'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

NO US intelligence agency has made an official statement or provided any evidence.

Yeah, except when they did.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources.

There is more evidence that the Department of Homeland Security attempted to hack a dozen different state election's systems. Even more evidence that this administration will not think twice to politicize federal agencies. Even more evidence that the media worked closely with the DNC during the entire election and that this is all an elaborate attempt to undermine Trump's presidency. Just like they did to Bush, they are setting up an excuse to question the legitimacy of Trump's presidency. It is patriotic to insult the president again.

What do you mean "again". What do you think they were doing to Obama these past 8 years?
He wasn't really the President. He wasn't even American. (-:
Obama is embarrassing our entire Intel community

Putin is embarressing the entire rightwing. Can't believe the Putin adoration movement.

No ya'll are embarrassing yourselves. First you throw a fit, cry, riot, threaten electoral college members--yeah America is going to get behind that. Then you beta-male liberals pull a Jan Brady and scream "Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!". Obama goes on national television and says the DNC hacks were inconsequential.

Taking state legislatures and governorships into account and the Democrat party is an insignificant regional party.

Talk about embarrassing? Your side was more concerned about letting men get to use the women's restroom, claiming there are 72 genders instead of addressing Islamic terror or the border.

Don't put words in my mouth. I've accepted the election results. I'm not calling for an electoral college revolt. What's done is done. I'm just amazed how far you're up Putin's rectrum. Eventually, he'll crap you out.
but you believe the russians hacked something right? even without any evidence. your side something must be without evidence and you just fall in behind the lie.

When you have all the US intelligence agencies (who are notorious for not cooperating and getting along) saying the same thing...then yes, I believe them. I believe them more than a) a claim that there is some sort of political conspiracy afoot that they're all participating in and b) the claims of a country that has lengthy history of lies and denials but who all of a sudden is deemed "honest".
Again it wouldn't surprise me if the Russians did it. You do, however, recall US intelligence consensus on the subject of Iraqi WMD? How did that work out? Keep in mind with the Russians our biggest worry isn't the republican guard.

In addition, all I've seen is a consensus of suspicion.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

17 National Security Agencies confess they were incompetent in preventing any of this from happening ... And the ridiculous fools think that gives us any confidence in anything they say.


So you're more confident in what Putin has to say....?
then the left in this country? you betcha. ten times.

If so JC, you really are pathetic. I would hope it's just hyperbole...
NO US intelligence agency has made an official statement or provided any evidence.

Yeah, except when they did.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources.

There is more evidence that the Department of Homeland Security attempted to hack a dozen different state election's systems. Even more evidence that this administration will not think twice to politicize federal agencies. Even more evidence that the media worked closely with the DNC during the entire election and that this is all an elaborate attempt to undermine Trump's presidency. Just like they did to Bush, they are setting up an excuse to question the legitimacy of Trump's presidency. It is patriotic to insult the president again.

What do you mean "again". What do you think they were doing to Obama these past 8 years?

Let's not get sidetracked, but the treatment of Bush compared to Obama is not even close. Democrats stood in congress and openly questioned the legitimacy of Bush's presidency. There was a movie depicting his assignation, a television show depicting Bush as a clown, a movie depicting Bush as a privileged mentally challenged alcoholic.

Leftists claimed Republicans were conspiracy theorists and racists for wanting Obama's college transcripts and questioning his past. There are the same leftists that droned on endlessly about Prescott Bush, Laura Bush killing someone, Nazi connections to the Bush family, trashing Bush's daughters constantly--there is no comparison, but that is neither here nor there.

17 National Security Agencies confess they were incompetent in preventing any of this from happening ... And the ridiculous fools think that gives us any confidence in anything they say.


So you're more confident in what Putin has to say....?
then the left in this country? you betcha. ten times.

If so JC, you really are pathetic. I would hope it's just hyperbole...
why? the MSM are fking traitors, I don't have time for traitors. They wish to interfere with a presidential election every election cycle. They are a bunch of fking traitors to the American people. I feel bad for the inner city folks the most, they've entrusted their lives with the left and their media traitor pals MSM. Obummer liked him, why else didn't he do anything back in October when all of this came out then?
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.

