The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

No, the American PEOPLE chose Hillary Clinton.

Yeah, good luck with that lie...

Since Obama cancelled WH tours, Hillary won't even be able to BUY A TICKET to get in now.

The most comprehensive vote-tracking analysis is published by David Wasserman of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. As of 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 14, according to Wasserman’s calculations, Clinton led Trump by 784,748 votes -- specifically, 61,422,098 for Clinton, 60,637,350 for Trump, and 6,691,311 for other candidates.
No president in history has lost the popular vote so badly and still won the electoral college.

Although the popular vote is meaningless in selecting a president when people step back from the intensity of the moment and look at the big picture they will see it's not a good thing for the country.

No, Trump is not beating Clinton in the popular vote

Let this sink in. That ^ stat is a doughy pantload.

Let this sink in. That ^ stat is a doughy pantload.

Disprove it. Election data, voting statistics, exit polls.

Anything but your asshattery.
Clinton won a lot more than 57 counties, Trumpleton.

Thanks to a bad map and bizarre math, Breitbart can report that Trump won the REAL popular vote

"The “someone” who made Breitbart’s map appears to be Michael Patrick Leahy, according to its caption. Leahy is also the author of the article, which is titled “Donald Trump Won 7.5 Million Popular Vote Landslide in Heartland.”

For fun, let's evaluate Leahy’s analysis of the election results.

"Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory in 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland."

There are a lot of weird qualifiers there. The Census Bureau tallies the number of counties and equivalents in the country at 3,142. I looked at data from 3,110 of them earlier today (lacking data from some counties). Hillary Clinton won 487 of them; Donald Trump won 2,623. But Clinton won a lot more counties with cities (as above) and so the current national vote total compiled by Cook Political’s Dave Wasserman has Clinton leading by 1 million votes. (He estimates that lead will double.)"


You can slice and dice the numbers however you want. You can say Clinton won the popular vote if you want, which she did. You can say Trump won the electoral vote, which he did. You can say that Clinton won the all important counties-that-contain-the-letters-“folk” vote, 812,000 to 535,000. (This is true.)

Or, if you want, you can say that, save for the largest state in the country, which is home to one out of every eight people, Trump won the popular vote!"

Let this sink in. That ^ stat is a doughy pantload.

Disprove it. Election data, voting statistics, exit polls.

Anything but your asshattery.
Clinton won a lot more than 57 counties, Trumpleton.

Thanks to a bad map and bizarre math, Breitbart can report that Trump won the REAL popular vote

"The “someone” who made Breitbart’s map appears to be Michael Patrick Leahy, according to its caption. Leahy is also the author of the article, which is titled “Donald Trump Won 7.5 Million Popular Vote Landslide in Heartland.”

For fun, let's evaluate Leahy’s analysis of the election results.

"Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory in 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland."

There are a lot of weird qualifiers there. The Census Bureau tallies the number of counties and equivalents in the country at 3,142. I looked at data from 3,110 of them earlier today (lacking data from some counties). Hillary Clinton won 487 of them; Donald Trump won 2,623. But Clinton won a lot more counties with cities (as above) and so the current national vote total compiled by Cook Political’s Dave Wasserman has Clinton leading by 1 million votes. (He estimates that lead will double.)"


You can slice and dice the numbers however you want. You can say Clinton won the popular vote if you want, which she did. You can say Trump won the electoral vote, which he did. You can say that Clinton won the all important counties-that-contain-the-letters-“folk” vote, 812,000 to 535,000. (This is true.)

Or, if you want, you can say that, save for the largest state in the country, which is home to one out of every eight people, Trump won the popular vote!"

Haha, that's the same WaPo that said this:

In defense of the electoral college
So which one do you believe? Does WaPo support the use of the Electoral College? Or do they support direct popular votes?

(For anyone still here, I'm out of my mind bored. I stopped being serious a while ago).

Let this sink in. That ^ stat is a doughy pantload.

Disprove it. Election data, voting statistics, exit polls.

Anything but your asshattery.
Clinton won a lot more than 57 counties, Trumpleton.

