'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks

Another Russia lover weighs in.
You want to show proof, or just keep sucking Obuma cock?

Russian Hackers tried and failed to hack the RNC, officials say.

I hear Obama's cock smells like your ass.

Sorry, WikiLeaks proves the MSM in the DNC's pocket, so that link is NOT acceptable. Try again, or you have no proof-)

Sorry, you don't have any proof either. Some of those emails may have been mocked up. Easy enough to do after you have a few. Anything you see on a computer screen can be mocked up.

Oh yes we do there my friend, lol. Debbie, and of course that other nice woman didn't get hosed without saying one word, for no reason, hehehehehehehe. Your lefty logic no longer works here, there, or anywhere. The answer from here forward is, WikiLeaks. That is all you are going to get from us until you find another source, so carry on conversations with other far leftists, cause your proof has been proven on more than one occasion to be totally biased when linked from the MSM. Got to do better now, or your cred is 0.......let me spell that for ya Z-E-R-0-)
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."

17 National Security Agencies confess they were incompetent in preventing any of this from happening ... And the ridiculous fools think that gives us any confidence in anything they say.


So you're more confident in what Putin has to say....?

I will trust US's intelligence agencies when they make an official pronouncement. Much like global warming or climate change, or whatever the hell they are calling it now--there is not a consensus among intelligence agencies and they have not offered any evidence.

So Russia influenced an American election to elect a man that you believe, I am speculating let me know if I am wrong, is a fascist and a danger to all Americans. And your response would be "something under the table", a slap on the wrist? The point of a response is to prevent it from occurring again.

What do you think is an appropriate response to this unprecedented action to sabotage American democracy?
:desk: Hack his personal e-mails and share 'em with Wikileaks. Publish pictures of him with a whore. Be mean.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?
NO US intelligence agency has made an official statement or provided any evidence.

Yeah, except when they did.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources.

There is more evidence that the Department of Homeland Security attempted to hack a dozen different state election's systems. Even more evidence that this administration will not think twice to politicize federal agencies. Even more evidence that the media worked closely with the DNC during the entire election and that this is all an elaborate attempt to undermine Trump's presidency. Just like they did to Bush, they are setting up an excuse to question the legitimacy of Trump's presidency. It is patriotic to insult the president again.

What do you mean "again". What do you think they were doing to Obama these past 8 years?

Let's not get sidetracked, but the treatment of Bush compared to Obama is not even close. Democrats stood in congress and openly questioned the legitimacy of Bush's presidency. There was a movie depicting his assignation, a television show depicting Bush as a clown, a movie depicting Bush as a privileged mentally challenged alcoholic.

Leftists claimed Republicans were conspiracy theorists and racists for wanting Obama's college transcripts and questioning his past. There are the same leftists that droned on endlessly about Prescott Bush, Laura Bush killing someone, Nazi connections to the Bush family, trashing Bush's daughters constantly--there is no comparison, but that is neither here nor there.

Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?
Why should they be investigated? For doing their job? C'mon.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?

They aren't. They've briefed congressional members, and they are undergoing a complete investigation which will result in a report.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

I bet you were watching the same channel that told you Presidential Candidate Trump would never make it through the primaries ... And failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Clinton was going to win the election.

Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?

Do the North Koreans deserve to know?
How about the Iranians?
Do we supply them all with evidence ahead of time? Or, is it only the Russians?
Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?
Why should they be investigated? For doing their job? C'mon.

In all seriousness, because this is all so politicized they probably want to make sure their investigation is complete, and their ducks in a row before presenting it to a committee and that makes sense given the possibility of incomplete info being leaked and having to be retracted etc.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?
Has the CIA said anything? So far the Washington post has made all the allegations and attributed them to the CIA.

17 National Security Agencies confess they were incompetent in preventing any of this from happening ... And the ridiculous fools think that gives us any confidence in anything they say.


So you're more confident in what Putin has to say....?
then the left in this country? you betcha. ten times.

Ding ... ding ... ding! We got a winner here!!

Do I believe Putin is ten times more credible than Clinton? Even more!!! Seventy times seven (it's a Biblical thingy).

Putin is far more believable than anyone associated with the the DNC. Hilarious Clitoris is the most dishonest and corrupt person ever to seek the office of President. Would I trust Putin over her? Hell yes! Being Russian or Norwegian or Chinese or Spanish does not make someone less credible than the born-in-America scumbag named Hillary Clinton. But if you're a racist, you might not agree with me.
Clinton isn't President. She doesn't get to make a call on military strikes, and I can't imagine Obama wanting to do that. Especially if providing the evidence would be detrimental to our intelligence agencies.

Military strikes should NOT be the 1st option. The military should only be used as a last resort, when all diplomatic and peaceful options have been un-successfully exhausted.

Hard, solid evidence needs to be collected and presented to the UN followed by a motion for the International Community to punish Russia.

I would politically, diplomatically clear to that same International community that a foreign nation's foreign government, military, operatives, etc hacking the US - government, parties, hospitals, databases, etc for malicious intent will be / IS AN ACT OF WAR', because THAT IS WHAT IT IS. (Libs have een saying 'Conservatives don't take this serious' - NOT SO WITH ME. I UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY. Demanding the CIA and FBI do their jobs, gather hard evidence, for ME, is NOT defending Putin/Russia or taking this lightly.)