So we are going to take economic sanctions or engage ourselves in cyber attacks without ever offering evidence? Don't you think the Russian people deserve to know why we are going to make their lives difficult, possibly cost them jobs, people that did nothing--do they deserve the evidence before these actions are taken?
So you're more confident in what Putin has to say....?

Really ... What did Putin say ... Besides the fact that whatever he says doesn't change what failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Clinton did?

That's your problem Coyote ... I suggest you continue to follow the little red bouncing ball at the bottom of your television screen ... Because if you could truly by miracle understand the implications of everything you say and espouse to ... It would certainly be a life changing experience ... :thup:

NO US intelligence agency has made an official statement or provided any evidence.

Yeah, except when they did.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources.

There is more evidence that the Department of Homeland Security attempted to hack a dozen different state election's systems. Even more evidence that this administration will not think twice to politicize federal agencies. Even more evidence that the media worked closely with the DNC during the entire election and that this is all an elaborate attempt to undermine Trump's presidency. Just like they did to Bush, they are setting up an excuse to question the legitimacy of Trump's presidency. It is patriotic to insult the president again.

What do you mean "again". What do you think they were doing to Obama these past 8 years?

Let's not get sidetracked, but the treatment of Bush compared to Obama is not even close. Democrats stood in congress and openly questioned the legitimacy of Bush's presidency. There was a movie depicting his assignation, a television show depicting Bush as a clown, a movie depicting Bush as a privileged mentally challenged alcoholic.

Leftists claimed Republicans were conspiracy theorists and racists for wanting Obama's college transcripts and questioning his past. There are the same leftists that droned on endlessly about Prescott Bush, Laura Bush killing someone, Nazi connections to the Bush family, trashing Bush's daughters constantly--there is no comparison, but that is neither here nor there.
shit man, Dan Rather was a one man pit bull to disgrace bush. he lost his job as a result of that mental breakkdown. MSM is a mental traitorous group of individuals with one objective and that is to end the sovereignty of this great nation.

BTW, Dan Rather is the evidence that the main stream media doesn't care about Americans.
What would be the response by the media if during the election Trump threatened a nuclear power with military action for leaked emails that shows that Trump collaborated with the RNC to rig the Republican primary? I wish leftists would answer the question honestly. Would they care if Wikileaks had embarrassed the Republicans?

What would the response be to calling for war with Russia had Trump uttered these words?

What would be the response by the media if during the election Trump threatened a nuclear power with military action for leaked emails that shows that Trump collaborated with the RNC to rig the Republican primary? I wish leftists would answer the question honestly. Would they care if Wikileaks had embarrassed the Republicans?

What would the response be to calling for war with Russia had Trump uttered these words?

you'll never get an honest reply from a bunch of treasonous lefties!!!! they make things up and then tell you to prove them wrong. it's their forte, their use of Ploy tactics. They are the worst of the worst. Ask any country with them in power.
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?

My guess is...a response is more likely to be an under the table response or sanctions or attacking assets in the US. I do not see us engaging in a military conflict whatsoever. That would be nuts.
Amen to that! A shooting war with Russia? Dear God I don't want to see that. I would imagine the Europeans might not be happy about such a scenario either.
You subversives always want proof, now so does Putin!!!

The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections, Russian state news agency Tass reported. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks
For security reasons, Obama is unwilling to reveal the evidence to Russia or the US Congress; apparently the only people he thinks he can trust are MSM reporters.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. "

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

Secret CIA assessment leaked by an unidentified CIA operative. Leaking a secret CIA assessment from an administration that has prosecuted whistleblowers to the fullest extent of the law.

There is zero official statements from any US intelligence agency. Zero evidence provided.

This is the same administration that oversaw the IRS target political opponents of the president before an election. There is more evidence that the federal government intentionally influenced the 2012 election.

Let me ask you this. Not one leftist has pointed to the leaked email that cost Clinton the election. In your opinion what Wikileaks revelation was so consequential that it threw the election to Trump?
The Wikileaks revelations had nothing to do with Clinton losing the election. What helped to do her in was the avalanche of lies and blunders in trying to hide the truth that followed the March 2015 NYT expose of her secret private server and collectively constituted an astonishing display of dishonesty and incompetence that dragged on into the campaign.

