The Economy is Booming Like Never Before !!

Yes trump and Obama had weak low growth economies.
Trump's economy was very similar to Obama's.

But Biden's economy is just like Bill Clinton's booming economy. How come all the best times are under the Dems??

God Bless Joe Biden and the booming Biden Economy, the Best economy of the 21st century
Bless your little heart.
The OP's posts....always make me laugh! he always manages to come up with the most ridiculous statements ever!

Like this one, where he says the economy is booming! :auiqs.jpg:

oh dear....another mentally retarded LOL
The facts and data say that.
I get it, you hate America and you hate that the economy is booming. You care more about Trump than America. Party over country, like a total sheep
Woaahhh !

Booming jobs number today with big upward revisions to last month's number too !
Add in the booming +7% GDP blaster we had last week !!
Wages are rising like never before and workers have a lot more money!
Port and covid induced inflation is set to ease in a few months.

This is the strongest the US economy has ever been and 2022 is setting up to be a great year !

We just added 468k new jobs !!! What a big number
Last month jobs revised up to 500+k !!! What a big number

God Bless Joe Biden and the Booming Biden Economy !!!!

Runaway inflation, empty shelves, no workers. Had we not shut down in 2020, this ALL could have been avoided. And who was the one voice advising against a shutdown? One Donald J Trump. Roundly ridiculed by the Marxist media, but Trump was the only one who was right.
Of Trump's many talents, he was a gifted economist. Pretty much everything he did worked. The economy of 2017 to early 2020 was phenomenal. Never better. Then the Democrats pissed it all away.
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So you are falling for the hype?...we still haven't gotten to the number of jobs we had before covid and until we reach that number... we are failing...I don't care what kind of spin Biden throws out...
Of course you don't. What a pussy loser you are. Shame. You seem led by capitalist evangelicals. This will go nowhere. Again.

Runaway inflation, empty shelves, no workers. Had we not shut down in 2020, this ALL could have been avoided. And who was the one voice advising against a shutdown? One Donald J Trump. Roundly ridiculed by the Marxist media, but Trump was the only one who was right.
Of Trump's many talents, he was a gifted economist. Pretty much everything he did worked. The economy of 2017 to early 2020 was phenomenal. Never better. Then the Democrats pissed it all away.
You Lie!

Trump scared everyone, told them to stay home & business to shut down. Pelosi & Biden told everyone not to panic, keep going out shopping. Trump wrecked the economy all by himself.

Runaway inflation, empty shelves, no workers. Had we not shut down in 2020, this ALL could have been avoided. And who was the one voice advising against a shutdown? One Donald J Trump. Roundly ridiculed by the Marxist media, but Trump was the only one who was right.
Of Trump's many talents, he was a gifted economist. Pretty much everything he did worked. The economy of 2017 to early 2020 was phenomenal. Never better. Then the Democrats pissed it all away.
Trump had weak low growth and massive mega deficts.
Only +2.13% GDP in 2019, Obama did better than that.
Trump's economy was mediocre at best, and the numbers prove this.
You lie, but the numbers don't lie.

Trump had a mediocre economy, then he crashed the economy just like Bush crashed the economy. Trump and Bush, 2 failed GOP presidents that both crashed the economy in failure and left office in shame and disgrace with the country in ruin.
For the past 100 years the GOP record on the economy has been a total disgrace and failure (just like the presidencies of Bush and trump).

11 of the last 12 recessions happened under a GOP president. Every single GOP pres across the board has had at least 1 recession for the past 100 years. GDP growth, Jobs growth, and stock market gains have all been substantially greater under dems than GOP.

NOW this pattern is continuing yet again. Bill Clinton gave us the Golden Age of prosperity, the best economy maybe ever. The GOP followed that up with Bush, the worst president ever who inherited a balanced budget and then imploded the economy with the worst crash since the GOP gave us the Great Depression.

Obama fixed the Bush crash and gave Trump an economy with low growth and low 4.7% unemployment and Trump borrowed a fuck ton of $$ and then crashed the economy again as he totally mismanaged covid badly. Trump had mega, massive, record deficits.

NOW Biden has given us the Biden BOOOM. The best economy of the 21st century with mega booming jobs adding +470k this past month and mega booming GDP growth of +7% this past quarter. Trump never came close to that. (+2.13% in 2019 and only +200k jobs/month, same as Obama).

No republican has ever had an economy this good. Yet all the Trumpers can do is whine and cry and flail and squirm...

Lou Dobbs Issues Warning About U.S. Debt | Bill O'Reilly
The U.S. debt will soon surpass our GDP, warns Lou Dobbs.
It is unsustainable and Joe Biden is only making it worse as he pushes for another $5 trillion in spending, he tells Bill O'Reilly.

OP: Democrat green spending will literally destroy us


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