The Economy IS Working for Everyone


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone
First of all, if a democrook is communicating, they're either lying, or repeating a lie they've heard elsewhere, although they may or may not be aware or give a shit if what they're repeating is a lie. Regardless, it's safe to assume that the opposite of what they're saying is where the truth actually is.
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone

Alfredo Ortiz is a regular contributor to alt-right, nuthouse Breitbart.

Alfredo Ortiz, Author at Breitbart

The guy is staggeringly biased and any political opinions he has are completely useless.

And btw...

the wealth gap is getting worse...fact.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

So Mr. Ortiz can shove his alt-right opinions right up his ass.
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If you are willing to work...

You can find work in Trumps America..........
When I see baloney like this I often wonder is it dark money supported? Is it Russian agitprop to keep the peasants happy? Or is there any reality to it?
Trump's dumb idea of importing the best and brightest is another joke. Soon Americans will be taking jobs from poor immigrants. Honest reporting below.

Mocked and forgotten: who will speak for the American white working class?

Trump's economy is great for billionaires, not for working people | Bernie Sanders

CDZ - Russian Troll Talks
CDZ - Information Sources

"The top 1 percent of Americans now take in roughly one-fourth of America’s total income every year. In terms of wealth rather than income,... the top 1 percent now controls 40 percent of the total. This is new. Twenty-five years ago, the corresponding figures were 12 percent and 33 percent." Joseph Stiglitz
Going by what happened in the last crash the next one will be caused by the rich but the poor will suffer greatly as well as get blamed for the mess. Now here we are building massive debt bubbles all over the place while people are cheering an economy rigged to periodically collapse. When we started to see some modest wage growth after many years of stagnation the bubble-pop-clock started ticking.
Our economy is top heavy, cyclical, and crashes repetitively due to it

The potus holding office has little to do with any of this

Other than buying prosperity via debt

If you are willing to work...

You can find work in Trumps America..........
And yet, we have over 102 million people not working. That makes the unemployment really about 39% according to trump math.
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone
Then why are so many college grads having trouble paying back their student loans? Why are they having trouble finding good jobs? Companies say they can’t find workers.

Are people leaving their jobs for better jobs? Are wages going up now that immigration is down?

Not really.

I personally am doing great. The economy is great. But are the masses feeling it?

I’ll give you an example. My brothers Fortune 500 company moved hq to Ireland. So no taxes for us. But they just added 500 jobs in Michigan. Unfortunately they’re all Indian and Chinese. They will invent and build the driverless cars. Not white Americans. They’re still struggling. Any blue collar white working there isn’t making good wages.
If you are willing to work...

You can find work in America..........

that statement has been true for at least the last 5 to 6 years.

Neg-a-tory Kilroy.....

Not true for steel manufactures....

I have seen this first hand......

you cannot turn back time.

The main reason for the loss of US steel jobs is a huge increase in worker productivity, not imports, and the jobs aren't coming back - AEI

A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone
Then why are so many college grads having trouble paying back their student loans? Why are they having trouble finding good jobs? Companies say they can’t find workers.

Are people leaving their jobs for better jobs? Are wages going up now that immigration is down?

Not really.

I personally am doing great. The economy is great. But are the masses feeling it?

I’ll give you an example. My brothers Fortune 500 company moved hq to Ireland. So no taxes for us. But they just added 500 jobs in Michigan. Unfortunately they’re all Indian and Chinese. They will invent and build the driverless cars. Not white Americans. They’re still struggling. Any blue collar white working there isn’t making good wages.
The working class is working itself into an early grave. Supplementing flat wages with credit and staying in shit jobs for the insurance just like they have done since the 70's. Been doing it so long Americans think it's a good thing.
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone
Then why are so many college grads having trouble paying back their student loans? Why are they having trouble finding good jobs? Companies say they can’t find workers.

Are people leaving their jobs for better jobs? Are wages going up now that immigration is down?

Not really.

I personally am doing great. The economy is great. But are the masses feeling it?

I’ll give you an example. My brothers Fortune 500 company moved hq to Ireland. So no taxes for us. But they just added 500 jobs in Michigan. Unfortunately they’re all Indian and Chinese. They will invent and build the driverless cars. Not white Americans. They’re still struggling. Any blue collar white working there isn’t making good wages.
The working class is working itself into an early grave. Supplementing flat wages with credit and staying in shit jobs for the insurance just like they have done since the 70's. Been doing it so long Americans think it's a good thing.
My dad had a good job at the wixom, mi ford plant where they used to make the Lincoln. In my subdivision every third house was owned by a guy who worked at ford, gm and Chrysler. If they didn’t save it’s because they knew they had great pensions coming.

Today people are living paycheck to paycheck but they have no pensions coming.

The other thing is a lot of our parents will leave us money. But fewer and fewer parents are leaving anything behind.

The middle class has gotten smaller. People who think they are middle class really aren’t. They only appear to be
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone

As usual when you have the pinheaded talking heads - they leave out whole swaths of comparative data and context and cherry pick their "facts".
There is no mention here, and pretty much every article trying to say how well everything is - UNDEREMPLOYMENT.
Underemployment is a greater problem than unemployment. Throughout the country there are $9 - $13 hr jobs for the taking. They are everywhere, sure that is better than 2009 - 2015 or so when there wasn't even these. But low paying jobs like these cannot support yourself, let alone a family. Even with 2 people both working in these jobs that still is not enough money to buy and maintain a home.
Then there is the point of wage growth. This is also a problem, the earnings that are having the highest increases are the LOWEST paying jobs. So if you have a job that pays $11 an hour...a wade growth of 4% is only $.44 an hour, or $16 more a week.
ALSO - not mentioned in the article is the CRIPPLING high cost of health insurance. Having a job that pays $13 an hour, after taxes is about $430 a week...but you are saddled with a lousy insurance plan that costs you $600/mo. OVER a weeks paycheck.

So, once again - it is all bullshit. Things still suck very much for the lower middle class as well as the middle class.
If you are willing to work...

You can find work in America..........

that statement has been true for at least the last 5 to 6 years.

Neg-a-tory Kilroy.....

Not true for steel manufactures....

I have seen this first hand......

you cannot turn back time.

The main reason for the loss of US steel jobs is a huge increase in worker productivity, not imports, and the jobs aren't coming back - AEI


Bull Shit....

China's cheap labor is why they can under cut us.....

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