The Elderly Praying Great, Great Grandma, was just found guilty in a DC courtroom for just walking around the capitol on Jan 6

This is just down right ridiculous. Nobody is safe from bitter Merrick Garland. This elderly White woman did nothing wrong walking on the capitol grounds owned by us, the American taxpayer.

So, she was found guilty of 4 federal misdemeanors.

After a lengthy deliberation that’s been rare for Capitol breach cases, Falcon resident Rebecca Lavrenz, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, protest of the 2020 presidential election results in Washington, D.C.
The trial began March 25 in federal district court in the District of Columbia and ended after nearly 26 hours of deliberation, when a 12-member jury found Lavrenz guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol.
She testified for five hours Monday, and the jury started deliberations at 4:45 p.m. They were released to go home at 5:30 p.m. Monday and resumed deliberations Tuesday, Wednesday and nearly all day Thursday. Lavrenz said she was called back to answer clarification questions several times. The verdict was announced late Thursday afternoon.
It took a while, but the jury finally decided, guilty on the misdemeanors. I doubt she was listening to God, but more like voices in her head, Donald Trump and the other rioters and/or insurrectionists, when she chose to go into The Capital. It's no big deal, her being a great grandma at 71, now. She was only 67 then and able to make her choices, and it wasn't even all that old. When I was 67 I was hiking mountains, ocean kayaking, and skiing in her state, doing my thing and making my choices, but certainly not choosing to participate in a capital riot, based on a trumpian lie.
So, she was found guilty of 4 federal misdemeanors.

After a lengthy deliberation that’s been rare for Capitol breach cases, Falcon resident Rebecca Lavrenz, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, protest of the 2020 presidential election results in Washington, D.C.
The trial began March 25 in federal district court in the District of Columbia and ended after nearly 26 hours of deliberation, when a 12-member jury found Lavrenz guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol.
She testified for five hours Monday, and the jury started deliberations at 4:45 p.m. They were released to go home at 5:30 p.m. Monday and resumed deliberations Tuesday, Wednesday and nearly all day Thursday. Lavrenz said she was called back to answer clarification questions several times. The verdict was announced late Thursday afternoon.
It took a while, but the jury finally decided, guilty on the misdemeanors. I doubt she was listening to God, but more like voices in her head, Donald Trump and the other rioters and/or insurrectionists, when she chose to go into The Capital. It's no big deal, her being a great grandma at 71, now. She was only 67 then and able to make her choices, and it wasn't even all that old. When I was 67 I was hiking mountains, ocean kayaking, and skiing in her state, doing my thing and making my choices, but certainly not choosing to participate in a capital riot, based on a trumpian lie.
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She's White and a Trump supporter. That White privilege should be final. She will be exhonerated once Trump is back in office.
Stupid white bitch shouldn’t have been trespassing in an area she didn’t have permission to be in and none of this would be an issue
1998 article

Capitol Remains 'The People's Building'
President Clinton, who was at Camp David, Md., issued a statement saying he was "deeply disturbed" by the bloodshed at "the people's house, a place where visitors and workers should not have to fear violence."

Or unjust persecution by the Democrats....
She's White and a Trump supporter. That White privilege should be final. She will be exhonerated once Trump is back in office.
She will probably be out before the election, which Trump will lose, probably worse than he lost, the last time. His time is over.
So, she was found guilty of 4 federal misdemeanors.

After a lengthy deliberation that’s been rare for Capitol breach cases, Falcon resident Rebecca Lavrenz, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, protest of the 2020 presidential election results in Washington, D.C.
The trial began March 25 in federal district court in the District of Columbia and ended after nearly 26 hours of deliberation, when a 12-member jury found Lavrenz guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol.
She testified for five hours Monday, and the jury started deliberations at 4:45 p.m. They were released to go home at 5:30 p.m. Monday and resumed deliberations Tuesday, Wednesday and nearly all day Thursday. Lavrenz said she was called back to answer clarification questions several times. The verdict was announced late Thursday afternoon.
It took a while, but the jury finally decided, guilty on the misdemeanors. I doubt she was listening to God, but more like voices in her head, Donald Trump and the other rioters and/or insurrectionists, when she chose to go into The Capital. It's no big deal, her being a great grandma at 71, now. She was only 67 then and able to make her choices, and it wasn't even all that old. When I was 67 I was hiking mountains, ocean kayaking, and skiing in her state, doing my thing and making my choices, but certainly not choosing to participate in a capital riot, based on a trumpian lie.
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And when the government comes to you, because you didnt pay all your taxes that they think you should of paid, and haul your ass off to prison without due process, just remember that you chose poorly when you voted for the Big Steal of 2020.
And when the government comes to you, because you didnt pay all your taxes that they think you should of paid, and haul your ass off to prison without due process, just remember that you chose poorly when you voted for the Big Steal of 2020.
I have always paid what they thought I should pay and records are intact. I used to write checks every year for thousands, and still did not feel abused, just fortunate. They will not come for me. You are probably thinking of yourself and shenanigans you pulled on your taxes. Good luck. Try not to be an ass, and maybe they will settle for what you owe.

She had due process. Didn't you read the Denver paper?

I voted to get rid of Crooked, anti-American, low morals, Trump, his crooked inner circle and his support for evil despots around the world. I will vote to keep him out, again in November 2024.
I have always paid what they thought I should pay and records are intact. I used to write checks every year for thousands, and still did not feel abused, just fortunate. They will not come for me. You are probably thinking of yourself and shenanigans you pulled on your taxes. Good luck. Try not to be an ass, and maybe they will settle for what you owe.

She had due process. Didn't you read the Denver paper?

I voted to get rid of Crooked, anti-American, low morals, Trump, his crooked inner circle and his support for evil despots around the world. I will vote to keep him out, again in November 2024.
You arent understanding my point. President Trump has been charged by Radical Democrat DAs and Judges because they are scared shitless of him winning in 2024. A lady walks into the Capitol that she paid taxes for so she as Clinton Said, is her building, yet she gets arrested and put in jail. If that is the case, then any charge can be used against you, whether you have been a law abiding citizen or not, because the government can plant anything anywhere on you, and you will end up in jail, just like her. That is how our justice system is right now, and if you are okay with it, remember that you could be the next one.

Grandma got run over by a democrat
Walking through the white house protesting
You can say there's no such thing as Satan
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.

She'd been drinkin' too much eggnog,
And we'd begged her not to go.
But that man up on the scaffold
pointed to the door and told her so

When they found her the next mornin',
With Pelosi and her hacks
There were jackboots all around her
Off to the gulag never to come back.

Grandma got run over by a democrat
Walking through the white house protesting
You can say there's no such thing as Satan

But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.


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