The Economy is Booming Like Never Before !!

Lou Dobbs Issues Warning About U.S. Debt | Bill O'Reilly
The U.S. debt will soon surpass our GDP, warns Lou Dobbs.
It is unsustainable and Joe Biden is only making it worse as he pushes for another $5 trillion in spending, he tells Bill O'Reilly.

OP: Democrat green spending will literally destroy us

Yes Bush and Trump gave us mega deficits.
Bush inherited a balanced budget then crashed the economy.
Trump spent like a drunken sailor and had the biggest deficts ever in US history...

Biden has given us the best economy in the 21st century.

Trish Shreds Biden's Economic Policy "Get Ready For More Inflation!"​

Electricity up 6.5%. Fuel oil up 59%. Firewood up 35%. Eggs up 12%. And, steak up 24%. The cost of everything is going up, up and away. Trish Regan warns it's about to get a whole lot worse.

Yes Bush and Trump gave us mega deficits.
Bush inherited a balanced budget then crashed the economy.
Trump spent like a drunken sailor and had the biggest deficts ever in US history...

Biden has given us the best economy in the 21st century.
Get back to me when a republican can have a booming economy, something they have not had in a very very long time.

No republican has had an economy this strong.
For the Dems, some CNN

Why inflation is a political nightmare for Biden

Joe Biden's next political nightmare is inflation, a force that can destroy family budgets and political careers and is being driven by domestic and global factors tough for a president to quickly fix.

Government data showing the cost of living rose 6.2% over the last 12 months -- the highest rate in 30 years -- set off White House alarm bells on Wednesday and offered a new opening for Republicans lambasting Biden over high energy prices.
For the Dems, some CNN

Why inflation is a political nightmare for Biden

Joe Biden's next political nightmare is inflation, a force that can destroy family budgets and political careers and is being driven by domestic and global factors tough for a president to quickly fix.

Government data showing the cost of living rose 6.2% over the last 12 months -- the highest rate in 30 years -- set off White House alarm bells on Wednesday and offered a new opening for Republicans lambasting Biden over high energy prices.
You gotta love these lefttards who think the entire country doesnt see inflation as an issue and it is Bidens issue.

When CNN says the White House house is tweaking over inflation….you have to be a special kind of dumb asshole to say the economy is perfect.

Biden's war on American energy made us dependent, again​

Once, during a meeting with then-presidential candidate Donald Trump inside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, we discussed energy policy. I told Trump that if we went all out to produce America's abundant supply of oil, gas and coal, the United States could be energy independent in four years.

Trump looked at me from behind his desk and shook his head. "I don't want America to be energy independent. I want America to be energy dominant."

There are few issues where Trump and President Joe Biden have differed more broadly on policy than on energy production. Trump went full speed on fossil fuel production. He lifted drilling restrictions, especially in states such as Alaska and on federal lands in the continental states. He gave the green light to vitally needed pipelines. He blocked new extreme environmental regulations that were intended to choke off our oil and gas supplies. He recognized the shale oil and gas revolution as an unparalleled opportunity to reduce reliance on foreign oil.

The Trump energy policy was an astonishing economic success story. By January 2021, exactly a year ago and Trump's last month in office, for the first time in nearly 50 years, the U.S. was producing more oil than we were consuming. We imported no net oil from Saudi Arabia and the OPEC cartel nations. We were also producing more oil and gas than the Russians and the Arabs.

Free at last.

Biden has come into office, and after one year, we have seen a 4% surplus of domestic oil and gas production fall to a 4% oil and gas deficit. We have gone from energy independence back to energy dependence. This is because Biden has declared war on American energy.

He has killed pipelines and reversed almost all of Trump's pro-drilling policies. In early January, Biden stopped drilling on hundreds of thousands of potentially prime oil fields in Alaska. He is obsessed with climate change, so he loves wind and solar power and electric cars that don't use gasoline. But under even the most optimistic assumptions, we will be getting the majority of our electric power, heating oil and transportation fuels from fossil fuels for at least the next 25-30 years.
For the past 100 years the GOP record on the economy has been a total disgrace and failure (just like the presidencies of Bush and trump).