Thanks to a bad map and bizarre math, Breitbart can report that Trump won the REAL popular vote

"The “someone” who made Breitbart’s map appears to be Michael Patrick Leahy, according to its caption. Leahy is also the author of the article, which is titled “Donald Trump Won 7.5 Million Popular Vote Landslide in Heartland.”

For fun, let's evaluate Leahy’s analysis of the election results.

"Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory in 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland."

There are a lot of weird qualifiers there. The Census Bureau tallies the number of counties and equivalents in the country at 3,142. I looked at data from 3,110 of them earlier today (lacking data from some counties). Hillary Clinton won 487 of them; Donald Trump won 2,623. But Clinton won a lot more counties with cities (as above) and so the current national vote total compiled by Cook Political’s Dave Wasserman has Clinton leading by 1 million votes. (He estimates that lead will double.)"


You can slice and dice the numbers however you want. You can say Clinton won the popular vote if you want, which she did. You can say Trump won the electoral vote, which he did. You can say that Clinton won the all important counties-that-contain-the-letters-“folk” vote, 812,000 to 535,000. (This is true.)

Or, if you want, you can say that, save for the largest state in the country, which is home to one out of every eight people, Trump won the popular vote!"

Haha, that's the same WaPo that said this:

In defense of the electoral college

Bad punt.

You're stupid meme was wrong.

& Breitbart sucks donkey balls.
So which one do you believe? Does WaPo support the use of the Electoral College? Or do they support direct popular votes?

(For anyone still here, I'm out of my mind bored. I stopped being serious a while ago).
Ask Trump.

He's flip flopped all over the place on it.

You elected Sybil.
And in case it needs to be pointed out to you, the WaPo is not one person - like Trump is - and they carry various viewpoints, still no one is denying the EC win or validity.

Trumpers still keep honking about a popular vote win though. And counties. COUNTIES!
And in case it needs to be pointed out to you, the WaPo is not one person - like Trump is - and they carry various viewpoints, still no one is denying the EC win or validity.

Wow. So WaPo suddenly has a tolerance for diverse viewpoints. One of the many left leaning liberal news outlets in America suddenly has a tolerance for various viewpoints.

I laughed more than I should.
Without voter i.d., we'll never know how many illegals voted in this last election. And really, we don't even know how many illegals we have in this country. Hopefully, President Trump can put a stop to this nonsense so we can control who comes to live and work in our country. You know. Like Mexico and most other countries do. Maybe President Trump can push through something necessary like voter i.d., instead of something useless like obamanation care.
And in case it needs to be pointed out to you, the WaPo is not one person - like Trump is - and they carry various viewpoints, still no one is denying the EC win or validity.

Wow. So WaPo suddenly has a tolerance for diverse viewpoints. One of the many left leaning liberal news outlets in America suddenly has a tolerance for various viewpoints.

I laughed more than I should.
Definitely a youngin'.
No, the American PEOPLE chose Hillary Clinton.

Yeah, good luck with that lie...

Since Obama cancelled WH tours, Hillary won't even be able to BUY A TICKET to get in now.


Long after you're history, history will show that Hillary Clinton beat Trump until the votes got thrown into the 18th century meat grinder called the electoral college,

where what went in bore no resemblance to what came out.
History will show that both HRC and DJT knew the rules of the EC going into the campaign, which is why they concentrated their efforts on the swing states.
Oh, yes they certainly concentrated their efforts on swing states thanks to the Electoral College. In presidential elections 5 to 10 states, mostly the same states determine the outcome of presidential election.
Without voter i.d., we'll never know how many illegals voted in this last election. And really, we don't even know how many illegals we have in this country. Hopefully, President Trump can put a stop to this nonsense so we can control who comes to live and work in our country. You know. Like Mexico and most other countries do. Maybe President Trump can push through something necessary like voter i.d., instead of something useless like obamanation care.
Not likely Republicans in congress will want the federal government once again to stomp on state's right to control their elections.
Electoral College versus Popular Vote is suddenly THE hottest issue regarding elections...why is that again? Oh yeah, Hillary lost and libs did not get their way.

The 'hottest' issue regarding elections and how to prevent people from being disenfranchise SHOULD be a discussion on how to prevent Democrats from RIGHING Primaries / Elections in the future, thereby screwing millions of voters, like Unca Bernie's followers.

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