the election in Nov will be decided based on one subject . China and who will be tougher on that country !

will Trump or a democrat be more likely to hold China accountable for the pandemic.

  • democrats will hold china accountable and make the US less dependent on them .

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Trump will hold china accountable and make the US less dependent on them .

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
with the lies and and cover ups along with suppression of information [jailing doctors and reporters who attempted to warn the world] china is solely responsible for the death and economic hardships gripping the entire planet ! the election in Nov may depend on who American voters believe will be more aggressive in policies that encourage business and production to leave china and return to the US ! and which candidate can be trusted to hold china responsible for the pain it has caused the US and the entire world ! so the question is which party will be tougher on china and which party will continue the same old same old unfair trade practices that have hurt American workers.

China is a distraction.

The election is about the SCOTUS and the replacing of this thing.


With this fine candidate.


Replacing a distinguished judge with a stepford wife is hardly in our country's best interest, but I am sure you will do all you can to cheat yourself into another Supreme Court pick.

I'm flattered that a tard like you thinks I actually wield that kind of power.

Don't be, I have little patience for tards like you who call a distinguished and accomplished judge a "thing" and seem to view outward attractiveness as a qualifying factor in a judge - oh wait, in a WOMAN judge.
with the lies and and cover ups along with suppression of information [jailing doctors and reporters who attempted to warn the world] china is solely responsible for the death and economic hardships gripping the entire planet ! the election in Nov may depend on who American voters believe will be more aggressive in policies that encourage business and production to leave china and return to the US ! and which candidate can be trusted to hold china responsible for the pain it has caused the US and the entire world ! so the question is which party will be tougher on china and which party will continue the same old same old unfair trade practices that have hurt American workers.

China is a distraction.

The election is about the SCOTUS and the replacing of this thing.


With this fine candidate.


Replacing a distinguished judge with a stepford wife is hardly in our country's best interest, but I am sure you will do all you can to cheat yourself into another Supreme Court pick.


Distinguished. . .

View attachment 328369

So remind me - what the hell does performing a wedding ceremony have to do with the commission of a crime later? You're bizarre in your hate.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

While I am generally a free market capitalist, I think given the national security implications, some kind of federal law has to pass that either completely forbids or at least requires a certain percentage of the supply chain (75 - 80%) of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies be manufactured here in the United States.
China is a distraction.

The election is about the SCOTUS and the replacing of this thing.

You Trump Tards really do live in your own little bubble. Nobody is giving a shit about SCOTUS in this election. They are going to be voting on the economy, the pandemic, and yes, China will probably play a role.
with the lies and and cover ups along with suppression of information [jailing doctors and reporters who attempted to warn the world] china is solely responsible for the death and economic hardships gripping the entire planet ! the election in Nov may depend on who American voters believe will be more aggressive in policies that encourage business and production to leave china and return to the US ! and which candidate can be trusted to hold china responsible for the pain it has caused the US and the entire world ! so the question is which party will be tougher on china and which party will continue the same old same old unfair trade practices that have hurt American workers.

China is a distraction.

The election is about the SCOTUS and the replacing of this thing.


With this fine candidate.


Replacing a distinguished judge with a stepford wife is hardly in our country's best interest, but I am sure you will do all you can to cheat yourself into another Supreme Court pick.


Distinguished. . .

View attachment 328369

So remind me - what the hell does performing a wedding ceremony have to do with the commission of a crime later? You're bizarre in your hate.

It has everything to do with it if you are a crazy right winger, and that is all you can come up with. I'll bet his next post is a "but Hillary" post.
It should be about china and the elected here who have screwed america over the last 4 decades with their trade agreements with china.
I think it's also about corporation decisions to move their manufacturing to China, and leave the USA....

As far as I am concerned, the corporations that CHOSE to continue to deal and manufacture in China even with the proprietary theft occurring there, nstead of manufacturing here, so to make much much much more in profit, SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN A DIME in Bailout money....

They CHOSE to do business in this unscrupulous communist country, and have made boocoos of profit the past 30 to 40 years, and they should handle with their own corporation's money that they have lost , already at the expense of America's manufacturing and workers, and they should pay, for their own's bullcrud that we, should bail them out!!!

