The Embodiment of Impotent Rage In Texas

'About a dozen protesters — most carrying long guns, some masked and one with his mother — lined up outside an Irving mosque on Saturday. They had come from as far away as Hunt County to the green-domed complex. To “Stop the Islamization of America,” as the mother’s hand-drawn sign urged.'

Armed protesters gather outside Islamic Center of Irving

A remarkable display of ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.


Oh my! How awful... The Irving Muslims have been asserting themselves and they're just now coming to realize that they missed the parade. As you noted above Americans have had it with you idiots, and we're telling Muslims how things are going to go from now on.

I understand how that offends you... given how you and your cult are next.

But...the coolest part is that IF your comrade Muslims decide to start more shit... you'll be able to find a Mosque anywhere in the country from 5 miles away. As all you'll need to do is follow the smoke.
Texass is a really fucked up state. Santa Anna should have finished the job.
Washington redskin, who killed an incredible number of so called "native Americans"??
Antonio López de Santa Anna
Armed protesters stalk peaceful Muslims at Texas mosque: We want to show force

A group of armed protesters who wanted to “show force” gathered outside a Texas mosque Saturday in response rumors about Syrian refugees and Sharia law.

The group, calling itself the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, stationed itself outside the Islamic Center of Irving carrying signs with messages like, “Stop the Islamization of America,” according to the Dallas Morning News. A video taken at the mosque shows a man dressed in black with his face masked carrying a rifle.

The group’s leader told the News they were upset because they had heard rumors of a Sharia court at the mosque and the prospect of letting Syrian refugees in. They also claimed members of the local Muslim community had made death threats against Irving’s mayor, Beth Van Duyne, earlier this year. The News found no evidence that this claim was true.

Sick bigot asshole, what the hell is happening to this country.

I blame the restrictions on abortions. Hateful people pass their hate and rage on down to their spawn.

Self-righteous morons pretending to be Christians.
'“We don’t want people to think we’re out to kill people or shoot people,” [organizer David] Wright said as dozens of Muslim worshipers and students at the Islamic school pulled out of the parking lot past him, some standing in groups to stare at the protests in wonderment. “It would be ridiculous to protest Islam without defending ourselves.”'

Armed protesters gather outside Islamic Center of Irving

What's ridiculous is 'protesting' a religion.
Armed protesters stalk peaceful Muslims at Texas mosque: We want to show force

A group of armed protesters who wanted to “show force” gathered outside a Texas mosque Saturday in response rumors about Syrian refugees and Sharia law.

The group, calling itself the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, stationed itself outside the Islamic Center of Irving carrying signs with messages like, “Stop the Islamization of America,” according to the Dallas Morning News. A video taken at the mosque shows a man dressed in black with his face masked carrying a rifle.

The group’s leader told the News they were upset because they had heard rumors of a Sharia court at the mosque and the prospect of letting Syrian refugees in. They also claimed members of the local Muslim community had made death threats against Irving’s mayor, Beth Van Duyne, earlier this year. The News found no evidence that this claim was true.

Sick bigot asshole, what the hell is happening to this country.

I blame the restrictions on abortions. Hateful people pass their hate and rage on down to their spawn.

Only stalk? awww....shucks.
Oh boo hoo! I didn't see you assholes whining about this its OK for libtards pets to do it but not concerned Americans worried about an invasion of terrorists.

Those pitiful fools did nothing but look stupid. They harmed no one - nor did they keep anyone away from the polls. This happened on Bush's watch and he did nothing about it. This is right up there with the birther bullshit - which has also been thoroughly debunked.

Bullshit, Bush's DOJ had a judgment against them, your dear leaders Holder dismissed it. Why must you constantly lie?

They lie because, as Relativists, they lack the intellectual ingredients to recognize truth.
Oh boo hoo! I didn't see you assholes whining about this its OK for libtards pets to do it but not concerned Americans worried about an invasion of terrorists.

Those pitiful fools did nothing but look stupid. They harmed no one - nor did they keep anyone away from the polls. This happened on Bush's watch and he did nothing about it. This is right up there with the birther bullshit - which has also been thoroughly debunked.

Bullshit, Bush's DOJ had a judgment against them, your dear leaders Holder dismissed it. Why must you constantly lie?

Why do you just make shit up? Don't you NaziCons ever get tired of lying?

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official - CBS News

When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the move to pursue a default judgment was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King, who was acting Assistant Attorney General, and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All that needed be done was ask the judge to sign off on the default judgment, your dear leaders DOJ refused to do so. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. You were saying?
Oh boo hoo! I didn't see you assholes whining about this its OK for libtards pets to do it but not concerned Americans worried about an invasion of terrorists.

Those pitiful fools did nothing but look stupid. They harmed no one - nor did they keep anyone away from the polls. This happened on Bush's watch and he did nothing about it. This is right up there with the birther bullshit - which has also been thoroughly debunked.

Bullshit, Bush's DOJ had a judgment against them, your dear leaders Holder dismissed it. Why must you constantly lie?

Why do you just make shit up? Don't you NaziCons ever get tired of lying?

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official - CBS News

When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the move to pursue a default judgment was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King, who was acting Assistant Attorney General, and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All that needed be done was ask the judge to sign off on the default judgment, your dear leaders DOJ refused to do so. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. You were saying?