11 of the last 12 recessions happened under a GOP president. Every single GOP pres across the board has had at least 1 recession for the past 100 years. GDP growth, Jobs growth, and stock market gains have all been substantially greater under dems than GOP.

NOW this pattern is continuing yet again. Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of prosperity, the best economy maybe ever. The GOP followed that up with Bush, the worst president ever who inherited a balanced budget and then imploded the economy with the worst crash since the GOP gave us the Great Depression.

Obama fixed the Bush crash and gave Trump an economy with low growth and low 4.7% unemployment and Trump borrowed a fuck ton of $$ and then crashed the economy again as he totally mismanaged covid badly. Trump had mega, massive, record deficits.

NOW Biden has given us the Biden BOOOM. The best economy of the 21st century with mega booming jobs adding +470k this past month and mega booming GDP growth of +7% this past quarter. Trump never came close to that. (+2.13% in 2019 and only +200k jobs/month, same as Obama).

No republican has ever had an economy this good. Yet all the Trumpers can do is whine and cry and flail and squirm...

Trump was going to be reelected in a landslide pre-COVID exactly because of the booming economy. Biden is riding the fading wave of the recovery. If you haven’t figured out that we are in for a major correction soon then you shouldn’t be playing with money. Maybe you are one of those that listen to the same experts that said this inflation was transitory? That was all over CNN for months. Many lemmings bought it.
You gotta love these lefttards who think the entire country doesnt see inflation as an issue and it is Bidens issue.

When CNN says the White House house is tweaking over inflation….you have to be a special kind of dumb asshole to say the economy is perfect.
Enjoy the booming economy, the best economy of the 21st century.

The best job growth and the best GDP growth, with a booming stock market.

I ask again. When is a republican going to have an economy this strong ???
Trump was going to be reelected in a landslide pre-COVID exactly because of the booming economy. Biden is riding the fading wave of the recovery. If you haven’t figured out that we are in for a major correction soon then you shouldn’t be playing with money. Maybe you are one of those that listen to the same experts that said this inflation was transitory? That was all over CNN for months. Many lemmings bought it.
+2.13% GDP growth in 2019, with mega mega deficits ...

That's not a booming economy, that is a garbage economy, and that is what Trump had. A weak low growth economy with bigtime deficts.
Get back to me when a republican can have a booming economy, something they have not had in a very very long time.

No republican has had an economy this strong.

Where were you in Feb. of 2020?

Biden's war on American energy made us dependent, again​

Once, during a meeting with then-presidential candidate Donald Trump inside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, we discussed energy policy. I told Trump that if we went all out to produce America's abundant supply of oil, gas and coal, the United States could be energy independent in four years.

Trump looked at me from behind his desk and shook his head. "I don't want America to be energy independent. I want America to be energy dominant."

There are few issues where Trump and President Joe Biden have differed more broadly on policy than on energy production. Trump went full speed on fossil fuel production. He lifted drilling restrictions, especially in states such as Alaska and on federal lands in the continental states. He gave the green light to vitally needed pipelines. He blocked new extreme environmental regulations that were intended to choke off our oil and gas supplies. He recognized the shale oil and gas revolution as an unparalleled opportunity to reduce reliance on foreign oil.

The Trump energy policy was an astonishing economic success story. By January 2021, exactly a year ago and Trump's last month in office, for the first time in nearly 50 years, the U.S. was producing more oil than we were consuming. We imported no net oil from Saudi Arabia and the OPEC cartel nations. We were also producing more oil and gas than the Russians and the Arabs.

Free at last.

Biden has come into office, and after one year, we have seen a 4% surplus of domestic oil and gas production fall to a 4% oil and gas deficit. We have gone from energy independence back to energy dependence. This is because Biden has declared war on American energy.

He has killed pipelines and reversed almost all of Trump's pro-drilling policies. In early January, Biden stopped drilling on hundreds of thousands of potentially prime oil fields in Alaska. He is obsessed with climate change, so he loves wind and solar power and electric cars that don't use gasoline. But under even the most optimistic assumptions, we will be getting the majority of our electric power, heating oil and transportation fuels from fossil fuels for at least the next 25-30 years.
Huh, Too bad we are exporting energy.
The US is one of the biggest energy producers in the world, and we are exporting out energy.

You are fake news, and that article is factually inaccurate

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