The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

Said Donald Trump in 2012.

I betcha he wishes he could take that one back.

Trump plays by the rules in effect.

Democrats cheat and try to go around the rules.....because working inside the rules is for peasants and suckers, according to liberal/progressive snobs.
Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.
The EC is based on the idea that people in low population states will have very different needs than a high population state so the EC is needed otherwise our elections would be biased toward the needs of large population states.

Needs of people vary greatly regardless of population. For example, West Virginia and Utah are about the same size both have the same number of electoral votes but their needs are much different. The same can be said for Delaware and Alaska, or West Virginia and Utah. Is Texas with 35 electoral votes really that similar to New York with 31. I would say Texas is far more like Oklahoma with only 7.

Size of state population is not a reliable indicator of the needs of the people in that state, thus the popular vote is far more equatable for everyone.

We tend to the think that the GOP dominates the smaller states but if you look at the number of states that have less than 10 electoral votes they are probably closer than you think, 17 are red states and 14 are Blue states.

its not really a state by state issue. Look at the blue dots on the map-----the big metropolitan areas. Without the EC, our 4 or 5 largest cities would be picking our presidents. OR, if you like the state deal, California, the DC metroplex, and New York would be picking our presidents. The rest of us would have no say.

But this is mental masturbation, a constitutional amendment removing the EC will never be ratified by 38 states.
You're probably right. The popular vote would not be ratified. However, that may not always be the case. The mobility of people, ideas, and issues should in time narrow the divide between the people. If it doesn't there might not be a United States of America but rather the Divided States of America.

agree, and thanks to Obama and our biased media, we are currently the divided states of America.

Do you understand why liberals and progressives want us divided?
"If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily

The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!" - Trump
You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.
The EC is based on the idea that people in low population states will have very different needs than a high population state so the EC is needed otherwise our elections would be biased toward the needs of large population states.

Needs of people vary greatly regardless of population. For example, West Virginia and Utah are about the same size both have the same number of electoral votes but their needs are much different. The same can be said for Delaware and Alaska, or West Virginia and Utah. Is Texas with 35 electoral votes really that similar to New York with 31. I would say Texas is far more like Oklahoma with only 7.

Size of state population is not a reliable indicator of the needs of the people in that state, thus the popular vote is far more equatable for everyone.

We tend to the think that the GOP dominates the smaller states but if you look at the number of states that have less than 10 electoral votes they are probably closer than you think, 17 are red states and 14 are Blue states.

its not really a state by state issue. Look at the blue dots on the map-----the big metropolitan areas. Without the EC, our 4 or 5 largest cities would be picking our presidents. OR, if you like the state deal, California, the DC metroplex, and New York would be picking our presidents. The rest of us would have no say.

But this is mental masturbation, a constitutional amendment removing the EC will never be ratified by 38 states.
You're probably right. The popular vote would not be ratified. However, that may not always be the case. The mobility of people, ideas, and issues should in time narrow the divide between the people. If it doesn't there might not be a United States of America but rather the Divided States of America.

Indeed there already is. The entire concepts of "red" and "blue" states, as if different countries within a country.... as well as "blue walls" and "battleground states" --- should not exist at all, but that's the waste product of the Electrical College.

One of the minor bases of reasoning for the EC was that then -- in the 18th century --- a candidate from, say, Georgia would be largely unknown to voters in, say, Connecticut, as the two were way too far apart. Technology has long since rendered that argument utterly moot.
Na, it still works perfectly. There's not enough population in the small states to have the the popular vote matter. You're forgetting a popular vote is mob rule. This is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy. Bed wetter
Trump, two days ago: “I’m not going to change my mind just because I won,” the president-elect said. “But I would rather see it where you went with simple votes. You know, you get 100 million votes and somebody else gets 90 million votes and you win.”
The EC is based on the idea that people in low population states will have very different needs than a high population state so the EC is needed otherwise our elections would be biased toward the needs of large population states.

Needs of people vary greatly regardless of population. For example, West Virginia and Utah are about the same size both have the same number of electoral votes but their needs are much different. The same can be said for Delaware and Alaska, or West Virginia and Utah. Is Texas with 35 electoral votes really that similar to New York with 31. I would say Texas is far more like Oklahoma with only 7.

Size of state population is not a reliable indicator of the needs of the people in that state, thus the popular vote is far more equatable for everyone.

We tend to the think that the GOP dominates the smaller states but if you look at the number of states that have less than 10 electoral votes they are probably closer than you think, 17 are red states and 14 are Blue states.

its not really a state by state issue. Look at the blue dots on the map-----the big metropolitan areas. Without the EC, our 4 or 5 largest cities would be picking our presidents. OR, if you like the state deal, California, the DC metroplex, and New York would be picking our presidents. The rest of us would have no say.

But this is mental masturbation, a constitutional amendment removing the EC will never be ratified by 38 states.