It was the politicians both sides that allowed this. They need to answer for it.
It was a belief, by mostly republicans and some Democrats too, that opening up China for trade, would be a benefit for our national security, and human kind....the Chinese every day Joe, people.... to get a taste of capitalism, earn more money than they ever did, and eventually, reject their Communist govt.

The majority of the whole Nation believed this was a good thing, at the time.... we believed it.....

We, the people, had no idea what was coming, and had no idea what a phony bill of goods, they sold us....
I'll pick none of the above. Trump will hold China more accountable, but the federal deficits under him will make us more dependable on China. The only time we hear of fiscal responsibility out of Washington is from congressional Republicans during a Democrat's presidency.

I believe this next election is pretty much of a non-event as non-partisans go about selecting their presidents much in the same fashion as paddling a canoe. To keep from venturing too far to left or right it's alternating a couple of strokes on one side followed by a couple on the other. A president has to be a complete disaster for independents to switch sides after just one stroke. Of course partisans out of power will always view the situation as a disaster.
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.

China has been throwing tariffs and currency manipulation at us for decades. Where were your complaints?

Oh it's only when we do it, huh... The classic self-hate. Surrender and all will be good...
Are you bonkers? It's the Democrats that have been the ones mostly complaining all these decades!! What do you think the bitching about Wal-Mart has been about? Or the whole left wing Occupiy Wall Street, or support for the labor unions and manufacturing?

These were all stances against corporations sourcing there, with cheap labor, instead of the USA.....

REPUBLICANS were only concerned with currency manipulation, and intellectual theft that they wanted our gvt to FIX FOR THEIR big corporation donors....

Not to bring manufacturing back here..... So please spare us, from your rewriting of history....on this!!!!!
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.

China has been throwing tariffs and currency manipulation at us for decades. Where were your complaints?

Oh it's only when we do it, huh... The classic self-hate. Surrender and all will be good...
Are you bonkers? It's the Democrats that have been the ones mostly complaining all these decades!! What do you think the bitching about Wal-Mart has been about? Or the whole left wing Occupiy Wall Street, or support for the labor unions and manufacturing?

These were all stances against corporations sourcing there, with cheap labor, instead of the USA.....

REPUBLICANS were only concerned with currency manipulation, and intellectual theft that they wanted our gvt to FIX FOR THEIR big corporation donors....

Not to bring manufacturing back here..... So please spare us, from your rewriting of history....on this!!!!!

It's true, president Trump was tough on China after decades of neo-con/neo-lib rule.

Democrats love big corporations, their favorite type. Especially the international globalist ones that determine what is fact and what isn't.
with the lies and and cover ups along with suppression of information [jailing doctors and reporters who attempted to warn the world] china is solely responsible for the death and economic hardships gripping the entire planet ! the election in Nov may depend on who American voters believe will be more aggressive in policies that encourage business and production to leave china and return to the US ! and which candidate can be trusted to hold china responsible for the pain it has caused the US and the entire world ! so the question is which party will be tougher on china and which party will continue the same old same old unfair trade practices that have hurt American workers.

Trump owes the chinese state communist bank $220 million, so we know it isn't going to be him.

But I digress.

The election will be about one issue alright. The miserable failure of Trump.
link ?
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.

China has been throwing tariffs and currency manipulation at us for decades. Where were your complaints?

Oh it's only when we do it, huh... The classic self-hate. Surrender and all will be good...
Are you bonkers? It's the Democrats that have been the ones mostly complaining all these decades!! What do you think the bitching about Wal-Mart has been about? Or the whole left wing Occupiy Wall Street, or support for the labor unions and manufacturing?

These were all stances against corporations sourcing there, with cheap labor, instead of the USA.....

REPUBLICANS were only concerned with currency manipulation, and intellectual theft that they wanted our gvt to FIX FOR THEIR big corporation donors....

Not to bring manufacturing back here..... So please spare us, from your rewriting of history....on this!!!!!
occupy wall street was an anti capitalism socialist movement ..... dems have been in bed with the chicoms for decades ! nice attempt at an old communist tactic to lie deflect and rewrite history ! i see you are well read in rules for radicals .....your chicom masters should be proud of you traitor.
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.
team up with other countries on trade ..... are you referring to the new better trade deals Trump has signed like MCA and deals with the UK Japan and other countries ?
Of course you crazy Trump supporters want the election to be just about China, but that isn't gonna happen.
Free trade and open borders are this countries biggest problems. Trump is the first President to identify them as such. Every other President since Kennedy has been pro China and every Democrat has been pro open borders. That makes Trump the best possible President available. Biden isn't physically, mentally or psychologically fit for the job. Trump should win by a landslide
what makes trump fit to lead and biden not?
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.

