'The Empire Strikes Back': Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations



Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Any special reason you're taking the Kremlin's side against your own country?
well just post up our country's evidence! the kremlin said it didn't and you haven't proved they did. So, I follow logic and fact and you have zip of that. I want the reps we voted for in congress to tell us, not the MSM. Sorry, biased shit don't fly in my house.
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Trust Putin or Obama, sadly I believe putin.
Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

Come back when you've read something besides your rightwing sites. The Obama's were totally trashed by you guys. The girls were compared to sluts.

Show me the links of conservatives calling Obama's daughters sluts. Prove that the right did half, a fraction of what was done to Bush's daughters. Fox News bent over backwards to avoid discussing Obama's daughters. I read conservative publications constantly, and I can say with absolute confidence you are 100% wrong.

Here's just a sampling from google. Now you can make more excuses for your side.

Malia Obama Just Embarrassed America In A Huge Way - The First Daughter Is Shameless!
GOP Staffer Sorry for Telling Obama Girls to ‘Show a Little Class’
Stay Mad: People Are Upset About Sasha And Malia Obama’s $20K State Dinner Dresses
Racist Conservatives Are Attacking Malia Obama For Having Fun With Her Friends
Racist Right Wingers Wish Sasha Obama Happy Birthday Online: 'Hope U Get Raped'
Racist Conservatives Attack Malia Obama Because She Ate A Meal With Friends (IMAGES)
NRA ad attacked for including first daughters
Racist Attacks on the Obama Children: New Lows for the Racist Right? (UPDATED) -

So you have a wordpress blog of a nameless and insignificant person, LiberalAmerica.com showing that people on Twitter are idiots, and a story about a Republican that made a off color joke about Obama's daughters and was fired. Whatever. I vividly remember the treatment Bush's daughters received, the organized trashing and conspiracy theories Mother Jones perpetuated about Palin--and I don't think your Google search produced anything that resembles the actions of the left.

Let's get back on topic.

I made this video just for you. Because you obviously don't remember what Democrats thought of Russia during the 2012 presidential election. I hope you enjoy.

What you asked for was links to prove the right was as scurrilous as the left in making their attacks and the links certainly show it, including Fox, a major network. You choose to ignore it, marginalize it rather than call it out for what is - classless and disgusting.

Oh no, far from it. I agreed with you that going after the candidate's family is disgusting. I disagree that it is comparable to the actions of the left, and it is something we obviously will not find common ground on. I think there is a huge distinction between Bill Maher, and liberal organizations perpetuating conspiracy theories about Palin's daughters, or making a movie and television show depicting Bush as a mentally challenged alcoholic whose daughter's are party sluts. Or a Canadian movie depicting Bush's assignation. Or a book depicting Bush's assignation. The treatment Bush received, a sitting president, is unprecedented and there is nothing comparable to the treatment of Obama or his family. None.

Listen, we aren't going to agree on this and we can trade links, but let's move on.
Has a single Conservative here at USMB ever said that they would care if Russia did hack our elections?

If someone hacked the E-Vote machines or software I would be royally upset. Luckily each state is responsible for its' own Vote (collecting, counting). And they are all pretty much different systems?

If private email is hacked? Why should I care?
I am still finishing the montage of Democrats and MSNBC attacking Russia, and perpetuating the fabricated story that all US intelligence agencies agree that Russia influenced the election--but it is a stark comparison to what they were saying about Russia in 2012.

Clinton isn't President. She doesn't get to make a call on military strikes, and I can't imagine Obama wanting to do that. Especially if providing the evidence would be detrimental to our intelligence agencies.

Military strikes should NOT be the 1st option. The military should only be used as a last resort, when all diplomatic and peaceful options have been un-successfully exhausted.

Hard, solid evidence needs to be collected and presented to the UN followed by a motion for the International Community to punish Russia.

I would politically, diplomatically clear to that same International community that a foreign nation's foreign government, military, operatives, etc hacking the US - government, parties, hospitals, databases, etc for malicious intent will be / IS AN ACT OF WAR', because THAT IS WHAT IT IS. (Libs have een saying 'Conservatives don't take this serious' - NOT SO WITH ME. I UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY. Demanding the CIA and FBI do their jobs, gather hard evidence, for ME, is NOT defending Putin/Russia or taking this lightly.)