I would recommend even declaring that if such large-scale CYBER ATTACKS continue the US will defend itself just as if it were attacked with missiles / bombs.
In all seriousness, because this is all so politicized they probably want to make sure their investigation is complete, and their ducks in a row before presenting it to a committee and that makes sense given the possibility of incomplete info being leaked and having to be retracted etc.

They are waiting until President Elect Trump fires them ... In hopes they can get a book deal.

Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?
Clinton isn't President. She doesn't get to make a call on military strikes, and I can't imagine Obama wanting to do that. Especially if providing the evidence would be detrimental to our intelligence agencies.

What should the response be then? Assuming it is all true and Putin deliberately engaged in cyber warfare to elect "the most dangerous" US president ever?

This kind of action against American democracy demands a response. A response proportional to the attack. An attack on the sacred institution of American democracy, does it not?
In all seriousness, because this is all so politicized they probably want to make sure their investigation is complete, and their ducks in a row before presenting it to a committee and that makes sense given the possibility of incomplete info being leaked and having to be retracted etc.

They are waiting until President Elect Trump fires them ... In hopes they can get a book deal.


Trump's afraid of the truth coming out?
Trump's afraid of the truth coming out?

The Democrats are just pissed it did ... :thup:

I mean seriously ... If the best defense you have is that it would somehow be better if we didn't know the crooked crap the Democrats were doing ... You may want to do a little soul searching.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?
Why should they be investigated? For doing their job? C'mon.
Two reasons, they have no executive privilege so they must comply with Congress and they are funded by Congress. You remember, don't you? Checks and balances? Moreover, if they really do have proof to back up their allegations that Russia tried to influence the election, why wouldn't they want to show it to Congress?

Of course if you think about what was in the Wikileaks revelations, there was nothing that could have conceivably influenced the election, so why is the Obama administration claiming there was? The email controversy that may have hurt Clinton was the one about her secret private server, and that was revealed by the NYT, not Wikileaks.

Regardless of what you believe about the CIA's allegations, what is Obama trying to accomplish by talking about it so much? Since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election, which means the integrity of our election was not damaged, why is Obama talking so much about it? The whole thing sounds like a political stunt by the Obama administration to deflect criticism of the Democratic Party and to provide propaganda lines for Democrats to use against Trump's nominations for cabinet poss.
Clinton isn't President. She doesn't get to make a call on military strikes, and I can't imagine Obama wanting to do that. Especially if providing the evidence would be detrimental to our intelligence agencies.

Military strikes should NOT be the 1st option. The military should only be used as a last resort, when all diplomatic and peaceful options have been un-successfully exhausted.

Hard, solid evidence needs to be collected and presented to the UN followed by a motion for the International Community to punish Russia.

I would politically, diplomatically clear to that same International community that a foreign nation's foreign government, military, operatives, etc hacking the US - government, parties, hospitals, databases, etc for malicious intent will be / IS AN ACT OF WAR', because THAT IS WHAT IT IS. (Libs have een saying 'Conservatives don't take this serious' - NOT SO WITH ME. I UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY. Demanding the CIA and FBI do their jobs, gather hard evidence, for ME, is NOT defending Putin/Russia or taking this lightly.)

I would recommend even declaring that if such large-scale CYBER ATTACKS continue the US will defend itself just as if it were attacked with missiles / bombs.

Yes. This is my vote for the most poignant post on this thread. Leftists claim Republicans love Russia, they literally have the memories of goldfish. During the 2012 presidential election they roasted Romney for calling Russia a geopolitical enemy. They accused Republicans of having antiquated worldviews. During The invasion of Crimea, two years later, Republicans demanded strong military response. Republicans have been pushing for a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, that Obama abandoned. Republicans negotiated the treaty that freed the Ukraine to begin with.

Now they claim Republicans love Russia while making wild accusations that Russia engaged in cyber warfare to undermine an American election as if there are no consequences. And none of them have offered a sober and articulate response to the question as to what should be done. There are consequences to these accusations, and it is not unreasonable hold off on inflammatory accusations against a nuclear power without any official announcement or evidence from ANY US intelligence agency. The irony is they are rushing America to a very serious standoff with one of the strongest military powers in the world without demanding any evidence. Of course it is fake outrage, they don't want any real response or actions taken. They are acting out like children, pitching a fit about the election. They are openly saying Trump is not their president, believe any unsubstantiated reports they can point to and blame for Clinton's lose, setting up safe spaces on campuses, threatening the secede (they use to make fun of Texas), making death threats against electoral college members--and this is only the beginning. Buckle up, it is going to be an interesting next eight years.
Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
NO! Putin is the one who is supposed to care what happens to his people, and he blew it. So let them get pissed at HIM. I doubt if they think the CIA is "lying."
If the CIA is not "lying" why are they refusing to cooperate with a Congressional investigation of their allegations?

They aren't. They've briefed congressional members, and they are undergoing a complete investigation which will result in a report.
They are refusing to testify before a House committee and on Obama's orders. Obama ordered the ODNI to open an investigation in the alleged hacking and the ODNI has said it can't allow the CIA to testify before the committee until the investigation is completed, meaning until Obama is safely out of office. And of course, anything the CIA says about the alleged hacking after Trump takes office will be attacked by Democrats as a cover up. This whole thing is clearly just a political stunt.

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