The Economy IS Working for Everyone

A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone

Alfredo Ortiz is a regular contributor to alt-right, nuthouse Breitbart.

Alfredo Ortiz, Author at Breitbart

The guy is staggeringly biased and any political opinions he has are completely useless.

And btw...

the wealth gap is getting worse...fact.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

So Mr. Ortiz can shove his alt-right opinions right up his ass.
No dog in this race, but notice the parking lots at stores and restaurants-they are full. I take this to mean the average Joe has extra money to spend further pumping up a good economy.
Alfredo Ortiz is a regular contributor to alt-right, nuthouse Breitbart.

Alfredo Ortiz, Author at Breitbart

Breitbart is an "alt-right nuthouse"??? That extreme view says more about you than Breitbart. Breitbart is far more reliable than any major liberal news outlet. I notice you did not point out a single error in the article.

The guy is staggeringly biased and any political opinions he has are completely useless.

Actually, his article is entirely factual and is based on the BLS jobs reports for the last 2.5 years.

And btw...

the wealth gap is getting worse...fact.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Sigh. . . . Playing the old class-warfare card again, hey? So you're not going to address the fact that even the unemployment rate for high-school dropouts is near an historic low? You're not going to address the fact wages for non-supervisory workers have risen at triple the rate that they did under Obama? You're not going to bother addressing the fact that the unemployment rates for women, blacks, and Hispanics are all at historic lows?

No, you're only response to whine that the "wealth gap" is getting "worse." How about the athletic gap and the academic gap? Have they gotten better? Or is it that certain people will always do better than other people? In any economic expansion, most rich people improve their situations more than do low-income and middle-income people, because, for starters, they have more money to start with and have more money to invest and secure profits. But this does not change the fact that low-income and middle-income people also improve their lots.

So Mr. Ortiz can shove his alt-right opinions right up his $*&%.

They're not opinions: they're facts. Every economic point he makes in the article is a fact. And his opinion that the economy is working for everyone is based on, and supported by, those facts. There is no other logical way to read the economic data. They show that the economic expansion is benefiting people in every tax bracket.
you cannot turn back time.

The main reason for the loss of US steel jobs is a huge increase in worker productivity, not imports, and the jobs aren't coming back - AEI


Bull Shit....

China's cheap labor is why they can under cut us.....

The only thing here that is cheap is your talk.

So are you saying China's cheap labor isn't a factor?

Lets see you wiggle out of this...….

All Praise President Donald J. Trump...………..

I am saying that 80% of the "lost" jobs in America were lost to automation and process improvements.

You must have got this off cnn….

Sounds like bull shit to me....

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

The US did indeed lose about 5.6m manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010. But according to a study by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, 85 per cent of these jobs losses are actually attributable to technological change — largely automation — rather than international trade.

Don’t Blame China For Taking U.S. Jobs

The study reports as well that trade accounted for 13% of the lost U.S. factory jobs, but 88% of the jobs were taken by robots and other factors at home.
We've been at full employment for years now...

The U.S. Economy Is Finally at Full Employment

Thank God for President Trump and his Magic Wand...

Drop the mic....

That began long before trump was president.

Libtard bull shit.....

It's all Trump.....
From before he was president? That must be what you meant by “magic wand.”


I'm talking about the magic wand Trump shoved up obozo's ass.....

Drop the mic...….
And how far down your throat can you accommodate trump's magic wand?
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone
Then why are so many college grads having trouble paying back their student loans? Why are they having trouble finding good jobs? Companies say they can’t find workers.

Are people leaving their jobs for better jobs? Are wages going up now that immigration is down?

Not really.

I personally am doing great. The economy is great. But are the masses feeling it?

I’ll give you an example. My brothers Fortune 500 company moved hq to Ireland. So no taxes for us. But they just added 500 jobs in Michigan. Unfortunately they’re all Indian and Chinese. They will invent and build the driverless cars. Not white Americans. They’re still struggling. Any blue collar white working there isn’t making good wages.
The working class is working itself into an early grave. Supplementing flat wages with credit and staying in shit jobs for the insurance just like they have done since the 70's. Been doing it so long Americans think it's a good thing.

Why don't you just give it to us straight?

Were all "gona" DIE!
Well aren’t we? The question is are ya gona die broke.
A few days ago, Alfredo Ortiz published an excellent article on the fact that, contrary to Democrats' claims, the economy is in fact working for everyone, not just the rich. The article was published on and was picked up by Here's an excerpt:

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that's been shafted in today's economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent -- the lowest level on record.

Then look at wages. While average wages have been growing at about 3.2 percent for several months now, they've been increasing even faster for middle-class production and non-supervisory workers. Last year, wage growth was 6.5 percent for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes -- about double the overall average. Contrast this wage growth to the paltry 2 percent average under President Obama.​

Here's the link for the article:

Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone
Then why are so many college grads having trouble paying back their student loans? Why are they having trouble finding good jobs? Companies say they can’t find workers.

