The electoral college is a disaster for democracy


Is it.

Diga me Tonto --- how do you elect your Governor? "County electoral votes"?

Exactly. It wouldn't work at that level for the same reason it doesn't work at the national.

Prove me wrong.

The Constitution doesn't define the electoral process for selecting a state governor but it does for the President of the US. I guess you didn't know that, did you Moon Bat?

By the way Moon Bat. Pure democracy at the city level has given us the awful Democrat controlled big city shitholes so I would be careful about defending it if I was you. It gives cities like Chicago, DC and Baltimore really terrible government that fails the people.

Democracy always sucks when stupid greedy dumbasses have the majority vote.

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

You haven't haven't done a damn thing to prove that the Founding Fathers got it wrong and that the Constitution ain't worth shit. Did you even bother to watch the video I posted or fo you have your your head up your ass?

You are a typical Moon Bat. All mouth and no substance. Comes from being confused and delusional.

I don't see a "video" there Herman.. If you have a point then articulate it. If you can't do that, then you don't have one.

And DO NOT put words in my mouth -- I never said the Constitution "ain't worth shit". It's clear I know a fuck of a lot more about it than you do.

Here is the video again. What it and learn something useful Moon Bat.

Oh. Pfft. I've seen it before. It doesn't make the argument either. But if you think it does, post --- as in ACTUALLY WRITE IN WORDS --- the part that you think makes the case, because posting somebody's video and running away is a cop-out.

If you can't articulate your point ------ you don't have a point.

You can do your stupid Moon Bat denial all you want. The Founding Fathers gave real America a slight edge with the Electoral College because they did not want power to be concentrated in the big city shitholes and that was the right thing to do.

By the way Moon Bat, if Trump had won the popular vote and lost to Crooked Hillary in the Electoral College you wouldn't be saying a damn thing now so you can just shut the fuck up with you hypocrisy.

I am actually glad Crooked Hillary lost the Electoral College but won the popular vote because it gives you pathetic little pussy piss ants some to bitch about for the next four years so we real American can ridicule for not understanding the Constitution.

Is it.

Diga me Tonto --- how do you elect your Governor? "County electoral votes"?

Exactly. It wouldn't work at that level for the same reason it doesn't work at the national.

Prove me wrong.

The Constitution doesn't define the electoral process for selecting a state governor but it does for the President of the US. I guess you didn't know that, did you Moon Bat?

By the way Moon Bat. Pure democracy at the city level has given us the awful Democrat controlled big city shitholes so I would be careful about defending it if I was you. It gives cities like Chicago, DC and Baltimore really terrible government that fails the people.

Democracy always sucks when stupid greedy dumbasses have the majority vote.

aaaand another point sails blithely over another pointed head.

"The Constitution" is irrelevant to this point. The actual point, since you need it spelled out like a big coloring book, is that NO state holds a system of "county electoral votes" so that "East Jipip is fairly represented and Metropolis doesn't get to call the shots'. Because that argument has no merit --- THERE'S NO REASON TO DO IT. It's simply "one voter, one vote". PERIOD.

Now instead of the diverse citizenry of a state electing a Governor, apply that to the diverse citizenry of a country electing a head of state.

One more word concerning this wacko "mob rule" meme y'all lean on like a crutch yet can never define::
You can do your stupid Moon Bat denial all you want. The Founding Fathers gave real America a slight edge with the Electoral College because they did not want power to be concentrated in the big city shitholes and that was the right thing to do.

AH, now the real reason comes out. Slave states = "real America".

Thanks. That was very revealing.

By the way Moon Bat, if Trump had won the popular vote and lost to Crooked Hillary in the Electoral College you wouldn't be saying a damn thing now so you can just shut the fuck up with you hypocrisy.

Well then it's too bad for your ass and your lame speculation fallacies that I'm already on the record making these same arguments for years, waaay before this election, including on this site, innit.

Once again for the shortbus kids -- none of this is about recent elections. This issue only comes up every four years because IT ONLY COMES UP EVERY FOUR YEARS. That's why Rump's tweet that titled this thread came out... ready? FOUR YEARS AGO.

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

The simple dismissal of mountains of evidence arguments, and explanations by one simpleton like you, long proven to understand exactly nothing about political science (and so many other fields), is very far from compelling, dimwit. You are not convincing anyone of anything by jumping up and down shouting "me win! me win!" While everyone proves you wrong again and again. The bottom line? The Electoral College is wise, necessary, and not going away. Go rinse out those Depends and move on.