I would recommend even declaring that if such large-scale CYBER ATTACKS continue the US will defend itself just as if it were attacked with missiles / bombs.
me, first I'd actually show the members of congress that it indeed happened and let them figure out the next step if it is true. Right now there is bubkis.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.
it's a made up party full of make believe.
Republicans questioned Obama's legtimacy claiming he wasn't born in the US - ELECTED Republicans. He was accused of being a Muslim, embracing the Muslim brotherhood. He was accused of hating America, being unpatriotic because of the way he stood for the national anthem. His daughters were attacked. Malia, when she decided to go to Harvard. Both girls were trashed for their spring break vacation and trashed for the way they had dressed. So on and so forth. There is plenty of comparison (and, frankly my feeling is that the spouse and children should be left alone). I think our differences of opinion have more to do with our partisan outlook then the reality of the situations.

Nice try. funny stuff. Obamas' own book said he was born in Kenya. No one trashed his kids? Maybe once I heard some little stuff about Spring Break to Mexico costs during times of great recession. Or Michelles' arms? But really, is that all you got?

They trashed Sarah Palins' poor kid viciously. Come back when you got something.

They are classless, ruthless when attacking conservatives and then feign indignation when people put tri-corner hats on and stage tea parties. God the things they said about Bush, Palin, McCain, Romeny--and they haven't a clue why their screams of racism don't resonate with the American people. What they did to Palin was disgusting. Palin never even said she can see Russia from her house. That was an SNL skit, and they convinced everyone that it is a fact.

Clearly you don't notice the garbage coming from your side. Or perhaps you approve of it.

Attacking Palin's kids was beyond the pale. But political figures and election candidates are fair game.

When did any conservative call Clinton a ****? Bill Maher called Palin a **** during the election, and there was no response from the left.

Bill Maher Defends Calling Palin a Cu** & Calls Comparisons to Limbaugh ‘Ridiculous’
everyone of them is a hypocrite. they aren't worth the keyboard and screens they use.
I am still finishing the montage of Democrats and MSNBC attacking Russia, and perpetuating the fabricated story that all US intelligence agencies agree that Russia influenced the election--but it is a stark comparison to what they were saying about Russia in 2012.

To the leftists that believe conservatives love Russia, remember that it was us that was pushing for a strong missile defense in Eastern Europe. It was us that called Russia America's biggest geopolitical foe in 2012. It was you and Obama that stabbed Poland the Ukraine in the back and scrapped missile defense. It was Obama that told the Russians, once my election is over I'll have more flexibly to neuter American military efforts that Russia doesn't like. It was the Democrats that droned on endlessly in 2012 about how trustworthy and how much of an ally Russia is--two years before the invasion of Crimea. It is Obama's foreign policy that has emboldened Russia. It is Obama's foreign policy that weakened and left vulnerable Eastern European countries. To sit here now and say conservatives are fans of Russia shows what intellectual midgets, hypocrites, and honestly to sheer politically-motivated stupidity of y'all.

According to the United States government, the missile defense system was intended to protect against future missiles from Iran.[1] Russia strongly opposed the system. As an alternative, Russia proposed sharing the Qabala Radar in Azerbaijan, which Russia leases, but this was not seen as an acceptable substitute by the US.[2]

While the Polish and Czech governments were in favor of the project, the missile shield received opposition from some groups within Poland and the Czech Republic. Opposition activity included protests[3] and a relay hunger strike by two Czech activists in May 2008, which lasted for 300 days.[4]

On September 17, 2009, the Obama administration announced that plans for the project had been scrapped.[5]

In October 2009—during a trip by Vice President Joe Biden to Warsaw—a new, smaller interceptor project to go forward on roughly the same schedule as the Bush administration plan, was proposed; and it was welcomed by Prime Minister Donald Tusk.[6]
A lot has changed since 2012 hasn't it? Now the rightists positively drool over Putin.
The irony, of course, is that it was under the leadership of Secretary of State Clinton that embolden Russia, that weakened America's military efforts to contain Russia's Easter European ambitions, IF Russia did indeed hack the DNC it is in many ways caused by the foreign policy that Obama and Clinton enacted. Obama showed that threats of American military response were all bluster. They showed that America can be intimated to abandon military efforts they don't like. Obama did nothing to help Europe gain energy independence from Russia--Obama's foreign policy weakened America, led to the rise of ISIS, and emboldened Russia to invade Crimea, Georgia, and to openly defy us in Syria.