Are people leaving their jobs for better jobs? Are wages going up now that immigration is down?

Not really.

I personally am doing great. The economy is great. But are the masses feeling it?

I’ll give you an example. My brothers Fortune 500 company moved hq to Ireland. So no taxes for us. But they just added 500 jobs in Michigan. Unfortunately they’re all Indian and Chinese. They will invent and build the driverless cars. Not white Americans. They’re still struggling. Any blue collar white working there isn’t making good wages.
The working class is working itself into an early grave. Supplementing flat wages with credit and staying in shit jobs for the insurance just like they have done since the 70's. Been doing it so long Americans think it's a good thing.

Why don't you just give it to us straight?

Were all "gona" DIE!

Poll: Many Rural Americans Struggle With Financial Insecurity, Access To Health Care

Polling by NPR finds that while rural Americans are mostly satisfied with life, there is a strong undercurrent of financial insecurity that can create very serious problems for many people living in rural communities.

After a major poll we did last fall found that a majority (55%) of rural Americans rate their local economy as only fair or poor, we undertook a second survey early this year to find out more about economic insecurity and health. The poll looked beyond the known factors of job loss and the decades-long flight of young people to more urban areas.

Several findings stand out: A substantial number (40%) of rural Americans struggle with routine medical bills, food and housing. And about half (49%) say they could not afford to pay an unexpected $1,000 expense of any type.
One-quarter of respondents (26%) said they have not been able to get health care when they needed it at some point in recent years. That's despite the fact that nearly 9 in 10 (87%) have health insurance of some sort — a level of coverage that is higher now than a decade ago, in large part owing to the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Medicaid in many states.
Dee Davis, president and founder of the Center for Rural Strategies in Whitesburg, Ky., says poverty and ill health are endemic where he lives. "People in this congressional district have the shortest life span in the United States; we also are the poorest," Davis says. "We're poor and we're sicker."

Ah, Red States. Nice huh?
45% of Rural Whites!!!

One measure of financial security is the ability to meet unexpected expenses like a car repair or a medical problem or fixing something that has gone wrong in the house. It's not unusual for these expenses to run $1,000 or more, so we asked whether that would be a problem.

Overall, nearly half (49%) said they wouldn't be able to afford that. And more than 6 in 10 rural black and Latinx Americans said they would have a problem paying that off (blacks, 68%; Latinx, 62%), compared with 45% of rural whites.

"When you're living close to the edge, sometimes you fall off," says Davis. "If half the people in rural America can't deal with a $1,000 bill, that's rough."
A part of me hopes Republicans do away with the ACA. That will screw a lot of Republican voters in rural areas

Since 2010, 106 rural hospitals have closed in rural America. As many as 673 more are at risk of closure, according to a 2016 report from iVantage Health Analytics. Currently, there are approximately 1,860 rural hospitals in the U.S.

Eight percent of rural adults polled say hospitals in their local communities have closed down in the past few years. About two-thirds (67%) say the closures were a problem, including 38% who say they were a major problem.

Hey, if they can't afford to keep those hospitals open, close them!
If you are willing to work...

You can find work in Trumps America..........

Yes, you can find "work", but how much will that job pay? Will you need more than one job to put a roof over your head and that of your family. What about health care? Will your job include health care insurance for you and your family?

If you need to work 60 hours a week to provide for your family, your children are growing up as "latch-key" kids. Little supervision, no real family life. Parents always working. There's living, and then there's quality of life. Today's American economy offers a low quality of life for workers.

It's evident in the opoid crisis, in the loss of jobs to off-shoring, which continues unabated. Now it's losses of white collar jobs - middle class, high paying jobs are being lost.
If you are willing to work...

You can find work in Trumps America..........

Yes, you can find "work", but how much will that job pay? Will you need more than one job to put a roof over your head and that of your family. What about health care? Will your job include health care insurance for you and your family?

If you need to work 60 hours a week to provide for your family, your children are growing up as "latch-key" kids. Little supervision, no real family life. Parents always working. There's living, and then there's quality of life. Today's American economy offers a low quality of life for workers.

It's evident in the opoid crisis, in the loss of jobs to off-shoring, which continues unabated. Now it's losses of white collar jobs - middle class, high paying jobs are being lost.

Here is why red states stay red. Despite all the things you are saying people in rural areas are still happy.

Despite the fact that "People in this congressional district have the shortest life span in the United States

"If half the people in rural America can't deal with a $1,000 bill, that's rough."

Yet even with the high levels of financial insecurity that we found, there is abundant optimism and satisfaction with the quality of life in rural America. Almost three-quarters (73%) of rural Americans rate the overall quality of life in their local community as excellent or good.

Most people are pretty happy with it; they've got friends and neighbors they rely on and they're where they want to be."

Poll: Many Rural Americans Struggle With Financial Insecurity, Access To Health Care

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