The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

it does not matter the religion etc of a child molester and this is not the first or only time a church has done this...what does amaze me is these people lived in the public eye....reality tv and yet this was not known to the public till now?

perhaps it is time to just review the chester molester factoids:

Molestation Facts

now as with all caught molesters he will claim he was molested and suddenly the whole thing will get very interesting....and i would like to say this....

*climbing on soapbox*

do not fall for that....i was molested so i molested bullshit....think of all the people who were molested and dont molest..who hear this bs..that they are gonna be they are just broken souls....who do not want to see this happen to anyone else....gunny one time said ....people who were molested will never be whole people.....dont be part of that .....dont try to lessen the experiences of those who were molested and yet do not molest who are rational humans scarred deeply just like all the other humans....we all have scars how we deal with them is the difference...

someone help me down off this fucking soapbox....if i jump i will break a damn hip....hand me my broom
normally i would post this in 'a giggle' but hey just seems to be needed here....

now i dont think it is a secret that i am not a stats fan...but your attack on without merit and a little too vicious in nature..imo
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.

That family, as an ENTIRE family, has profited off of making itself look like the ideal christian family, while over the last ten years, in reality, it kept this, dark, evil, satanic secret. Had that family actually abided by the principles of Christianity and told the truth about the abuse the elder son was committing on HIS OWN FAMILY MEMBERS, you stupid fuck, then that family would never have achieved fame. Their greed caused them to lie and cover-up. Disgusting.

Not only that, the father did not even take one second to consider the damage that his elder son did to some of his daughters. That makes for one terrible, terrible, terrible father.

So, tough fuck for you, you little coward piece of human excrement. Or are you willing to come out and say that you support child abuse and lying?

That being said, you are becoming excellent at humping other peoples' legs with your mind-numbing stupidity. It's almost amusing.
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The Duggars are good TV. Good, sugarcoated rat poison, politically speaking. And increasingly, they and their grown spawn are to be found running around the country spreading the word of ignorance and backwardness.

They have now been granted six years and counting in which to widely promote a lifestyle based on an extremist belief system dubbed “Christian Patriarchy” that involves the absolute submission of women to men. They hold crackpot anti-science beliefs that a network with the word “learning” in its name should be rather ashamed of, such as that birth control pills cause miscarriage and that evolution is a lie.

Of course, Michelle Duggar home schools her children, filling their little ears with nonsense about creationism and women’s submission to God and husband, while Jim Bob works outside the home in real estate.
The Duggars Seem Nice Until You Meet Their Terrifying Political Agenda Observer

No surprise , just wondering what else goes on

"Good, sugarcoated rat poison, politically speaking."

Well said.
it does not matter the religion etc of a child molester and this is not the first or only time a church has done this...what does amaze me is these people lived in the public eye....reality tv and yet this was not known to the public till now?

perhaps it is time to just review the chester molester factoids:

Molestation Facts

now as with all caught molesters he will claim he was molested and suddenly the whole thing will get very interesting....and i would like to say this....

*climbing on soapbox*

do not fall for that....i was molested so i molested bullshit....think of all the people who were molested and dont molest..who hear this bs..that they are gonna be they are just broken souls....who do not want to see this happen to anyone else....gunny one time said ....people who were molested will never be whole people.....dont be part of that .....dont try to lessen the experiences of those who were molested and yet do not molest who are rational humans scarred deeply just like all the other humans....we all have scars how we deal with them is the difference...

someone help me down off this fucking soapbox....if i jump i will break a damn hip....hand me my broom

The bolded: that is EXACTLY my point. That entire family got rich from:

-breeding from here until eternity
-acting like a Christian family when in reality no christian family would have covered this up. By allowing this abuse of their daughters, both the father and mother have committed a grievious sin. It's not just about the asshole elder son who diddled his own sisters. It's about the irreparable damage he did to them and quite obviously, mommy and daddy didn't give a flying fuck about that, because they are so "Christian". Apparently, they thought the daughters would just muddle on through, somehow...

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Discuss. Should the Duggars stay on TV, or should the show get canned?
They are still on TV? I thought it was a one time special. ( I hate reality tv shows though)

Do you trust any Christian TV personalities at all?

No I don't listen to them, growing up RC, that kind of preaching does not appeal to me.
I have listened to some and it rather sickened me some of the stuff they sprout.

I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."

How about the life of kids he would of and had ruined? He should be behind bars.

This stuff needs to come out in the open.
this stuff rarely comes out in the here is my prediction..he will come out...confess his sins....get some type of religious rehab (stop laughing i am serious) and them declare his remorse...there is nothing christians like more than a reformed sinner.....just watch and mark my words
this stuff rarely comes out in the here is my prediction..he will come out...confess his sins....get some type of religious rehab (stop laughing i am serious) and them declare his remorse...there is nothing christians like more than a reformed sinner.....just watch and mark my words

Yepp. They will make money off of his sins and people will be stupid enough to buy into that shit.
has nothing to do with money ....the forgiveness and remorse and all.....just the christian way the reformed sinner is the proctorial son
has nothing to do with money ....the forgiveness and remorse and all.....just the christian way the reformed sinner is the proctorial son

Sure, it has everything to do with money. Had they not been out for the money, they would have made this public before trying to launch into fame and fortune. But the lure of $$$ was more important to them than the emotional health of the daughters whom their own son molested. The lure of $$ was more important to them than the truth. So, being the liars they are, they will turn this into $$-making venture as well.

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