'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."

Never said the CIA is lying, I said the CIA has made no official pronouncement or offered any evidence. This is so funny. I know leftists like the back of my hand. Contrast this type bombastic, hawkish calls for retaliation with evidence to the overly dramatic righteous indignation over Iraq.

The only thing leftists are consistent on is being hypocrites. Always count on that.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.
Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?
Has the CIA said anything? So far the Washington post has made all the allegations and attributed them to the CIA.
I believe John Brennan, the head of the CIA has been quoted as supporting these allegations but no one has provided proof that Russia tried to influence the elections, which is a ridiculous claim, anyway since none of the Wikileaks revelations was damaging enough to have influenced the election.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.

Show me the links of conservatives calling Obama's daughters sluts. Prove that the right did half, a fraction of what was done to Bush's daughters. Fox News bent over backwards to avoid discussing Obama's daughters. I read conservative publications constantly, and I can say with absolute confidence you are 100% wrong.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.

Clearly you don't notice the garbage coming from your side. Or perhaps you approve of it.

Attacking Palin's kids was beyond the pale. But political figures and election candidates are fair game.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.

The left openly insinuated that Palin's son was mentally challenged because of incest. Bill Maher did, and it was repeated over and over by leftist celebrities. Honestly, you are delusional if you think the right acted this way towards Obama's family.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.

Clearly you don't notice the garbage coming from your side. Or perhaps you approve of it.

Attacking Palin's kids was beyond the pale. But political figures and election candidates are fair game.

Political figures and election candidates ARE fair game. What has generally been the decorum is to not attack family, and if you are going to make the absolute ridiculous accusation that the right acted the same way as the left when it comes to Bush's and Palin's daughters you have to show something to back that up.

Liberals are always the victims. Stacey Dash can be called racist names by white liberals, they can make disgusting comments about Bush's daughters, they can make utterly sickening comments about Palin--and then claim without any evidence that the right is so mean and has been insulting to Obama's family. Bullshit.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.

Clearly you don't notice the garbage coming from your side. Or perhaps you approve of it.

Attacking Palin's kids was beyond the pale. But political figures and election candidates are fair game.

When did any conservative call Clinton a ****? Bill Maher called Palin a **** during the election, and there was no response from the left.

Bill Maher Defends Calling Palin a Cu** & Calls Comparisons to Limbaugh ‘Ridiculous’
Show me the conservative equivalent of this type of disgusting comments directed at the family of the vice presidential candidate.

And finally, new rule: Bristol Palin has to admit that the reason she f***ed Levi over and over until a baby fell out is because she liked it. In Bristol’s new memoir, "I’m Not Afraid of Life," working title, "Whoops, There’s a D**k in Me," Bristol claims that the night she lost her virginity she had accidentally gotten drunk on wine coolers that she didn’t know contained alcohol and then blacked out and then didn’t remember a thing. Oh, the Palins. I tell you the s**t doesn’t fall far from the bat. Bristol, just admit it. You were horny. And while we’re at it, stop claiming you were on birth control pills that didn’t work when you got pregnant. Here’s a tip. Hon, they’re not birth control pills if they’re shaped like Fred Flintstone.

Read more at ONTD: 15 of Bill Maher's Most Controversial Statements
Now, I’m not saying that sexism doesn’t exist and isn’t real. And we can’t, but we can’t throw around the word “sexist” just to stop people like me from pointing out that Michele Bachmann, now running second for the Republican presidential nomination, isn’t a dangerous nincompoop. And when I point out that Sarah Palin is a vainglorious braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional victim, a scold, a know-it-all, a chiseler, a bully who sells patriotism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdos straight out of “The Hills Have Eyes,” that’s not sexist. I’m saying it because it’s true, not because it’s true of a woman.

The Daily Kos, Mother Jones, Salon--during 2008 they openly and disgustingly savaged the Palin family. Any liberal want to prove that conservatives did the same, or even something resembling, this type of sickening behavior towards any Democrat candidate. I have no doubt ya'll BELIEVE the right did, but how about some reality.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.

Show me the links of conservatives calling Obama's daughters sluts. Prove that the right did half, a fraction of what was done to Bush's daughters. Fox News bent over backwards to avoid discussing Obama's daughters. I read conservative publications constantly, and I can say with absolute confidence you are 100% wrong.

Here's just a sampling from google. Now you can make more excuses for your side.

Malia Obama Just Embarrassed America In A Huge Way - The First Daughter Is Shameless!
GOP Staffer Sorry for Telling Obama Girls to ‘Show a Little Class’
Stay Mad: People Are Upset About Sasha And Malia Obama’s $20K State Dinner Dresses
Racist Conservatives Are Attacking Malia Obama For Having Fun With Her Friends
Racist Right Wingers Wish Sasha Obama Happy Birthday Online: 'Hope U Get Raped'
Show me the conservative equivalent of this type of disgusting comments directed at the family of the vice presidential candidate.

And finally, new rule: Bristol Palin has to admit that the reason she f***ed Levi over and over until a baby fell out is because she liked it. In Bristol’s new memoir, "I’m Not Afraid of Life," working title, "Whoops, There’s a D**k in Me," Bristol claims that the night she lost her virginity she had accidentally gotten drunk on wine coolers that she didn’t know contained alcohol and then blacked out and then didn’t remember a thing. Oh, the Palins. I tell you the s**t doesn’t fall far from the bat. Bristol, just admit it. You were horny. And while we’re at it, stop claiming you were on birth control pills that didn’t work when you got pregnant. Here’s a tip. Hon, they’re not birth control pills if they’re shaped like Fred Flintstone.