Try not to choke on it, NaziCon. Life will go on...
Oh boo hoo! I didn't see you assholes whining about this its OK for libtards pets to do it but not concerned Americans worried about an invasion of terrorists.

Those pitiful fools did nothing but look stupid. They harmed no one - nor did they keep anyone away from the polls. This happened on Bush's watch and he did nothing about it. This is right up there with the birther bullshit - which has also been thoroughly debunked.

Bullshit, Bush's DOJ had a judgment against them, your dear leaders Holder dismissed it. Why must you constantly lie?

Why do you just make shit up? Don't you NaziCons ever get tired of lying?

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official - CBS News

When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the move to pursue a default judgment was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King, who was acting Assistant Attorney General, and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All that needed be done was ask the judge to sign off on the default judgment, your dear leaders DOJ refused to do so. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. You were saying?

Well, in relativism, which is what we are currently governed under, Justice is whatever the Government says it is... which simply means that there is no such thing as justice.

Which is, of course, the problem with tolerating the Ideological Left. It has the same consequence as tolerating cancer.... But that's only because Left-think is a cancer... .
'About a dozen protesters — most carrying long guns, some masked and one with his mother — lined up outside an Irving mosque on Saturday. They had come from as far away as Hunt County to the green-domed complex. To “Stop the Islamization of America,” as the mother’s hand-drawn sign urged.'

Armed protesters gather outside Islamic Center of Irving

A remarkable display of ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.

Right, that's what you always say about citizens exercising their rights when you don't agree with them. You should change your avatar, you definitely don't believe in the bill of rights.
Haha! One man!
And let me tell you, that mosque does not teach assimilation to American society. They are hard line Islamists.
Oh boo hoo! I didn't see you assholes whining about this its OK for libtards pets to do it but not concerned Americans worried about an invasion of terrorists.

Those pitiful fools did nothing but look stupid. They harmed no one - nor did they keep anyone away from the polls. This happened on Bush's watch and he did nothing about it. This is right up there with the birther bullshit - which has also been thoroughly debunked.

Bullshit, Bush's DOJ had a judgment against them, your dear leaders Holder dismissed it. Why must you constantly lie?

Why do you just make shit up? Don't you NaziCons ever get tired of lying?

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official - CBS News

When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the move to pursue a default judgment was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King, who was acting Assistant Attorney General, and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All that needed be done was ask the judge to sign off on the default judgment, your dear leaders DOJ refused to do so. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. You were saying?

Try not to choke on it, NaziCon. Life will go on...

You're right, the mulatto messiah will soon be gone and maybe the DOJ will once again enforce the law.
Armed protesters stalk peaceful Muslims at Texas mosque: We want to show force

A group of armed protesters who wanted to “show force” gathered outside a Texas mosque Saturday in response rumors about Syrian refugees and Sharia law.

The group, calling itself the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, stationed itself outside the Islamic Center of Irving carrying signs with messages like, “Stop the Islamization of America,” according to the Dallas Morning News. A video taken at the mosque shows a man dressed in black with his face masked carrying a rifle.

The group’s leader told the News they were upset because they had heard rumors of a Sharia court at the mosque and the prospect of letting Syrian refugees in. They also claimed members of the local Muslim community had made death threats against Irving’s mayor, Beth Van Duyne, earlier this year. The News found no evidence that this claim was true.

Sick bigot asshole, what the hell is happening to this country.

I blame the restrictions on abortions. Hateful people pass their hate and rage on down to their spawn.

Do you not support someone's right to assemble?


Adorable... I so love a fictional happy ending.

As a Christian, I wonder how long the conversation lasts, when I point out to the Muslim that Mohammad was a mass-murdering psychopath pedophile... . At which point the Atheists begins braying that "THERE IS NO GOD"... . At which point the Jew and I start kicking the hell out of those two scum-bags, while the pagan wets its pant, hiding under the table.

I guess you need fantasy like that to feed your childish hate.
'About a dozen protesters — most carrying long guns, some masked and one with his mother — lined up outside an Irving mosque on Saturday. They had come from as far away as Hunt County to the green-domed complex. To “Stop the Islamization of America,” as the mother’s hand-drawn sign urged.'

Armed protesters gather outside Islamic Center of Irving

A remarkable display of ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.


Oh my! How awful... The Irving Muslims have been asserting themselves and they're just now coming to realize that they missed the parade. As you noted above Americans have had it with you idiots, and we're telling Muslims how things are going to go from now on.

I understand how that offends you... given how you and your cult are next.

But...the coolest part is that IF your comrade Muslims decide to start more shit... you'll be able to find a Mosque anywhere in the country from 5 miles away. As all you'll need to do is follow the smoke.

How have they been asserting themselves? Is their existence a problem for you?
'“We don’t want people to think we’re out to kill people or shoot people,” [organizer David] Wright said as dozens of Muslim worshipers and students at the Islamic school pulled out of the parking lot past him, some standing in groups to stare at the protests in wonderment. “It would be ridiculous to protest Islam without defending ourselves.”'

Armed protesters gather outside Islamic Center of Irving

What's ridiculous is 'protesting' a religion.
It's obviously a scary one to these folk though.

I'm guessing that more people die in the US at the hands of Christians than Muslims.
I could be wrong though.
This is the nature of freedom - sometimes people will use it to prove they are idiots.

I fail to see how this is relevant to anything but a group of idiots though. Did you think this actually proves a point?

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