The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...
You have no proof otherwise
The popular vote seems to work in a 112 countries that allow their citizens to select their leader.
The US is among only 4 countries that uses the electoral college to select their leader.

Elections by country - Wikipedia
The EC is not going anywhere, the hildabeast lost - live with it. dip shit
These stupid uneducated low information Libtard Moon Bats have the US confused with Venezuela or something.

Here in the US it is not the rule of the mob. The Electoral College votes on the President. Our Founding Fathers were smart like that.

Actually they were protecting slave states like that.

If a PV is "rule of the mob" ------------------ how do you elect your Governor?

And your Senators?
And your Congresscritter?
And your mayor, or city coucil, or sheriff?


No, they were keeping us a little protected from the rule of the mob.

Actually our Founding Fathers had a very heated debate on it. Some wanted the President to be appointed by Congress. Some even suggested being appointed by the state governors. Some by popular vote.

The idea of the Electoral College was the compromise. Nothing more sinister than that.

I like it. Democracy can be just as brutal and oppressive as any other form if government when the majority are a bunch of assholes. .

The Electoral College takes a little (not much) power out of the hands of the massive number of ghetto welfare queens living in the densely populated big city shitholes and redistributes it to the the heart of America. Not a bad thing.

Nnnnope. Doesn't do that at all. Here's what it does.
The vote of that "ghetto welfare queen" and the vote of that "redneck trailer trash", once they're both pulled away from their game-show TV, is exactly the same. And that's fine.

What's not fine is that their vote, and everybody else's within that state, it magically transmogrified into a single vote. Maybe those two voted differently, maybe they voted the same. It doesn't matter. Somebody's been nullified.

The main compromise, for those of you on the short bus, was that the slaveholder states got to count non-voters (slaves) in order to jack up their EV numbers. It even has its own compromise name: the "Three Fifths Compromise". And that's what the entire contraption was put there for.

So you're full of shit. With a PV your "ghetto welfare queen" and my "redneck trailer trash" each get their vote, and nobody fucks with it.

In other words exactly the same way you and I and everybody else elects who runs their state. How many states do you know with a "county/parish electoral college" to elect the Governor?

Zero. Because there's no reason to do it.

Unless maybe you had "slave counties" and "free counties".

You are a confused and delusional Moon Bat. Your stupid fixation on slavery is comical.

I will let this young lady explain it to you.

You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...
You have no proof otherwise
The popular vote seems to work in a 112 countries that allow their citizens to select their leader.
The US is among only 4 countries that uses the electoral college to select their leader.

Elections by country - Wikipedia

Interesting table. Actually I could only find two countries on the list that elect a head of state with an indirect election. One of them of course is us.

The other is ------- Pakistan.

I'll just leave that there.

QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...
You have no proof otherwise
The popular vote seems to work in a 112 countries that allow their citizens to select their leader.
The US is among only 4 countries that uses the electoral college to select their leader.

Elections by country - Wikipedia

Interesting table. Actually I could only find two countries on the list that elect a head of state with an indirect election. One of them of course is us.

The other is ------- Pakistan.

I'll just leave that there.
The EC represents this country better than the popular vote EVER COULD… Fact
Without the Electoral College the candidates would campaign in New York, LA and Chicago and tell the rest of the country to go fuck themselves.

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.
Without the Electoral College the candidates would campaign in New York, LA and Chicago and tell the rest of the country to go fuck themselves.
Yes, most of the flyover part of the country would be absolutely ignored if it was just a popular vote… Fact

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

You haven't haven't done a damn thing to prove that the Founding Fathers got it wrong and that the Constitution ain't worth shit. Did you even bother to watch the video I posted or fo you have your your head up your ass?

You are a typical Moon Bat. All mouth and no substance. Comes from being confused and delusional.
Democracy is a terrible form of government when you allow greedy dumbasses to vote.

Our big city Democrat controlled shitholes are full of greedy dumbasses.
You just can't bear the fact people you disagree with will not be controlled by you. By the way Hildabeast lost the election.


QED -- you have no answer to my points, so you try in vain to change the subject.

Because there isn't any answer.
Fact remains, the EC is best for small population states. No two ways about it

You can parrot that line all day, yet you have yet to defend or even explain it.
Meanwhile I've run rings around you with counterexplanations of why that's complete bullshit.

So you lose.