I don't have prove anything Moon Bat. The Constitutional of the US establishes the Electoral College. If you don't like it then you can go fuck yourself or else set out to change the Constitution.

I don't like pure Democracy because it give the stupid greedy assholes the ability to steal from others. The Founding Fathers agreed with me.

AH, now the real reason comes out. Slave states = "real America".

Thanks. That was very revealing.


You mean slave states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota because their Electoral College votes goes to Trump? LOL!
I don't have prove anything Moon Bat. The Constitutional of the US establishes the Electoral College. If you don't it then you can go fuck yourself or else set out to change the Constitution.

Indeed. And I have described how, when and why it did that, when it was changed and why, when it was changed again and why, when it was changed again again and why, and the effect it has today.

You meanwhile posted a video you can't explain.

I don't like pure Democracy because it give the stupid greedy assholes the ability to steal from others. The Founding Fathers agreed with me.

About slaves being three-fifths of a person?

If you don't like PVs ..... what do you do when your state elects a Governor?

Or a Senator?

Or your district a Congresscritter?

Moon Bats hate the model for the Republic set up by our Founding Fathers.

They would rather have the Venezuela model. They think it will work better when a bunch of dumbass greedy assholes get to vote in communism even when it destroys the country. Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Moon Bats hate the model for the Republic set up by our Founding Fathers.

They would rather have the Venezuela model. They think it will work better when a bunch of dumbass greedy assholes get to vote in communism even when it destroys the country. Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.

Actually Venezuela has direct election of their head of state just like every other country in the world that has elections --- that is, every country that is not named the United States or Pakistan.

Still no argument.

About slaves being three-fifths of a person?

If you don't like PVs ..... what do you do when your state elects a Governor?

Or a Senator?

Or your district a Congresscritter?


You know, you really need to pay better attention Moon Bat.

I explained to you earlier that the State government elections are not controlled by the Constitution but the Presidency is. Do you even know that?

You are really dense, aren't you?

If you don't like the Constitution then go fuck yourself or go out and change it. Crying about the result of an election that adhered to the Constitution just makes you look like a little pussy asshole. Typical for an uneducated low information Libtard Moon Bat.

When you thought the Red State Electoral College ceiling was going to help that shithead Crooked Hillary you hypocritical Moon Bats were not complaining about it then.

Grow up asshole!

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

The simple dismissal of mountains of evidence arguments, and explanations by one simpleton like you, long proven to understand exactly nothing about political science (and so many other fields), is very far from compelling, dimwit. You are not convincing anyone of anything by jumping up and down shouting "me win! me win!" While everyone proves you wrong again and again. The bottom line? The Electoral College is wise, necessary, and not going away. Go rinse out those Depends and move on.

I don't have prove anything Moon Bat. The Constitutional of the US establishes the Electoral College. If you don't like it then you can go fuck yourself or else set out to change the Constitution.

I don't like pure Democracy because it give the stupid greedy assholes the ability to steal from others. The Founding Fathers agreed with me.

Not real familiar how the quote function works, are you?
I explained to you earlier that the State government elections are not controlled by the Constitution but the Presidency is. Do you even know that?

And I already took you by the tiny widdle hand to essplain how that was never the point anyway. I even went ahead and essplained, like a Special Ed teacher, what the point actually was. And here you are still trying to change it into something you can handle.

Dood you're pathetic.

And you continue to have no answer.

When you thought the Red State Electoral College ceiling was going to help that shithead Crooked Hillary you hypocritical Moon Bats were not complaining about it then.

Actually I've been posting these same points all year. Wanna see 'em --- AGAIN?

I'll just continue to put this out there ----


  • Big well-known egomaniac from New York runs for presidency, wins most of the Republican primaries, wins 'em big.
  • Party convention ignores him and his primary wins, nominates the Establishment guy from Ohio as its candidate.
  • Big well-known egomaniac from New York leaves in a huff, takes his supporters, runs as a third party. Ends up taking enough votes to come in second place, which pushes Establishment Republican candidate to third place.
  • Democrat gets less than 42% of the popular vote, but comes in first and wins Electoral College vote by a landslide.

Just sayin'.

