The economy is booming despite the media's attempt to talk it down...

I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

I am glad the tax cut was good for you.

Seeing that you are a retired person I can see why you do not care about the national debt, you will be dead before it has to be paid.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

I am glad the tax cut was good for you.

Seeing that you are a retired person I can see why you do not care about the national debt, you will be dead before it has to be paid.
It will never have to be paid. It will simply be refinanced. Didn't y0u know that?
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.
The GDP, bond yields and Fed rate decreases are "false media narratives"?

And aren't you concerned about the rest of the country, at least a little bit?
GDP, that's it? There's the VIX, PMI, consumer confidence, wage and employment data, world events and consideration for an inverted yield curve. There are plenty of things that signal market moves and Trump has them heading in the right direction. Throw a green new deal or medicare for all or reparations or free college or debt forgiveness or open borders in there and watch our economy disintegrate.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.
The GDP, bond yields and Fed rate decreases are "false media narratives"?

And aren't you concerned about the rest of the country, at least a little bit?
GDP, that's it? There's the VIX, PMI, consumer confidence, wage and employment data, world events and consideration for an inverted yield curve. There are plenty of things that signal market moves and Trump has them heading in the right direction. Throw a green new deal or medicare for all or reparations or free college or debt forgiveness or open borders in there and watch our economy disintegrate.

And that dude claims to be an economic expert that does it as a living.
Glad I'm not one of his clients!
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

Anyone who receives $3k back from the IRS has no clue how to manage their money.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

I am glad the tax cut was good for you.

Seeing that you are a retired person I can see why you do not care about the national debt, you will be dead before it has to be paid.
If I didn't care about leaving this obscene debt behind, I wouldn't care about open borders, free trade or anything else. I would just go establishment and support anything that made things cheaper and easier for me. In actuality, I probably care about the debt more than you. I believe in leaving something better than you found it and this obscene debt isn't an improvement. But the contentious shit that goes on between our two dysfunctional parties will keep this trend on the same path unless Republicans get the majority in 2020 and follow Trump's lead. A Democratic President with majorities in both houses has no chance of reigning in spending. I really think Trump is the only guy that can right this ship.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

Anyone who receives $3k back from the IRS has no clue how to manage their money.

I'm retired and got so much money coming in I gotta make quarterly payments this year for next year to the IRS.
But a monkey poo flinger like you wouldn't understand!
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

Anyone who receives $3k back from the IRS has no clue how to manage their money.

I'm retired and got so much money coming in I gotta make quarterly payments this year for next year to the IRS.
But a monkey poo flinger like you wouldn't understand!
Congratulations on your successful retirement. I think that dude is just tired from doing poop slalom on his neighborhood sidewalk. He'll have some new disease soon and he'll have his idiotic politicians to thank. And he'll still think of himself and the like minded idiots that rule him as being right and enlightened. We call people like that dipshits.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.
That's not what you've been saying in the past......which is it?
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.

I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

Anyone who receives $3k back from the IRS has no clue how to manage their money.

I'm retired and got so much money coming in I gotta make quarterly payments this year for next year to the IRS.
But a monkey poo flinger like you wouldn't understand!

Congratulations on your successful retirement. I think that dude is just tired from doing poop slalom on his neighborhood sidewalk. He'll have some new disease soon and he'll have his idiotic politicians to thank. And he'll still think of himself and the like minded idiots that rule him as being right and enlightened. We call people like that dipshits.

My monthly retirement check is $9,457.47 (NET).

I have $1,508.36 deducted for Federal Taxes, $400 for State Taxes, and $281.98 for health + $2728 for dental. I had surgery on my leg last year, the total cost for the surgery was $10.00, and the meds were each $10.00 per Rx. for 90 days.

I call people like you liars, fools and pitiful.
If I didn't care about leaving this obscene debt behind, I wouldn't care about open borders, free trade or anything else. I would just go establishment and support anything that made things cheaper and easier for me. In actuality, I probably care about the debt more than you. I believe in leaving something better than you found it and this obscene debt isn't an improvement. But the contentious shit that goes on between our two dysfunctional parties will keep this trend on the same path unless Republicans get the majority in 2020 and follow Trump's lead. A Democratic President with majorities in both houses has no chance of reigning in spending. I really think Trump is the only guy that can right this ship.