Thank god Trump won. Thank god Obama achieved the vast majority of his agenda by executive orders. Thank god Democrats arrogantly changed Senate rules, ensuring that Trump's nominations will be rubber stamped without any threat of veto. Thank GOD for the arrogance of the Democrat Party. Don't change, don't ever change!


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Kiss Putin's ass, move to Russia and get the fuck out of America.
The irony, of course, is that it was under the leadership of Secretary of State Clinton that embolden Russia, that weakened America's military efforts to contain Russia's Easter European ambitions, IF Russia did indeed hack the DNC it is in many ways caused by the foreign policy that Obama and Clinton enacted. Obama showed that threats of American military response were all bluster. They showed that America can be intimated to abandon military efforts they don't like. Obama did nothing to help Europe gain energy independence from Russia--Obama's foreign policy weakened America, led to the rise of ISIS, and emboldened Russia to invade Crimea, Georgia, and to openly defy us in Syria.

Thank god Trump won. Thank god Obama achieved the vast majority of his agenda by executive orders. Thank god Democrats arrogantly changed Senate rules, ensuring that Trump's nominations will be rubber stamped without any threat of veto. Thank GOD for the arrogance of the Democrat Party. Don't change, don't ever change!

That is............as long as the spineless RINO will use the hammer given to them?
A lot has changed since 2012 hasn't it? Now the rightists positively drool over Putin.

That is your response. That a lot has changed. Well who caused the change? What caused Russia to go from a trusted ally in 2012 to invading Crimea 2 years later and engaging in supposed cyber warfare 2 years later. If the Democrats take in 2012 was accurate and things 'changed' who the hell was in charge of foreign policy, who the hell is responsible. Let me answer because I know this is a difficult question for you: It is George Bush's fault.


Kremlin slams 'extremely scurrilous' US hacking accusations

"The Kremlin on Friday slammed Washington for pointing the finger at President Vladimir Putin over cyber attacks targeting the US election, after Barack Obama pledged to retaliate against Russian hacking.

"At this point they need to either stop talking about this or finally present some sort of proof. Otherwise this looks extremely scurrilous," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists during a visit to Japan."


Vlad KNOWS there is no direct link between the hacking and Russia / HIM. There's a helluva lotta good circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact they did SOMETHING / probably were behind the hacking, but Vlad knows the US has to have hard, solid evidence to bring before the UN to get any nation to join in on taking any action against Russia. Such hard, solid evidence would also be needed to justify any open military response (which a Cyber Attack in retaliation would be).

This ain't Vlad's 1st rodeo - he's extremely smart and cunning - Ex-KGB, which also makes him a smug pri@k!

Hopefully our brilliant people in our Intel agencies can crack this nut (referring to the evidence needed and to Putin)

Kiss Putin's ass, move to Russia and get the fuck out of America.

And with that I am done. You sir typify the absolute lack of intelligence and disingenuous of the left. You are incapable of grown up discussion of anything, don't have anything to contribute and are on the ignore list.

To the other two leftists I've been posting with, I've enjoyed it. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you will become born again Trump supporters. Until next time.
Putin: The Arbiter of Truth

Just a few months ago Republicans were saying Putin doesnt keep his word. Now his word is bond and the only people that should be questioned is our own intel and not the former KGB dickhead
Trust Putin or Obama, sadly I believe putin.

Then you are a fool ripe for the taking is you believe a KGB dude over our US Intelligence Agencies.
A lot has changed since 2012 hasn't it? Now the rightists positively drool over Putin.

That is your response. That a lot has changed. Well who caused the change? What caused Russia to go from a trusted ally in 2012 to invading Crimea 2 years later and engaging in supposed cyber warfare 2 years later. If the Democrats take in 2012 was accurate and things 'changed' who the hell was in charge of foreign policy, who the hell is responsible. Let me answer because I know this is a difficult question for you: It is George Bush's fault.

Russia was never a "trusted ally".

And no. I'm not blaming G. Bush. Or anyone for that matter. Russia is doing what Russia has always done.

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