That is a rather unrealistic assessment of 2016 Presidential Politics. A vote for anyone other than Drumpf of Clinton is wasted in our system. If you wish to discuss better ways to elect the President, I'm all ears but in the current framework, a vote for Mr. Johnson is wasted in the final analysis. It may satisfy some internal desire to not lend support to either major party candidate and that is all well and good but our system is what it is; Sorry.

I disagree, for the same reason that our system is what it is. Meaning, due to the Electoral College system, if your state is a lock for a red vote or a lock for a blue vote, then your contribution to (or against) that red or blue state vote, has no meaning at all, because it has no effect whatsoever. But by voting 3P you can at least make the 'NOTA' statement that the binary system is not acceptable.

I've certainly done that, though I would not have if the EC system did not exist.

And beyond that Duopoly construction there's the problem of the Electoral College, meaning that anyone who lives in a lock-red or lock-blue state cannot cast a vote for anything but a third party that has any meaning at all. That red or blue candy is getting your state vote regardless whether you vote for him, against him, or just stay home. It makes not a whit of difference.

So you can go cast a vote for Johnson or Nader or Perot as a protest but as long as the sheep rule, the sheep rule and it generates no more effect than "oh isn't that cute, somebody voted for Nader, now let's return to the big screen where Tweedle Dee is closing ground on Tweedle Dum, isn't that exciting, kids?".

Which brings us to the Media that plays a vital role in perpetuating Same Old Thing..... which is why it's absurd to call the MSM "liberal media" --- perpetuating the SOT is as conservative as it gets.

I did that in 2000.
Of course, I had the luxury of doing that as I was living in a locked-red state, which meant my vote for either of the Duopoly flavors would mean nothing. So I made it mean something.

Anybody who's in a locked-red or locked-blue state should do the same. It's the patriotic thing to do. With the electoral college bullshit, your red or blue vote, whether it's for or against the trend, means absolutely nothing anyway. Make it count for something.

Check the dates, Nimrodsky.

The last two wags who tried to float this turd and got thusly spanked, they both ran away.

Seeing as how you just lost yet another point and have no argument you can take that as a cue.
Last edited:

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

The simple dismissal of mountains of evidence arguments, and explanations by one simpleton like you, long proven to understand exactly nothing about political science (and so many other fields), is very far from compelling, dimwit. You are not convincing anyone of anything by jumping up and down shouting "me win! me win!" While everyone proves you wrong again and again. The bottom line? The Electoral College is wise, necessary, and not going away. Go rinse out those Depends and move on.

I don't have prove anything Moon Bat. The Constitutional of the US establishes the Electoral College. If you don't like it then you can go fuck yourself or else set out to change the Constitution.

I don't like pure Democracy because it give the stupid greedy assholes the ability to steal from others. The Founding Fathers agreed with me.

Not real familiar how the quote function works, are you?

You are not that familiar with the Constitution, are you?
This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

This discussion takes place every four years, Nimrod. That's because the EC only HAPPENS every four years, fucking DUH. And if you get up off your worthless hiny and go search the site you'll find all these arguments being made *BEFORE* the election too. This ain't new, it's simply revitalized. That's what happens to things when they're current news, Dumbass.

Moreover, the title of this thread was composed by Donald Rump himself. And he was right. And that was --- all together now ---- four years ago.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.
The EC is based on the idea that people in low population states will have very different needs than a high population state so the EC is needed otherwise our elections would be biased toward the needs of large population states.

Needs of people vary greatly regardless of population. For example, West Virginia and Utah are about the same size both have the same number of electoral votes but their needs are much different. The same can be said for Delaware and Alaska, or West Virginia and Utah. Is Texas with 35 electoral votes really that similar to New York with 31. I would say Texas is far more like Oklahoma with only 7.

Size of state population is not a reliable indicator of the needs of the people in that state, thus the popular vote is far more equatable for everyone.

We tend to the think that the GOP dominates the smaller states but if you look at the number of states that have less than 10 electoral votes they are probably closer than you think, 17 are red states and 14 are Blue states.
Last edited:

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

The simple dismissal of mountains of evidence arguments, and explanations by one simpleton like you, long proven to understand exactly nothing about political science (and so many other fields), is very far from compelling, dimwit. You are not convincing anyone of anything by jumping up and down shouting "me win! me win!" While everyone proves you wrong again and again. The bottom line? The Electoral College is wise, necessary, and not going away. Go rinse out those Depends and move on.

