'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations



Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Kiss Putin's ass, move to Russia and get the fuck out of America.

And with that I am done. You sir typify the absolute lack of intelligence and disingenuous of the left. You are incapable of grown up discussion of anything, don't have anything to contribute and are on the ignore list.

To the other two leftists I've been posting with, I've enjoyed it. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you will become born again Trump supporters. Until next time.

Dear Google:

That will not happen. We base our decisions on evidence, not faith.


The irony, of course, is that it was under the leadership of Secretary of State Clinton that embolden Russia, that weakened America's military efforts to contain Russia's Easter European ambitions, IF Russia did indeed hack the DNC it is in many ways caused by the foreign policy that Obama and Clinton enacted. Obama showed that threats of American military response were all bluster. They showed that America can be intimated to abandon military efforts they don't like. Obama did nothing to help Europe gain energy independence from Russia--Obama's foreign policy weakened America, led to the rise of ISIS, and emboldened Russia to invade Crimea, Georgia, and to openly defy us in Syria.

Thank god Trump won. Thank god Obama achieved the vast majority of his agenda by executive orders. Thank god Democrats arrogantly changed Senate rules, ensuring that Trump's nominations will be rubber stamped without any threat of veto. Thank GOD for the arrogance of the Democrat Party. Don't change, don't ever change!

Actually, it's far more likely that Putin ordered the hacks and slow release of information at a critical time in the election as retaliation against the sanctions imposed by Obama/Clinton. Sanctions that are clearly having an effect on both Russia's economy and it's attempts to modernize it's military. It's not Obama's (or for that matter OUR) job to help Europe gain energy independence from Russia - it's Europe's.

I find it fascinating that, on the one hand you imply that I'll blame Bush while you go full steam ahead and blame Obama for everything. Relations with Russia were just as frayed under Bush, even though he claimed he could see "Putin's soul" (a commodity that is doubtful).
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Trust Putin or Obama, sadly I believe putin.

Then you are a fool ripe for the taking is you believe a KGB dude over our US Intelligence Agencies.
No, I don't trust Obama.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

I bet you were watching the same channel that told you Presidential Candidate Trump would never make it through the primaries ... And failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Clinton was going to win the election.

They all said Clinton was going to win, including Fox, Princess. The bet makers in Vegas thought she was going to win, and they don't horse around. He won by 80,000 votes in three key states due to the electoral college, and she won the popular vote by almost 3 million. So how "wrong" were they, actually?
They all said Clinton was going to win, including Fox, Princess. The bet makers in Vegas thought she was going to win, and they don't horse around. He won by 80,000 votes in three key states due to the electoral college, and she won the popular vote by almost 3 million. So how "wrong" were they, actually?

"How wrong were they" ... Well, they were totally wrong because she didn't win.
If you think losing means she somehow won ... Then I was correct that you have been watching too much bullshit television.
I never said what channel you were watching ... Just that whatever channel you were watching was feeding you more of the same bullshit they already piled on your plate.

Feel free to keep eating it if you like.

Clinton isn't President. She doesn't get to make a call on military strikes, and I can't imagine Obama wanting to do that. Especially if providing the evidence would be detrimental to our intelligence agencies.

Military strikes should NOT be the 1st option. The military should only be used as a last resort, when all diplomatic and peaceful options have been un-successfully exhausted.

Hard, solid evidence needs to be collected and presented to the UN followed by a motion for the International Community to punish Russia.

I would politically, diplomatically clear to that same International community that a foreign nation's foreign government, military, operatives, etc hacking the US - government, parties, hospitals, databases, etc for malicious intent will be / IS AN ACT OF WAR', because THAT IS WHAT IT IS. (Libs have een saying 'Conservatives don't take this serious' - NOT SO WITH ME. I UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY. Demanding the CIA and FBI do their jobs, gather hard evidence, for ME, is NOT defending Putin/Russia or taking this lightly.)