If there are more people in the cities, why shouldn't they have proportionately more power?

NO, our 4 or 5 biggest cities should not run our country. Are you really that stupid?

"Cities" do not vote, my friend. Just as "states" should not vote.

Just as "counties" or "parishes" do not vote when Louisiana elects a Governor or Senator. That would be absurd.

Whelp ------- same thing.

Why should N'awlins and BR and maybe Shreveport run Louisiana?
See? You cannot make that argument. Because it isn't one.

you are ignoring one pertinent fact. Most large city dwellers are left leaning if not blatant democrats. Residents of our large cities do not represent the demographics of the entire country. The EC gives a proportional voice to every citizen no matter where he or she lives.

As to your Louisiana example, Orleans parish and Baton Rouge (two parishes) do control most state wide elections------and lean left.

I am not suggesting something like the EC for states, but at the national level it is the best alternative, and it was proven again this year as the final counts show that Trump won both the EC and the PV.

You're trying to penalize people because they belong to a group.

Should my vote for NYS governor be given extra weight because I live in rural NY, not in the city?

Yes or no.
Popular vote is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

View attachment 98544

The electoral vote is like losing the 7th game of the World Series and then finding out that by some strange calculation,

you're now actually World Champions.
If you know the rules, there is no reason to be surprised.
Only ignorant fools are whining.

So you're arguing that the rules can never be wrong. That's not very intelligent.
Hey, who said conservatives hate minorities?

They love that a minority can elect a president. They love that a minority of Senators can block legislation supported by 90% of the American people...
Neither party wants it so far. We lost the election in 2000 because of the EC. The Democrats need to push for abolition of the EC. I predict Trump will be a one term president and that in 2020 the presidency, the House and the Congress will go to the Democrats, and then we can get rid of the EC, as we should have done 40 or more years ago.

It would require a constitutional amendment.

It would recieve popular support, but with Republicans being strategically advantaged by it, they would oppose it. If the amendment process got underway, they would just make a state rights argument.
Since there are many more red states than blue, it is very unlikely such an amendment would pass. I may be wrong, but an amendment has to be ratified by two thirds of the states to pass.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...
You have no proof otherwise
The popular vote seems to work in a 112 countries that allow their citizens to select their leader.
The US is among only 4 countries that uses the electoral college to select their leader.

Elections by country - Wikipedia

It's why we are the greatest country.
The framers of the Constitution were eerily prescient. If we were a Democracy, we would have a felon as President.
Democracy is a terrible form of government when you allow greedy dumbasses to vote.

Our big city Democrat controlled shitholes are full of greedy dumbasses.
hey flash, just to stand on that comment. Trump won 91 of 102 counties in Illinois and lost illinois. D'oh, holy shit how does that happen?
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.
Popular vote is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

View attachment 98544

The electoral vote is like losing the 7th game of the World Series and then finding out that by some strange calculation,

you're now actually World Champions.
If you know the rules, there is no reason to be surprised.
Only ignorant fools are whining.

So you're arguing that the rules can never be wrong. That's not very intelligent.
The Founding Fathers were geniuses to come up with the Electoral College.

If you don't like it, amend the Constitution.
Good luck getting States to agree.
Democracy is a terrible form of government when you allow greedy dumbasses to vote.

Our big city Democrat controlled shitholes are full of greedy dumbasses.
hey flash, just to stand on that comment. Trump won 91 of 102 counties in Illinois and lost illinois. D'oh, holy shit how does that happen?

There are a lot of Libtard shitheads in Chicago, aren't there? Just shows you how oppressive the rule of mob can be sometimes, doesn't it?
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

It makes total sense. Why should Los Angelos and New York decide for West Virginia, Montana, Iowa and even places in Wisconsin and Ohio? You don't understand the point of the EC, otherwise you would not respond with "omg". It's entirely setup so everyone has a say and not just a majority population. You just happen to be on the losing side so you don't like it.
The EC is the best way to ensure the majority doesn't rule.

And there you have it. omg

Go take a history lesson on why the EC was setup and get back to me. Oh, and when you do don't pick out one sentence of my post and leave the rest out.

A huge, important point that points out that this talk of the electoral college is stupid......

The Republican party now controls 33 governorships out of 50...that means at the state level.......where the people are most directly effected by the government....they voted the electoral college whining by these guys is a joke...
They want rule by an oligarchy, determined by people in a few geographically tiny areas.

Sorry, the rest of the country likes the electoral college.
they only want guaranteed wins.
Popular vote is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

View attachment 98544

The electoral vote is like losing the 7th game of the World Series and then finding out that by some strange calculation,

you're now actually World Champions.
If you know the rules, there is no reason to be surprised.
Only ignorant fools are whining.

So you're arguing that the rules can never be wrong. That's not very intelligent.
The Founding Fathers were geniuses to come up with the Electoral College.

If you don't like it, amend the Constitution.
Good luck getting States to agree.

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