I don't have prove anything Moon Bat. The Constitutional of the US establishes the Electoral College. If you don't like it then you can go fuck yourself or else set out to change the Constitution.

I don't like pure Democracy because it give the stupid greedy assholes the ability to steal from others. The Founding Fathers agreed with me.

Not real familiar how the quote function works, are you?

You are not that familiar with the Constitution, are you?

Very much so. Almost certainly much more than you are. You still haven't figured out that you directed your response to the wrong person yet, have you?
You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

Show me where Trump is winning the popular vote:

2016 election results: State maps, live updates

He's not. She clearly won the PV.

Your citation of 600K has not changed much in days. Keep in mind the Friday holiday, and now weekend. On Monday, vote tabulation will resume.

"Votes are still being counted, however, with the outstanding ballots overwhelmingly concentrated in Democratic bastions like California, Washington state and New York.

The Times’ Nate Cohn estimated on Saturday that there were a total of 7 million votes* left to be counted nationwide. As of Thursday, more than 4 million votes had yet to be counted in California alone.

That means that Clinton’s lead will almost certainly grow in the coming days, as it has since election night."

*He has since adjusted that to about 5 million.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

from CNN
without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.

without the EC, 4 of our largest metropolitan areas could select our presidents-----------the tiny blue spots on the voting map that has been posted many times.

The founders understood that that would be a disaster.

You can't make that argument work. Cannot be done. Go ahead and give it a shot.

A PV in no way takes any votes away from outside of metro areas.
An EC on the other hand nullifies literally millions on the spot.

And again, this system wasn't set up by "the Founders" but by the Twelfth Amendment.... which also counted slaves for three-fifths of a person for the purpose of counting EVs (but not for the purpose of voting).

That of course was revised with the Fourteenth when slavery was abolished ---- which also counted women for the purpose of counting EVs but not for the purpose of voting.

That part wasn't fixed until the Nineteenth.

Notice that this Yugo is always in the shop?

Yugo = Pogo

it is a well known FACT that the voters in our largest cities are predominately democrats. So NY, Chitown, LA, Houston, Philly, and DC could decide our presidents. For that matter, California and New York plus Chitown and Philly could pick our presidents.

The EC gives an electoral voice to the citizens of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, and Kansas.

Sorry if you think it caused your terrible hildebeast to lose. That's just the way it is. BTW, the latest counts have Trump winning the popular vote as well as the EC-----------------------------------------------------Soooooooo, Hillary is a two time LOSER who may end up in jail. The system works.

You don't deserve to have your vote diluted just because you live in a city.

you don't deserve to have your vote not count just because you live in a low population state. The EC is the best compromise and in almost every case the winner of the EC also won the PV. Trump included, the latest counts have him winning both.
The EC is based on the idea that people in low population states will have very different needs than a high population state so the EC is needed otherwise our elections would be biased toward the needs of large population states.

Needs of people vary greatly regardless of population. For example, West Virginia and Utah are about the same size both have the same number of electoral votes but their needs are much different. The same can be said for Delaware and Alaska, or West Virginia and Utah. Is Texas with 35 electoral votes really that similar to New York with 31. I would say Texas is far more like Oklahoma with only 7.

Size of state population is not a reliable indicator of the needs of the people in that state, thus the popular vote is far more equatable for everyone.

We tend to the think that the GOP dominates the smaller states but if you look at the number of states that have less than 10 electoral votes they are probably closer than you think, 17 are red states and 14 are Blue states.

its not really a state by state issue. Look at the blue dots on the map-----the big metropolitan areas. Without the EC, our 4 or 5 largest cities would be picking our presidents. OR, if you like the state deal, California, the DC metroplex, and New York would be picking our presidents. The rest of us would have no say.

But this is mental masturbation, a constitutional amendment removing the EC will never be ratified by 38 states.
And not only that, certain states like California are not fairly represented. California contains 30% of this country's population, but is only worth 55 electoral votes. It should be worth a lot more than that, so that's bullshit also.

Quick math sez:

GIVEN: California = 30% of population;
GIVEN: Total EC quantity = 538;
THEN 30% of 538 = 161.4 votes

That's within the framework of keeping the Electrical College system.

Sure you wanna go with this, Electricians?

Do you?

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