'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Whether you like Putin or not his spokesman's comments stand. Put up or shut up. Typical left, proof equals repeating something over and over.
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Whether you like Putin or not his spokesman's comments stand. Put up or shut up. Typical left, proof equals repeating something over and over.

Again, his comments stand coming from the mouth of a liar.
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Whether you like Putin or not his spokesman's comments stand. Put up or shut up. Typical left, proof equals repeating something over and over.

Again, his comments stand coming from the mouth of a liar.
Typical left, don't argue the point make a personal attack on the person making it.
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Whether you like Putin or not his spokesman's comments stand. Put up or shut up. Typical left, proof equals repeating something over and over.

Again, his comments stand coming from the mouth of a liar.
Typical left, don't argue the point make a personal attack on the person making it.

Typical response: Ignore hes a liar and pretend that his comments come from someone with a record of honesty.
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth
Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
If this comment was aimed at me then you have completely missed the entire point of my starting this thread.

How long did liberals believe Putin was going to watch this circus as his and the name of his country was dragged through gutter on the international scene before he spoke out against it?

Consider, for a second, that this whole thing is a chess match, and each successful move scores a point.....

IF Russia did hack the US they did so QUIETLY and left no direct traceable links back to them.
- 1 Point For the Russians

The 'All-In' Media is using the term 'hacking' in regards to what Putin/Russia potentially did. This choice of words is CRITICAL because 'hacking' sound like NO BIG DEAL when what they REALLY potentially did was engage in CYBER WARFARE. If I was Obama I would have had the media using the terms 'Cyber Attack' and 'Cyber Warfare' in regarding Russia as often as possible. He didn't and they aren't using it.
- 1 Point to Russia.

Putin's Comments Are 'Timely'
It is being reported that all Intel Agencies are NOT in 100% agreement right now on all the specific details, and the CIA - who was 'called out' by Congress to show what they have - just illegally violated a subpoena and was a 'No Show', giving the arguable perception that when they were 'called out' by their own government they backed down because 'they have nothing' (according to the Russians).
- 1 Point to the Russians.

Barry just announced Vlad 'knows how I FEEL'.
- No personal attack on Barry, but Vlad doesn't give a flying FU@% how Barry FEELS - he cares about what solid, hard evidence Obama can provide to the UN to justify any action against Russia. Yes, Vlad is a prick...but he is a smart prick.

This entire discussion above is about PERCEPTION. Of course Vlad is a flaming Rooskie Liar - ex-KGB, but he was smart to - in the midst of the confusion and CIA refusing to go brief Congress, etc - call out the US - 'Shut Up of Put Up'.
- I am not defending him, don't like him, but I respect him (Anyone who does not respect a career ex-KGB leader - a dangerous adversary - is an idiot), and I think this was a smart international move on his part.

I also hope we can gather the necessary evidence we need to unquestionably prove any Russian wrongdoing then ram it up his ass right there on the UN Floor on the world stage!
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If this comment was aimed at me then you have completely missed the entire point of my starting this thread.

Everytime someone nails you down you say that wasnt your point but we know from your posts what your point is and its to defend anything and everything Trump says or suggests and to put the ball in everyone elses court to prove things.

Never them...
its to defend anything and everything Trump says or suggests
You are either seriously mistaken or intentionally lying - I just clarified my point. I can't help it if your perception is skewed by your partisanship.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
suck some more Putin cock and prove to him RW's are his bitches, and he can say or do anything he wants to.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
Yeah, let's act as sock puppets for the KGB thug's propaganda organ! Let's bash America.

The 1970s are calling. They want you back, hippie.
It's simple enough and Putin is correct, they claim it then they need to prove it.

Bet they don't :rolleyes:

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