But keep on bumping this thread -- the more people that see these points the more they're exposed and the more it will be seen for the liability it is. Thanks for that.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...
You have no proof otherwise
The popular vote seems to work in a 112 countries that allow their citizens to select their leader.
The US is among only 4 countries that uses the electoral college to select their leader.

Elections by country - Wikipedia

Another one who doesn't understand America...

"Everyone else is doing it!"

Take your metric system and your Esperanto and shove them up your ass.
Neither party wants it so far. We lost the election in 2000 because of the EC. The Democrats need to push for abolition of the EC. I predict Trump will be a one term president and that in 2020 the presidency, the House and the Congress will go to the Democrats, and then we can get rid of the EC, as we should have done 40 or more years ago.
Neither party wants it so far. We lost the election in 2000 because of the EC. The Democrats need to push for abolition of the EC. I predict Trump will be a one term president and that in 2020 the presidency, the House and the Congress will go to the Democrats, and then we can get rid of the EC, as we should have done 40 or more years ago.
The EC is not going anywhere.

007 is almost always wrong, but he has this one right.

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

You haven't haven't done a damn thing to prove that the Founding Fathers got it wrong and that the Constitution ain't worth shit. Did you even bother to watch the video I posted or fo you have your your head up your ass?

You are a typical Moon Bat. All mouth and no substance. Comes from being confused and delusional.

I don't see a "video" there Herman.. If you have a point then articulate it. If you can't do that, then you don't have one.

And DO NOT put words in my mouth -- I never said the Constitution "ain't worth shit". It's clear I know a fuck of a lot more about it than you do.
Neither party wants it so far. We lost the election in 2000 because of the EC. The Democrats need to push for abolition of the EC. I predict Trump will be a one term president and that in 2020 the presidency, the House and the Congress will go to the Democrats, and then we can get rid of the EC, as we should have done 40 or more years ago.
The EC is not going anywhere.

007 is almost always wrong, but he has this one right.
We have a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, and the EC guarantees an even amount of influence in an election for all Americans, whereas DEMOCRACY is MOB RULES, and the founders knew that wasn't what America should be.

You are almost always wrong, Jake, but you had that one right.
Democracy is a terrible form of government when you allow greedy dumbasses to vote.

Is it.

Diga me Tonto --- how do you elect your Governor? "County electoral votes"?

Exactly. It wouldn't work at that level for the same reason it doesn't work at the national.

Prove me wrong.

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

You haven't haven't done a damn thing to prove that the Founding Fathers got it wrong and that the Constitution ain't worth shit. Did you even bother to watch the video I posted or fo you have your your head up your ass?

You are a typical Moon Bat. All mouth and no substance. Comes from being confused and delusional.

I don't see a "video" there Herman.. If you have a point then articulate it. If you can't do that, then you don't have one.

And DO NOT put words in my mouth -- I never said the Constitution "ain't worth shit". It's clear I know a fuck of a lot more about it than you do.

Here is the video again. What it and learn something useful Moon Bat.


It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

The simple dismissal of mountains of evidence arguments, and explanations by one simpleton like you, long proven to understand exactly nothing about political science (and so many other fields), is very far from compelling, dimwit. You are not convincing anyone of anything by jumping up and down shouting "me win! me win!" While everyone proves you wrong again and again. The bottom line? The Electoral College is wise, necessary, and not going away. Go rinse out those Depends and move on.

It's revealing that y'all still cannot articulate a point to defend the EC.

Googly Image memes.... videos.... endless parroted slogans that can't be explained.... face it, you do not have an argument.

You haven't haven't done a damn thing to prove that the Founding Fathers got it wrong and that the Constitution ain't worth shit. Did you even bother to watch the video I posted or fo you have your your head up your ass?

You are a typical Moon Bat. All mouth and no substance. Comes from being confused and delusional.

I don't see a "video" there Herman.. If you have a point then articulate it. If you can't do that, then you don't have one.

And DO NOT put words in my mouth -- I never said the Constitution "ain't worth shit". It's clear I know a fuck of a lot more about it than you do.

Here is the video again. What it and learn something useful Moon Bat.

Oh. Pfft. I've seen it before. It doesn't make the argument either. But if you think it does, post --- as in ACTUALLY WRITE IN WORDS --- the part that you think makes the case, because posting somebody's video and running away is a cop-out.

If you can't articulate your point ------ you don't have a point.

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