The elephant in the room....facing down black crime


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
more and more people are talking about it yet no oneth has a solution.

The solution is there politicians just are not brave enough to talk about it....too concerned about their careers rathan than what America needs.

more and more people are talking about it yet no oneth has a solution.

The solution is there politicians just are not brave enough to talk about it....too concerned about their careers rathan than what America needs.

We mustn't speak of the elephant in the room.
People obsess about it constantly. People on here will whip it out during discussions of the weather.

It isn’t black crime. Or white crime. It is our failed judicial system. It is the failure of society. The intolerance and hypocritical attitude of far too many.
more and more people are talking about it yet no oneth has a solution.

The solution is there politicians just are not brave enough to talk about it....too concerned about their careers rathan than what America needs.

We need to build more prisons then fill them with all the black people, then once they go through parole, are let out on good behavior. Those able to fit into orderly society are allowed to stay. Those in jail more than 5 years unable to meet that qualification are shipped back to Uganda for good.

The harmonization of Blacks into western society is directly inversely proportional to their political role in that society. Put another way: the more freedom and trust given, the more they abuse it.
more and more people are talking about it yet no oneth has a solution.

The solution is there politicians just are not brave enough to talk about it....too concerned about their careers rathan than what America needs.

Sadly, there is NO "solution," IMHO.

Centuries of slavery, then de jure and de facto segregation, and then general discrimination and then the drug scourge have all conspired to produce what some people have labeled as a unique group of people in the history of this world.

When Caucasians become a very small group of people sometime in the next century and are succeeded by Hispanic people as the majority ethnicity, I have no doubt whatsoever that the crime problem will be just as bad (or even worse maybe).

For the sake of our great-grandchildren's grandchildren, I hope that I am wrong.
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more and more people are talking about it yet no oneth has a solution.
When Caucasians become a very small group of people sometime in the next century and are succeeded by Hispanic people as the majority ethnicity, ,I have no doubt whatsoever that the crime problem will be just as bad (or even worse maybe).

A). Caucasians will never become a very small group in western society unless western society itself utterly implodes.

B). If the crime remains the same or worse at that time, it will be coming from the same people as today.
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People obsess about it constantly. People on here will whip it out during discussions of the weather.

It isn’t black crime. Or white crime. It is our failed judicial system. It is the failure of society. The intolerance and hypocritical attitude of far too many.

Oh Really!

We need to be more tolerant of criminals?

git da fuk outta here nignog
The elephant in the room? You mean the complete lack of parenting, morals and proper schooling in the inner cities and then blaming whites and policing for it?
more and more people are talking about it yet no oneth has a solution.

The solution is there politicians just are not brave enough to talk about it....too concerned about their careers rathan than what America needs.

Once you realize the DemoKKKrats want, need, and LIKE black-on-black violence, their actions (or non-actions) make perfect sense.
Blacks are a third of the population in Chicago but commit 80 percent of all shootings.

In Los Angeles, blacks commit 44 percent of all violent crime but make up 9 percent of the population.

In St. Louis, blacks are less than a third of the population but commit 90 percent of all homicides.

In New York City, blacks commit about three quarters of all shootings although they’re 23 percent of the population.

How about we worry less about whitey and focus on the real problem...
Blacks are a third of the population in Chicago but commit 80 percent of all shootings.

In Los Angeles, blacks commit 44 percent of all violent crime but make up 9 percent of the population.

In St. Louis, blacks are less than a third of the population but commit 90 percent of all homicides.

In New York City, blacks commit about three quarters of all shootings although they’re 23 percent of the population.

How about we worry less about whitey and focus on the real problem...

I live in Los Angeles.

Thanks for that horrifying statistic.

There is literally nothing more to say.

(More accurately, there is nothing more that I dare say.)
The solution is simple: regenerate structured families and disavow neo-segregation. No more ‘black community’ or any other so-called communities based on ancillaries like race.
Problem is that democrats need segregation in order to exist and too many segregationist opportunists need segregation in order to stay in business.
They all learned from the Negro Leagues that integration is bad for business.
People obsess about it constantly. People on here will whip it out during discussions of the weather.

It isn’t black crime. Or white crime. It is our failed judicial system. It is the failure of society. The intolerance and hypocritical attitude of far too many.

Oh Really!

We need to be more tolerant of criminals?

git da fuk outta here nignog

The recidivism Rate here in the US is about 80%. In other nations it is far lower. As one example below 20% in various European Countries. If we could cut our rate of reoffenders in half we would still be higher than those countries, but cut our criminal population by a third.

Anyone with enough sense to pour piss out of a boot knows that the current system is fucked. Only those who shouldn’t be allowed to vote argue we need to continue down the same failed path we have demonstrated conclusively does not work.
People obsess about it constantly. People on here will whip it out during discussions of the weather.

It isn’t black crime. Or white crime. It is our failed judicial system. It is the failure of society. The intolerance and hypocritical attitude of far too many.
Total lie. Blacks commit more crime that anyone.
People obsess about it constantly. People on here will whip it out during discussions of the weather.

It isn’t black crime. Or white crime. It is our failed judicial system. It is the failure of society. The intolerance and hypocritical attitude of far too many.

Oh Really!

We need to be more tolerant of criminals?

git da fuk outta here nignog

The recidivism Rate here in the US is about 80%. In other nations it is far lower. As one example below 20% in various European Countries. If we could cut our rate of reoffenders in half we would still be higher than those countries, but cut our criminal population by a third.

Anyone with enough sense to pour piss out of a boot knows that the current system is fucked. Only those who shouldn’t be allowed to vote argue we need to continue down the same failed path we have demonstrated conclusively does not work.
Stop releasing violet felons. End parole. Execute murderers.
People obsess about it constantly. People on here will whip it out during discussions of the weather.

It isn’t black crime. Or white crime. It is our failed judicial system. It is the failure of society. The intolerance and hypocritical attitude of far too many.

Oh Really!

We need to be more tolerant of criminals?

git da fuk outta here nignog

The recidivism Rate here in the US is about 80%. In other nations it is far lower. As one example below 20% in various European Countries. If we could cut our rate of reoffenders in half we would still be higher than those countries, but cut our criminal population by a third.

Anyone with enough sense to pour piss out of a boot knows that the current system is fucked. Only those who shouldn’t be allowed to vote argue we need to continue down the same failed path we have demonstrated conclusively does not work.
Stop releasing violet felons. End parole. Execute murderers.

Yep. No where near enough sense to pour piss out of a boot.
Blacks are a third of the population in Chicago but commit 80 percent of all shootings.

In Los Angeles, blacks commit 44 percent of all violent crime but make up 9 percent of the population.

In St. Louis, blacks are less than a third of the population but commit 90 percent of all homicides.

In New York City, blacks commit about three quarters of all shootings although they’re 23 percent of the population.

How about we worry less about whitey and focus on the real problem...
Climate change. If we get control of the climate that will reduce the crime rate among the black population.

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