I would recommend even declaring that if such large-scale CYBER ATTACKS continue the US will defend itself just as if it were attacked with missiles / bombs.
Why does it have to involve the international community, Easy? This isn't the European Union. If the US took a direct cyber hit, we can hit back on our own. I don't agree that the cyber attack was an act of war. It was thievery. We don't call stealing a capital crime in this country, and I don't think lifting DNC e-mails is, either. Have we got any kind of charges against Assange pending? It was bad that Russia hacked us, but releasing it via Wikileaks is what "interfered" with the election.
Why does it have to involve the international community, Easy?
If you want a diplomatic response / conclussion rather than escalation ad potential war, having the International community unite, rebuke, and threaten action is always best. It isn't mandatory, just one option.
Why does it have to involve the international community, Easy?
If you want a diplomatic response / conclussion rather than escalation ad potential war, having the International community unite, rebuke, and threaten action is always best. It isn't mandatory, just one option.
Personally, I like the tit-for-tat approach. Get Vladimir's emails or financial records and GO TO TOWN. Wonder if Assange would publish them. That would be interesting to find out.
Personally, I like the tit-for-tat approach. Get Vladimir's emails or financial records and GO TO TOWN. Wonder if Assange would publish them. That would be interesting to find out.

Talk about tit-for-tat ...

That's really kind of interesting when you look at how the information may have damaged the DNC.
The talking heads on the boob-tube ... Would rather build a strawman out of Russia and Assange ... And act like it would have been any different if the Wall Street Journal had published the documents.

Russia and/or Assange didn't make failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Clinton stab Bernie Sanders in the back.
Russia and/or Assange didn't type Podesta's emails.
Russia and/or Assange didn't make Donna Brazile conspire with the media.

They are basically complaining about someone interfering with the elections ... By exposing how the DNC was interfering with Bernie Sanders' primary campaign and how Donna Brazile was interfering with the integrity of the debates.

Why does it have to involve the international community, Easy?
If you want a diplomatic response / conclussion rather than escalation ad potential war, having the International community unite, rebuke, and threaten action is always best. It isn't mandatory, just one option.
Personally, I like the tit-for-tat approach. Get Vladimir's emails or financial records and GO TO TOWN. Wonder if Assange would publish them. That would be interesting to find out.
If you wnt to go tit-for-tat, unlike Obama, you DON'T openly declare to the world you are considering ordering a miliatary-esque Cyber Attack.

You don't say anything at all. Like Nike said, 'Just do it'...and live with the consequences.
So, essentially, you have no problem with Russian hacking as long as it doesn't change elections?

I have a BIGGER issue with obama sitting on his fucking ass while a million people were massacred in syria. I have a bigger issue with obama sitting on his ass while iran imposes its terrorist will and self across the mideast, thinking that some phony nuclear agreement not worth the paper its printed on will do a thing to stop them from building atomic weapons. I have a bigger issue that putin is gobbling up chunks of other countries, china is grabbing american underwater drones, and iran is kidnapping US navymen, while obama sits on his fucking ass, emboldening that scum to do even worse.

This entire "russian hacking issue" is meaningless crap meant to deflect the public from obama's failings, and to give the low IQ left something or someone to blame because their news media's annointed, beloved pet Hillary lost. You're too fucking stupid to see beyond your NYT editorial page.
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If you wnt to go tit-for-tat, unlike Obama, you DON'T openly declare to the world you are considering ordering a miliatary-esque Cyber Attack. You don't say anything at all. Like Nike said, 'Just do it'...and live with the consequences.

Or the fact that this leftist dogshit says nothing about obama getting caught hacking Merkel's cell phone and many other leaders' as well. But according to the low IQ left, that's ok because obama and the NYT says so.
That's a good / valid point: we have repeatedly seen the Democrats accuse, villainize, and berate others for things they have already done...and each time the libs act like it's something they have never seen before.

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