China has been throwing tariffs and currency manipulation at us for decades. Where were your complaints?

Oh it's only when we do it, huh... The classic self-hate. Surrender and all will be good...

Bullshit as usual from your side. There have LONG been complaints about China's trade practices. You want to create a false dichotomy of - either you agree with blunt broad tariffs or you support China. Quite being an idiot.
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.
team up with other countries on trade ..... are you referring to the new better trade deals Trump has signed like MCA and deals with the UK Japan and other countries ?

What's "better"? MCA is almost identical to NAFTA. How's a better trade deal going with China? The only things they agreed to were minor things they were already going to do.
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.

China has been throwing tariffs and currency manipulation at us for decades. Where were your complaints?

Oh it's only when we do it, huh... The classic self-hate. Surrender and all will be good...
Are you bonkers? It's the Democrats that have been the ones mostly complaining all these decades!! What do you think the bitching about Wal-Mart has been about? Or the whole left wing Occupiy Wall Street, or support for the labor unions and manufacturing?

These were all stances against corporations sourcing there, with cheap labor, instead of the USA.....

REPUBLICANS were only concerned with currency manipulation, and intellectual theft that they wanted our gvt to FIX FOR THEIR big corporation donors....

Not to bring manufacturing back here..... So please spare us, from your rewriting of history....on this!!!!!
occupy wall street was an anti capitalism socialist movement ..... dems have been in bed with the chicoms for decades ! nice attempt at an old communist tactic to lie deflect and rewrite history ! i see you are well read in rules for radicals .....your chicom masters should be proud of you traitor.
Anti capitalism, IS anti free trade.
War or no war, against China?

Trumpers want WAR?

No we don't want war. We don't want all our stuff manufactured there either.

You need to see all the colors of rainbow, not just black and white.
That's up to Congress, the Senate specifically to approve a trade agreement that bans private industry from dealing and buying from China....

I doubt Moscow Mitch would want to wipe out his Chinese American in law's business and livelihood..... :rolleyes:

So far Trump tariffs have worked great. From here it is the American resurgence we are seeing. Make America Great Again!

On related good news, we will also be saving the entire planet by not having everything made in China, the country run on coal.

If they have worked great why are we paying such huge welfare payments to farmers affected by the tariffs?

That's actually because we want to protect our industry, or would you like to be dependent on China for your food now? They did not even send medical supplies...

Tariffs (and trade wars) are blunt instruments and can do more damage than good. They aren't the only way to go about this. A better way would have been to team up with other countries to create a more powerful block and selectively gone after specific aspects of trade with China - we aren't the only country who has problems with China's trade practices. But - when you are throwing tariffs on your allies it's kind of difficult to then ask them to help you with China isn't it? Trump shot himself in the foot with this one, and cost us a boatload of money in welfare with out, yet, getting anything significant in return.

China has been throwing tariffs and currency manipulation at us for decades. Where were your complaints?

Oh it's only when we do it, huh... The classic self-hate. Surrender and all will be good...
Are you bonkers? It's the Democrats that have been the ones mostly complaining all these decades!! What do you think the bitching about Wal-Mart has been about? Or the whole left wing Occupiy Wall Street, or support for the labor unions and manufacturing?

These were all stances against corporations sourcing there, with cheap labor, instead of the USA.....

REPUBLICANS were only concerned with currency manipulation, and intellectual theft that they wanted our gvt to FIX FOR THEIR big corporation donors....

Not to bring manufacturing back here..... So please spare us, from your rewriting of history....on this!!!!!
occupy wall street was an anti capitalism socialist movement ..... dems have been in bed with the chicoms for decades ! nice attempt at an old communist tactic to lie deflect and rewrite history ! i see you are well read in rules for radicals .....your chicom masters should be proud of you traitor.
Anti capitalism, IS anti free trade.

No. Many if not most anti-capitalists are the biggest globalist shills the world has ever known.

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