If you cared about leaving this obscene debt behind, you would not give a free pass to the man adding to the debt even faster than the last guy, who was the 2nd worst POSTUS ever.
I had a great job and made tons of money under by your standard the economy was booming under Obama....
I'm retired and basically on a fixed income with fixed deductions as well. I got 3K more back last year than the year before. Thank you Trumpy, for tax cut.

Anyone who receives $3k back from the IRS has no clue how to manage their money.

I'm retired and got so much money coming in I gotta make quarterly payments this year for next year to the IRS.
But a monkey poo flinger like you wouldn't understand!

Congratulations on your successful retirement. I think that dude is just tired from doing poop slalom on his neighborhood sidewalk. He'll have some new disease soon and he'll have his idiotic politicians to thank. And he'll still think of himself and the like minded idiots that rule him as being right and enlightened. We call people like that dipshits.

My monthly retirement check is $9,457.47 (NET).

I have $1,508.36 deducted for Federal Taxes, $400 for State Taxes, and $281.98 for health + $2728 for dental. I had surgery on my leg last year, the total cost for the surgery was $10.00, and the meds were each $10.00 per Rx. for 90 days.

I call people like you liars, fools and pitiful.
Why the hell would you put all that personal stuff on the internet? Either you're retarded or you're desperate to get laid. Take a hike.
If I didn't care about leaving this obscene debt behind, I wouldn't care about open borders, free trade or anything else. I would just go establishment and support anything that made things cheaper and easier for me. In actuality, I probably care about the debt more than you. I believe in leaving something better than you found it and this obscene debt isn't an improvement. But the contentious shit that goes on between our two dysfunctional parties will keep this trend on the same path unless Republicans get the majority in 2020 and follow Trump's lead. A Democratic President with majorities in both houses has no chance of reigning in spending. I really think Trump is the only guy that can right this ship.

If you cared about leaving this obscene debt behind, you would not give a free pass to the man adding to the debt even faster than the last guy, who was the 2nd worst POSTUS ever.
I'm a big tipper. What can I say?
Tons of money is meaningless when your purchasing power is equivalent to four cents on the dollar. Besides, it's currency, not money. Real money is a store of value, duh.
I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.
The GDP, bond yields and Fed rate decreases are "false media narratives"?

And aren't you concerned about the rest of the country, at least a little bit?
GDP, that's it? There's the VIX, PMI, consumer confidence, wage and employment data, world events and consideration for an inverted yield curve. There are plenty of things that signal market moves and Trump has them heading in the right direction. Throw a green new deal or medicare for all or reparations or free college or debt forgiveness or open borders in there and watch our economy disintegrate.
The inverted yield curve cannot be spun into a positive thing. The VIX is not economic data. It doesn't mean a thing in terms of the actual economy - it just measures market volatility. There is no direct, linear correlation between consumer confidence and the actual economic data. So really, all you've done there is toss out some random terms.

The only strong substantive number right now is the unemployment rate, and that was dropping when Trump took office. And even with unemployment this low, it's not driving either growth or inflation. In response, we have the Fed dropping rates when it doesn't want to - we needed them to get higher so they would have more wiggle room. On top of that, Treasury yields are down over 50% in the last eight or nine months. Not a good sign.

Not to mention what Trump did to the deficit in a non-recessionary period, something even Keynes himself wouldn't recommend.

So it's clear we have very mixed data at best, and that our economy is not growing nearly as quickly as Trump promised. He has under-performed on the economy, at least to date. But here's hoping.
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I write from personal experience. I have a great job and I am making tons of money. I'm not going to believe a false media narrative while I'm personally doing well.
The GDP, bond yields and Fed rate decreases are "false media narratives"?

And aren't you concerned about the rest of the country, at least a little bit?
GDP, that's it? There's the VIX, PMI, consumer confidence, wage and employment data, world events and consideration for an inverted yield curve. There are plenty of things that signal market moves and Trump has them heading in the right direction. Throw a green new deal or medicare for all or reparations or free college or debt forgiveness or open borders in there and watch our economy disintegrate.

And that dude claims to be an economic expert that does it as a living.
Glad I'm not one of his clients!
There are few real "experts" on this, and I have never claimed to be one. Not once. But it's very nice to see you lie like that.

Please see post 37, although we both know you won't understand it.
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