The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

SUDDENLY 'The electoral college is a disaster for democracy' because Hillary won the Popular but not electoral...

It's always been a disaster in modern times. It affects in a horrible way the whole strategy of a political campaign and guarantees a two party system.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.

Oligarchies are rule by minority. That is what the electoral college enables.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.
they only want guaranteed wins.

Wanting one person one vote as the determining factor in an election doesn't guarantee anything,

except a democratic system.
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
Someone on here (West) yesterday (Wall) said that the EC was formed so that minorities "had a say". That's interesting and shows the incredibly low level of intelligence of your average Trump supporter. The EC was formed in 1787 and only white men could vote. The only minorities were blacks and they were slaves. Hispanics were not recognized as citizens. (Women didn't receive the right to vote until 1920.)
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And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.
they only want guaranteed wins.

Wanting one person one vote as the determining factor in an election doesn't guarantee anything,

except a democratic system.
I agree, how about we go to voter IDs and all the restrictions to keep dead folks from voting. Let's all use the same system to vote, let's know the number of expected voters before voting so counts match. I'm open for all of that, are you? and again, 91 of 102 counties were won by trump and he lost the state. I'd say that's a majority. You?
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
so you don't want a majority vote. I understand. you know you'll lose. funny how you wish to go directly to the electoral college after arguing against it. funny shit my man.
We are a constitutional republic that elects representatives. An extent of that republicanism is that our EC elects the presidents. An amendment would have to change the process, and neither party wants such, despite what certain members of those parties may say.
Neither party wants it so far. We lost the election in 2000 because of the EC. The Democrats need to push for abolition of the EC. I predict Trump will be a one term president and that in 2020 the presidency, the House and the Congress will go to the Democrats, and then we can get rid of the EC, as we should have done 40 or more years ago.
I've seen those predictions for decades now, and their accuracy is, shall we say, less than stellar.
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
Suddenly you are back to having 9 people decide for 350 million.

No, let's use your popular vote idea.
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
Suddenly you are back to having 9 people decide for 350 million.

No, let's use your popular vote idea.

Your map coincides with this one showing where most PEOPLE live. How fascinating.

Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
Suddenly you are back to having 9 people decide for 350 million.

No, let's use your popular vote idea.
he proves my point. when it's in his favor he's all over it, when it isn't we need a change. baddaboom again today!!!! I love being so correct.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.

Oligarchies are rule by minority. That is what the electoral college enables.

Actually, Oligarchies are a rule by a self selecting cabal.

Like...ex-Harvard law professors and economists.
And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.

Oligarchies are rule by minority. That is what the electoral college enables.

Actually, Oligarchies are a rule by a self selecting cabel.

Like...ex-Harvard law professors and economists.
Yup yup.
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
Suddenly you are back to having 9 people decide for 350 million.

No, let's use your popular vote idea.

Your map coincides with this one showing where most PEOPLE live. How fascinating.

So you prefer the hunger games scenario.
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Want a popular vote?
Homosexual marriage, abortion, immigration.
Lets put them all up to a majority vote.

Same sex marriage was found constitutional by the court that was appointed by the president, elected by the electoral college,

and approved by the Senate, the chamber whose membership is determined in a system that favors the small, rural states.

lol, you lose.
Said Donald Trump in 2012.

I betcha he wishes he could take that one back.

Donald Trump has a monumental task before him ― preparing his team for a peaceful transition of power involving thousands of key executive appointments who will need to be ready to take the reins of government once President BarackObama steps down in January.

So what was the president-elect doing instead the week after last Tuesday’s election? Tending to his wounded ego by tweeting about his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton’s growing popular vote victory:

"If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily

The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!"

There is virtually no doubt Trump would have a different opinion of the Electoral College had the roles been reversed. If he won the popular vote but lost the election, he would almost certainly claim it was “rigged” against him

On the night of the 2012 presidential election, for example, he complained about the system when he mistakenly thought GOP candidate Mitt Romney had won the popular vote. Trump called the process of electing a president a “disaster for a democracy,” and even called for a “revolution” in response to the results.

The president-elect even suggested changes to the way America selects its president on Sunday in an interview with CBS News “60 Minutes.”

“I hated ― well, you know, I’m not going to change my mind just because I won,” Trump said in response to a question about the 2012 tweet. “But I would rather see it where you went with simple votes. You know, you get 100 million votes and somebody else gets 90 million votes and you win.”
I think we should cut New York Caribou at bit of slack. He is obviously proud of his State. He might even be an awesome Texan.
Someone on here (West) yesterday (Wall) said that the EC was formed so that minorities "had a say". That's interesting and shows the incredibly low level of intelligence of your average Trump supporter. The EC was formed in 1787 and only white men could vote. The only minorities were blacks and they were slaves. Hispanics were not recognized as citizens. (Women didn't receive the right to vote until 1920.)

Moron......political prevent a tyrant from using the popular vote to take power...idiot.
Super delegates hid the weakness of Hillary in the primaries. After that the media covered up.

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