Read more at ONTD: 15 of Bill Maher's Most Controversial Statements

There's no excuse for disgusting attacks on family members, whether from the right or the left. It just shows a total classlessness.
Show me the conservative equivalent of this type of disgusting comments directed at the family of the vice presidential candidate.

And finally, new rule: Bristol Palin has to admit that the reason she f***ed Levi over and over until a baby fell out is because she liked it. In Bristol’s new memoir, "I’m Not Afraid of Life," working title, "Whoops, There’s a D**k in Me," Bristol claims that the night she lost her virginity she had accidentally gotten drunk on wine coolers that she didn’t know contained alcohol and then blacked out and then didn’t remember a thing. Oh, the Palins. I tell you the s**t doesn’t fall far from the bat. Bristol, just admit it. You were horny. And while we’re at it, stop claiming you were on birth control pills that didn’t work when you got pregnant. Here’s a tip. Hon, they’re not birth control pills if they’re shaped like Fred Flintstone.

Read more at ONTD: 15 of Bill Maher's Most Controversial Statements

There's no excuse for disgusting attacks on family members, whether from the right or the left. It just shows a total classlessness.

Agreed. Now that we've completely hijacked the thread lol
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.

Clearly you don't notice the garbage coming from your side. Or perhaps you approve of it.

Attacking Palin's kids was beyond the pale. But political figures and election candidates are fair game.

When did any conservative call Clinton a ****? Bill Maher called Palin a **** during the election, and there was no response from the left.

Bill Maher Defends Calling Palin a Cu** & Calls Comparisons to Limbaugh ‘Ridiculous’

And that is way wrong.

So is this:
Fox News commentator calls Obama a 'skinny, ghetto crackhead' on air | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Calls Michelle "Obama's Baby Mama"... FOX: Producer Used Poor Judgment | The Huffington Post
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.

Show me the links of conservatives calling Obama's daughters sluts. Prove that the right did half, a fraction of what was done to Bush's daughters. Fox News bent over backwards to avoid discussing Obama's daughters. I read conservative publications constantly, and I can say with absolute confidence you are 100% wrong.

Here's just a sampling from google. Now you can make more excuses for your side.

Malia Obama Just Embarrassed America In A Huge Way - The First Daughter Is Shameless!
GOP Staffer Sorry for Telling Obama Girls to ‘Show a Little Class’
Stay Mad: People Are Upset About Sasha And Malia Obama’s $20K State Dinner Dresses
Racist Conservatives Are Attacking Malia Obama For Having Fun With Her Friends
Racist Right Wingers Wish Sasha Obama Happy Birthday Online: 'Hope U Get Raped'
Racist Conservatives Attack Malia Obama Because She Ate A Meal With Friends (IMAGES)
NRA ad attacked for including first daughters
Racist Attacks on the Obama Children: New Lows for the Racist Right? (UPDATED) -

So you have a wordpress blog of a nameless and insignificant person, LiberalAmerica.com showing that people on Twitter are idiots, and a story about a Republican that made a off color joke about Obama's daughters and was fired. Whatever. I vividly remember the treatment Bush's daughters received, the organized trashing and conspiracy theories Mother Jones perpetuated about Palin--and I don't think your Google search produced anything that resembles the actions of the left.

Let's get back on topic.

I made this video just for you. Because you obviously don't remember what Democrats thought of Russia during the 2012 presidential election. I hope you enjoy.

Has a single Conservative here at USMB ever said that they would care if Russia did hack our elections?
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.

Show me the links of conservatives calling Obama's daughters sluts. Prove that the right did half, a fraction of what was done to Bush's daughters. Fox News bent over backwards to avoid discussing Obama's daughters. I read conservative publications constantly, and I can say with absolute confidence you are 100% wrong.

Here's just a sampling from google. Now you can make more excuses for your side.

Malia Obama Just Embarrassed America In A Huge Way - The First Daughter Is Shameless!
GOP Staffer Sorry for Telling Obama Girls to ‘Show a Little Class’
Stay Mad: People Are Upset About Sasha And Malia Obama’s $20K State Dinner Dresses
Racist Conservatives Are Attacking Malia Obama For Having Fun With Her Friends
Racist Right Wingers Wish Sasha Obama Happy Birthday Online: 'Hope U Get Raped'
Racist Conservatives Attack Malia Obama Because She Ate A Meal With Friends (IMAGES)
NRA ad attacked for including first daughters
Racist Attacks on the Obama Children: New Lows for the Racist Right? (UPDATED) -

So you have a wordpress blog of a nameless and insignificant person, LiberalAmerica.com showing that people on Twitter are idiots, and a story about a Republican that made a off color joke about Obama's daughters and was fired. Whatever. I vividly remember the treatment Bush's daughters received, the organized trashing and conspiracy theories Mother Jones perpetuated about Palin--and I don't think your Google search produced anything that resembles the actions of the left.

Let's get back on topic.

I made this video just for you. Because you obviously don't remember what Democrats thought of Russia during the 2012 presidential election. I hope you enjoy.

What you asked for was links to prove the right was as scurrilous as the left in making their attacks and the links certainly show it, including Fox, a major network. You choose to ignore it, marginalize it rather than call it out for what is - classless and disgusting.


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)
That's a great picture, put him in a track suit and he'll look like a stereotypical Russian mafia member.

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