated....That’s no longer the case.

Swing States care more about what they can get from government while not having their pocketbooks hit...

Trump need a strong economy to win.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

If the economy goes south then even Harris might beat Trump... Trump need a strong economy to win again and if the economy goes south so does his bid for a second term...

It's all about cultural issues, same as in 2016. The democrats are fully committed to redefining the very fundamentals of what it means to be human and most people aren't on board with that shit. Not yet anyway.

In red and blue states you are correct but in swing purple states I disagree and a poor economy hurt Trump...

Golfing Gator is correct when pointing out Trump barely won those swing States in 2016 and had it not been for that Scandal within the DNC Hillary would have won.

You better hope those that voted Green stay Green because if not Trump loses...

I hope the antics of the left since Trump's election showed the fence sitters just exactly why it's so important that they be smashed.

Swing State voters especially green voters only care about what is offered to bribe then to vote for the left candidate.

Green voter in Swing States will be the one that either help the left or help Trump win by them going third party again in 2020...

Hmm you might have a point.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

I would run the video of all of those Dem faggits raising their hand to give illegals free healthcare daylight to dark 24/7. What true American votes for that shit. Disgusting pieces of shit

And I would run ads of Trump's tweet laughing at the fact he caused the DJI to drop by 600 plus points in a day

Yeah, I pulled 5 grand out of money market and bought last low spot. 5 years from now who gives a crap. Do you want to give healthcare to illegals, answer the question please

nope, I do not.

It is also just primary talk, there are not enough Dems in congress that support that tripe for it to ever happen.

Good I hope they are just bullsitting. I just cant imagine anybody voting for that, April fools or not. What kind of disgusting American would even suggest that?
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

Is that why the Republicans had their worst Congressional defeat in 44 years last year?
No, the Republicans had the worst congressional defeat in 2018 because the deep state coup attempt and the MSM kept the "Russia Collusion" hoax in the news promoting the fantasy that Trump was going to be impeached. Now that the Mueller investigation flopped, and the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz investigations are about to start indicting the real criminals, 2020 should be a democrat wipe-out.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.
If the economy crashes Trump is gone. America was America before Trump was elected. With Trump we are Russia.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.
If the economy crashes Trump is gone. America was America before Trump was elected. With Trump we are Russia.
You know absolutely nothing about Russia.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?

Look bud, save yourself from falling prey to the clutches of TDS...I see you’re losing just a little more of your shit each and every day. Your TDS combined with that hardcore case of Headinassitus is making you look bad...REAL BAD.
Like DJT said early on....he “could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any support”.
You need to recognize that we aren’t that’s that Mexicrats are just that fucked in the head.
Only you twisted low-down disgusting degenerates want anything to do with the Party Of Fith And Foreigners.
I could catch Donny smashing the shit out of my wife with three of his buddies and I’d still vote for him. Trust me lowlifes are’re getting Donny until 2024...Yep, we “DRANK THE PISS”.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

Half baked bullshit to self-medicate anxiety of what slowing economy will do to your dear leader's political future.

You take Trump candidacy and subract those in the middle country that held their nose and voted for him for purely economic reasons and his EC win with 2+ million vote deficit in the last election becomes more like 10+ million vote deficit and an EC loss.
Last edited:
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?

Look bud, save yourself from falling prey to the clutches of TDS...I see you’re losing just a little more of your shit each and every day. Your TDS combined with that hardcore case of Headinassitus is making you look bad...REAL BAD.
Like DJT said early on....he “could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any support”.
You need to recognize that we aren’t that’s that Mexicrats are just that fucked in the head.
Only you twisted low-down disgusting degenerates want anything to do with the Party Of Fith And Foreigners.
I could catch Donny smashing the shit out of wife with three of his buddies and I’d still vote for him. Trust me lowlifes are’re getting Donny until 2024...Yep, we “DRANK THE PISS”.

Like DJT said early on....he “could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any support

While I agree with that - he didn't say that -
He said that the Media said that.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.
As I have said from the beginning, the 2016 election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

But you are a damned idiot, and if the economy crashes, Trump is done.

Trump is doing his best to bring that about, too. He's working hard to sabotage the economy every way he can.
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

Half baked bullshit to self-medicate anxiety of what slowing economy will do to your dear leader's political future.

You take Trump candidacy and subract those in the middle country that held their nose and voted for him for purely economic reasons and his EC win with 2+ million vote deficit in the last election becomes more like 10+ million vote deficit and an EC loss.

The only folks who voted for him for his economics are those who work in industries such as mining, manufacturing etc...and they know he’s been busting his ass for them....EVERYBODY else voted on fuck wetbacks, smash the Left and Americans First. Sorry,’re FUCKED!
Because he was not elected for his economic policies....He was elected to squash the Left, to chase wetbacks out, to FORCE societal change, to see to it that Americans are put first and to Make America American Again. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been paying attention.

Half baked bullshit to self-medicate anxiety of what slowing economy will do to your dear leader's political future.

You take Trump candidacy and subract those in the middle country that held their nose and voted for him for purely economic reasons and his EC win with 2+ million vote deficit in the last election becomes more like 10+ million vote deficit and an EC loss.

The only folks who voted for him for his economics are those who work in industries such as mining, manufacturing etc...and they know he’s been busting his ass for them....EVERYBODY else voted on fuck wetbacks, smash the Left and Americans First. Sorry,’re FUCKED!

I don't know what they think he is busting for them, but the objective results are slim to none and his trade wars have been cramping their style.

Manufacturing is currently in a contraction slump.
Would not be willing to bet a penny on who will win the election. We have the power when united to take the money out of politics. then & only then will the game shift to include the vast majority in the running of our government.

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