The Economy is in Trouble - What do we do to fix this? Ideas Welcome -


Jun 4, 2011
This thread is being set up for a PRODUCTIVE discussion on what we can do as American citizens to help our own economy. If we expect Washington to stop the reckless spending then maybe we should also practice what we preach and stop the reckless spending in our own lives. After speaking to a few industry leaders - I am on a quest to find solutions to help recirculate American cash in local communities without changing the average American's lifestyle. I do not pretend to have all the answers and welcome productive banter. I am at the point right now believing that the most effective solution is shopping local and buying more American products until the international trade balances itself out. And yes - I do know that this task of figuring it out and spreading awareness is huge - but isn't that what we are all here for? :razz:
So Shop Local, Buy American = More $$$ and More USA Jobs = More Evenly Spread Taxes because more People with jobs to pay taxes & more businesses to pay taxes = lower deficit - Right?
Massive gov't spending cuts.
Elimination of the Federal Reserve.
Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act.
Eliminate the Income Tax.
Right now there is a stream of money being tapped out of our country - going overseas and across borders - do you think that even with all the changes that you suggested that will be enough to balance the money flow - in and out - by tarriffs - you are reffering to the unfair trade practices that are in place now - raising tarriffs on the imports. What of all your suggestions do you feel would ahve the most impact or the most immediate results - thank you so much for taking the time to post - ;-)
Buying American "what" is what I am working on - I researched beer and the impact it could have on our economy and jobs - by switching to an American Brand owned by a 100% American corp actually could make a huge difference - but how do you get a guy to change his beer? I am still mifted that the big 3 beer American beer companies are not owned by Americans - lol
I still do not understand all that - and I am being honest when I say I have looked at it and I cannot understand why there is not a return on the investment - and why the people are expected to sacrifice while the Big Biz are sitting pretty and Wall Street is hopping - who is looking out for the majority of Americans
Massive gov't spending cuts.
Elimination of the Federal Reserve.
Make it part of the military reserve. Central banks are useful in time of war.
Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act.
That won't solve the too big to fail problem, this idea is in the ball park but not between the foul lines so it needs some work.
A VAT on interstate/international trade would play better if the interstate tax were split between the affected states
Eliminate the Income Tax.
I doubt the votes to do this are there yet which is why I suggested a VAT.
A good start and might make a really good thread but the devil is in the details.
This thread is being set up for a PRODUCTIVE discussion on what we can do as American citizens to help our own economy. If we expect Washington to stop the reckless spending then maybe we should also practice what we preach and stop the reckless spending in our own lives. After speaking to a few industry leaders - I am on a quest to find solutions to help recirculate American cash in local communities without changing the average American's lifestyle. I do not pretend to have all the answers and welcome productive banter. I am at the point right now believing that the most effective solution is shopping local and buying more American products until the international trade balances itself out. And yes - I do know that this task of figuring it out and spreading awareness is huge - but isn't that what we are all here for? :razz:
So Shop Local, Buy American = More $$$ and More USA Jobs = More Evenly Spread Taxes because more People with jobs to pay taxes & more businesses to pay taxes = lower deficit - Right?

I underget what you are tying to do with this thread but the economy is not repairable with the present set of conditions. Politicians can blowviate hot air all they want but the problem with America's economy is with Americans...not elected public representatives.

Capitalism and free enterprise economics is really very simple. As long as it is "playing by the rules" to seek the lowest cost of labor anywhere in the globe there will be fewer and fewer things made in America and fewer manufacturing jobs. As long as it is "playing by the rules" to sell foreign manufactured products in America stupid Americans will continue to jump over dollars to save dimes and perpetuate the cycle.

The solution is simple. Buy American manufactured goods and services. There is no other way to turn this thing around. It will never happen because Americans are stupid and selfish. They will lose everything and be forced to eat out of dumpsters before they stop shopping at Walmart...and even then they will blame everyone but themselves and their own self destructive choices.

Americans are getting what they deserve. Nothing more..and nothing less.

I hope they all get E-Coli from foreign produce. I hope they spend their last dollar on some crap from China.

America is not worthy of prosperity.
My ideas are from the personal side, what we can do as individuals.

1. Save more, cut down your debt. You need to be solvent and preparing for your future and not expecting the gov't to take care of you.
2. Don't buy crap, foreign or otherwise. Quality should be demanded regardless of where it comes from. You aren't doing anyone any favors keeping them in business with a poor product or service. Send 'em an email if they're US, the least we can do is inform them of why they're not getting your business.
3. Eat right, exercise regularly, and be health conscious. We're going to have a big problem in the coming years with health care, don't be part of it if you can help it.
4. Be energy conscious, turn off stuff when not in use, us lower watt lighting, and try to reduce your driving miles.
5. Plant something somewhere. Sometihng you can eat.
6. Keep abreast of current events at the local, state and national level. Being ahead of the curve is better than being behind it. And besides, you owe it to your country to make infomed decisions.
My ideas are from the personal side, what we can do as individuals.