Had Hillary immediately called the FBI in March 2015 and asked them to take all the hardware and software and emails connected to that server to investigate for any inadvertent violations of law, the whole thing would have blown over long before the campaign began, but Hillary is not only incompetent and dishonest but also crazy, so she didn't. This should not be a surprise since it is exactly what she did as First Lady when documents related to her law practice were subpoenaed by Congress and her refusal to turn over those documents gave rise to the call for a special prosecutor that eventually led to Bill's impeachment.

So Hillary wasn't done in by the Russians or Wikileaks or even the NYT story that exposed her secret server but by her own dishonesty, incompetence and general craziness in dealing with these issues and as the election drew near, voters had heard so much about her lies and incompetence that any mention of emails brought to mind this whole sordid mess and may have cost her some votes.
or maybe, just maybe, Trump ran a better campaign. Why is it you all wish to fk the president elect? he was on the news almost nightly. he campaigned hard in the three states that put him over the top. And yet all anyone in here wants to discuss is how bad a campaign hitlery ran. She did, so I won't take away from the fact, but maybe, just maybe Trumps heart grew three sizes that day and he got the strength of ten trumps plus two? Just maybe? you think? Look at the crowds for his thank you tour. Proof positive it had nothing to do with wikileaks, but his hard work and effort.

The arrogance of these leftists is astonishing. Clinton's victory was a foregone conclusion. Her deleting 30,000 emails after receiving a subpoena, finding State Department emails on the computer of man being investigated for child pornography, her diminishing health, Benghazi--all were inconsequential. She would have won if it weren't for the meddling Russians.


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Any special reason you're taking the Kremlin's side against your own country?

17 National Security Agencies confess they were incompetent in preventing any of this from happening ... And the ridiculous fools think that gives us any confidence in anything they say.


So you're more confident in what Putin has to say....?

I will trust US's intelligence agencies when they make an official pronouncement. Much like global warming or climate change, or whatever the hell they are calling it now--there is not a consensus among intelligence agencies and they have not offered any evidence.

So Russia influenced an American election to elect a man that you believe, I am speculating let me know if I am wrong, is a fascist and a danger to all Americans. And your response would be "something under the table", a slap on the wrist? The point of a response is to prevent it from occurring again.

What do you think is an appropriate response to this unprecedented action to sabotage American democracy?
Catching cyber hackers probably requires cyber hacking, which the CIA or whomever is not about to share with our enemies, not even to stop Putin complaining. I also heard on the news this a.m. that the White House KNOWS Putin approved it. That means they've got someone on the inside over there, and it would be murder to present that "proof." So it is a matter of whether you trust your intelligence services. The dumb ass Trump idolaters will happily sell our patriots down the river to defend their hero's bullshit narcissism. That makes me SICK.

Okay, I am going to go down this rabbit hole with all my liberal friends for a second.

Russia attempted to influence the American election to get Trump elected. Well, now we need to respond. Clinton has stated publicly a military response is appropriate. If America is going to respond, militarily or with economic sanctions, we cannot act without showing to the international community that we have incontrovertible proof. We are talking about the prospect of risking American military lives, having them come home in flag draped coffins.

Okay. Do we all agree before we take any actions American intelligence agencies owe America, the parents of military members who are going to response, the international community--they owe the world including Russia the absolute, undeniable evidence that Russia is responsible?
Clinton isn't President. She doesn't get to make a call on military strikes, and I can't imagine Obama wanting to do that. Especially if providing the evidence would be detrimental to our intelligence agencies.


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Any special reason you're taking the Kremlin's side against your own country?
Any reason you're taking Obama's side against your own country?
Any special reason you're taking the Kremlin's side against your own country?
Why do you continue to LIE? Never mind - it is what you do!

You are one of a handful of liberals on this board who have to lie, make shit up, and create false narratives so you will have ANYTHING to add to the conversations on this board.

Seriously, if you continue to persist in this type activity / behavior I will be forced to put you on Ignore. I would rather have meaningful ADULT discussions with you, but if you continue with such childish, deceitful behavior my hand will be forced.


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Any special reason you're taking the Kremlin's side against your own country?

No one is taking the Kremlin's side against the word of any US intelligence agencies. Why do you not believe the many, many, US intelligence officials that have come out questioning the CIA's "secret" report?

I know you are going to link to the Washington Post. Save it. Provide the link of the official pronouncement of any US intelligence agency that they have come to the definitive conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC. Even better, an announcement that it cost Clinton the election.

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