The Electoral College is as outdated as the 2nd Amendment


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
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This is what happens when you live your whole life in Irrelevantstown, USA in the middle of nowhere in South Dakota.

You come up with shit for message boards that nobody cares about.:boobies::boobies::bye1:

s0n....time to get on that horse of yours and like Jimmy Stewart once said, "See the world!". At least go visit a major city......must have one within 1,000 miles of you!!:eusa_dance:

Have you even ever seen a fireworks show s0n?:gay:
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!

It's not, it's based on moral god fearing people living in the "fly over counties " vs the immoral devil worshiper social Marxist pinko commies living in blue citys

Good vs Evil

It's just that simple
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The electoral college is based on each states rights to have a say. You have a branch of congress with popular vote as it's basis. That is the House of Representatives. That is why California, New York and Illinois have such a high number of electors. The rest of the states would have NO say whatsoever in who was the President If it was a popular vote election. No state other than those three would ever vote to make popular vote the basis for presidential election in a constitutional convention. It would remove every vestige of equal protection from their states. Only a stupid liberal igmo would want popular vote to elect a president because then the president would always come from one of three or four states. This is a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY for a reason. The last election shows WHY it is so. The rape and pillage of the American working class, and the systematic destruction of an entire race of the people in this country have been stopped. I think that is well worth keeping the reason it happened.
The electoral college is based on each states rights to have a say. You have a branch of congress with popular vote as it's basis. That is the House of Representatives. That is why California, New York and Illinois have such a high number of electors. The rest of the states would have NO say whatsoever in who was the President If it was a popular vote election. No state other than those three would ever vote to make popular vote the basis for presidential election in a constitutional convention. It would remove every vestige of equal protection from their states. Only a stupid liberal igmo would want popular vote to elect a president because then the president would always come from one of three or four states. This is a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY for a reason. The last election shows WHY it is so. The rape and pillage of the American working class, and the systematic destruction of an entire race of the people in this country have been stopped. I think that is well worth keeping the reason it happened.
Great post.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map

Popular vote - not acres!

After we have nationwide voter ID, boot 20 million illegal aliens, secure the border, stop all other forms of Dem vote fraud, end income tax withholding and hold all elections the day after taxes are due in one lump sum....
then we can discuss using the popular vote.
So, thanks to the founders' lack of foresight - we're going to get fucked tomorrow!
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Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!
You're insane! You're just an Indian who's pissed off because guns defeated your people and White people of European heritage took y'all's acreage, lol.
yep. She's just a pissed- off injun. Most injuns on the interwebz are conservative though.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map

So the people in other states should just shut up and do what California tells them to?

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So, thanks to the founders lack of foresight - we're going to get fucked tomorrow!

Wait I thought we elected Trump. If we were going to elect Hillary we would be getting really screwed. I mean if Hillary was just corrupt that would be one thing. But she's corrupt and incompetent.

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Btw the statement you made about the states is wrong, Each state decides how to disburse their electors, they are not all one take all. The dimshit scum have tried to make all of the states that usually vote for them WTA states simply because they ALWAYS LOSE if each elector is made to vote as each district votes. just as the counties in the country voted 90% for Trump and 10% for shitbitch. If you are really NAtive AMerican do your people elect the head of the Tribal council by popular vote? or do the members of the council decide their leader?

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