1. Save more, cut down your debt. You need to be solvent and preparing for your future and not expecting the gov't to take care of you.
2. Don't buy crap, foreign or otherwise. Quality should be demanded regardless of where it comes from. You aren't doing anyone any favors keeping them in business with a poor product or service. Send 'em an email if they're US, the least we can do is inform them of why they're not getting your business.
3. Eat right, exercise regularly, and be health conscious. We're going to have a big problem in the coming years with health care, don't be part of it if you can help it.
4. Be energy conscious, turn off stuff when not in use, us lower watt lighting, and try to reduce your driving miles.
5. Plant something somewhere. Sometihng you can eat.
6. Keep abreast of current events at the local, state and national level. Being ahead of the curve is better than being behind it. And besides, you owe it to your country to make infomed decisions.

By your carrying your suggestions to their logical conclusion we should all be homeless having cut back on everything not absolutely essential. Homeless are obviously healthy...ever seen a fat homeless person? :lol:
My ideas are from the personal side, what we can do as individuals.

1. Save more, cut down your debt. You need to be solvent and preparing for your future and not expecting the gov't to take care of you.
2. Don't buy crap, foreign or otherwise. Quality should be demanded regardless of where it comes from. You aren't doing anyone any favors keeping them in business with a poor product or service. Send 'em an email if they're US, the least we can do is inform them of why they're not getting your business.
3. Eat right, exercise regularly, and be health conscious. We're going to have a big problem in the coming years with health care, don't be part of it if you can help it.
4. Be energy conscious, turn off stuff when not in use, us lower watt lighting, and try to reduce your driving miles.
5. Plant something somewhere. Sometihng you can eat.
6. Keep abreast of current events at the local, state and national level. Being ahead of the curve is better than being behind it. And besides, you owe it to your country to make infomed decisions.

By your carrying your suggestions to their logical conclusion we should all be homeless having cut back on everything not absolutely essential. Homeless are obviously healthy...ever seen a fat homeless person? :lol:

What the blue blazes hell are you talking about? Homeless? Where on earth do you get that shit? Actually, I'd recommend buying a home rather than renting, one you can afford with a fixed rate. Make sure your job is secure though, you don't need to be trying to sell it any time soon.
The solution to the economic woes that face us is simple: get government out of the way. Cut spending, reform tax policy, stay the hell out of our health care. Stay out of our lives. People can take care of themselves.

PS : Despite what you may have heard, people really can take care of themselves. If they can't - well that's too fucking bad. That is what family, friends, and charity is for- to help the retards, mental defectives, and cripples. If you're not one of those - you shouldn't get shit. Welfare is a temporary program, not a goddamn lifestyle. Can't find a job? - tough shit. Move in with friends or buy a tent and a sleeping bag because you're gonna need it. Then pick up a mirror. Take a deep look into it so you know exactly who to blame for your life. Government is not your mommy. Get used to that fact.
Single payer for health care to start off with. The VA has shown government can do a million times better than private insurance companies where a CEO can have a paycheck of $120,000,000.00 while not producing anything of importance simply by skimming insurance policies.

The VA spends 94 cents for every dollar on the patient. The other 6 cents going to administrative costs.

Show me how private industry can match that when they own private jets, eat off gold trim plates (Cigna) and can pass out a paycheck of more than $100,000,000.00!
Huggy - We agree on many things - but part of me feels that education is the key here - and if we cannot reach the American consumers - there are ways to relay the message to our ind business owners - consumers respond to marketing and convenience - most business owners understand where we are coming from but are unaware of the power of influence they hold in their communities. They are in the position to spread this message by posting one sign on an American product in their store that reads - Made in America - Bring Jobs Back - I believe something so simple could get people to start thinking about what they do with their money - Every little thing that I am working on is simple - free and plants a seed - I still believe that people want to do the right thing and if they understand the importance - things will change.
ALocal wrote: This thread is being set up for a PRODUCTIVE discussion on what we can do as American citizens to help our own economy.

Dat's why Uncle Ferd buildin' Granny a bigger apple cart...

... so's she can sell more apples onna street corner.
ALocal wrote: This thread is being set up for a PRODUCTIVE discussion on what we can do as American citizens to help our own economy.

Dat's why Uncle Ferd buildin' Granny a bigger apple cart...

... so's she can sell more apples onna street corner.

If no one has the money to buy the apples....................
ALocal wrote: This thread is being set up for a PRODUCTIVE discussion on what we can do as American citizens to help our own economy.

Dat's why Uncle Ferd buildin' Granny a bigger apple cart...

... so's she can sell more apples onna street corner.

If a bigger apple cart is what it takes - then it works for me - maybe one day granny will branch out into apple pies and become a chain of bakeries - if taxes and regulation doesn't stop her - or Big Biz
The Wal-mart bakery - I am sure will eat into her business and they get huge tax breaks and drain local economies - there was research done on that - it is online - google it - Walmart cost communities more while independent business add to the local governments revenue
So building that larger apple cart could create more jobs - but for now buying granny's apples will help the community thrive
Engaged and active public demanding a 85% cut in military and Pentagon spending. End all three wars and bring the money home.

Ramp up education. Ramp up industry.

Remove the elephant from the room.

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