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The End of 'Values' in Society

...is when Man decides that he is God.

Man makes decisions about what is "right" and "wrong" based on situational hypotheticals that seem quite rational, but lead to bizarre, counterproductive results. "God" represents the wisdom of hundreds of generations of our ancestors. Some of it may not be logical and the theology of it may indeed be mumbo-jumbo and nonsense, but to simply cast it aside as illogical and assume that YOU know the truth...is arrogance of a collossal dimension.

This is what I refer to as deciding that you are God, and our President is its primary example in this country. The "belief" is that YOU can make these value judgments, and YOUR choices are more valid than thousands of years of history because you find them more logical and rational.

Take the role of women in society. Traditionally, the woman/wife is the primary nurturer of children and maintains the home. It has been this way from time immemorial, and it follows BIOLOGY perfectly. The woman, after all, BEARS THE CHILDREN, she is physically smaller and weaker than the husband/father, and her strengths are not ideally suited to the tasks that men traditionally assumed (e.g. feeding and housing the family).

But it's not entirely LOGICAL, is it? Women are just as intelligent as men and in many ways they are just as capable. They can be doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs, and who's to say they can't?

But if you ABANDON the paradigm of the family that comes from "God," what are you left with? Unprecedented levels of divorce and child abandonment. Unprecedent materialism. Pathetic, meaningless, transitory relationships between adult men and women. Millions upon millions of neglected, "latchkey" kids playing video games, experimenting with drugs and sex, and becoming assimilated in the amoral world of "Hollywood," while their mothers out out working to earn enough to pay for the (too) big house, the Lexus, and the vacations in Cancun.

The new reality leaves adult women longing for the safety and security of a family in which to bring a child or children into the world, but AFRAID TO SAY IT OUT LOUD, because it conflicts with the mores of "Feminism."

With the advances made in human reproduction, it is possible for a woman to go her entire life, having complete freedom to express her self and her sexuality in any way she wants, with no concerns ever about having a child, and the only relevant question to be answered is this: Are they better off than Harriet Nelson?

And what will be the final fallout as we abandon thousands of years of the social condemnation of homosexuality?

A better world?

Too soon to tell. But we abandon thousands of years of teaching at our peril.
God can do anything.

So, it follows, if you believe that Big Government is God, as do totalitarians, then what's the problem with government simply clothing and feeding each and every soul born?

And that is what they are offering the simpletons, the folks who voted for this administration.

First....."you can't take care of/protect yourself."

Second...."we'll do it all for you."

Here, they promise it to women:

14. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC87G_W0n2s]Obama's 'Life of Julia' Draws Conservative Ire - YouTube[/ame]

And, the objection:

"...a celebration of a how a woman can live her entire life by leaning on government intervention, dependency and other people’s money rather than her own initiative or hard work. It is, I’d say, implicitly un-American, .....

...... a mindset that women should find offensively patronizing. When they’re old enough, I hope my two daughters will find the notion that their success hinges on the president’s views on college-loan interest rates preposterous. Yet, according to the “Life of Julia,” women are helpless without the guiding hand of Barack Obama."
Who the hell is "Julia," and why am I paying for her whole life? | Human Events

Big Government: no rules of responsibility to follow, no consequences.

Cradle to grave.
Too soon to tell? I think we can assess how things are going at this point, DGS. Let's consider the story of the AIDS patient out in California who was mocked and ignored while he stood in front of hospital employees and guards ( at a very well known reputable hospital treating AIDS patients ) explaining someone at the window where he picked up his prescription - stole his wallet. No one would help him. He recorded the entire event on his camera phone. After pleading for help for over 30 minutes ( videotaped ) they gave him a token for a bus ride home. The callous heart it took to treat this man in such a way was shocking... He later made more videos and said he had been treated this way repeatedly by hospital staff. Where was the gay community to defend this man? Where was the news media? No where. That's where..

Why? He had converted to Christianity and said he was no longer a homosexual. Where is the compassion for this man? He was made a target of ridicule and abuse - what tolerance, eh?

Next up Hollywood Director, openly gay and poster boy for Gay Pride Hosting events...... Bryan Singer and his accomplice Collins - Rector ( paedophile with arrest record ) are boasting they own the film industry. They cannot be touched because they are the Gay Pride Hosts for annual Gay Pride party in California. ( they thought wrong too! ) Testimonies are coming forth of these grown men raping teenagers at these parties and threatening anyone who dares to expose their evil works.

Yet here it is exposed before the world and I haven't seen any news reports about any Gay Community leaders condemning Bryan Singer and Collins - Rector. How many young boys, young men have been sexually molested while a knowing adult gay community stood by and said nothing! Am I to believe the gay community has no voice in Hollywood? Seriously?!

So where is their voice concerning Mr. Gay Pride Party Host - Bryan Singer and his rape and sodomizing of boys? Or his accomplice Collins - Rector who provided the scene of the crime and DEN to employ these boys at $1500.00 a week so they were forced to attend these parties.

You see, you can most certainly judge something by its fruit and what is the fruit of this? Pure evil.

If this is an example of the social experiment of homosexuality you can call it now. An abysmal failure. Bryan Singer and Collins-Rector should both be behind bars for life - in my opinion.. of course God could cause an earthquake and swallow them and their ilk whole down to hell and that would suit me fine too! Anytime, Lord!!!

Oh and these gay parades of nudity in front of children? The jury is in on that one too! Not a better world and it didn't take a thousand years to figure out that one either. Your comment compelled me to answer with this one. Thanks for the inspiration, DSG. The truth is invigorating, isn't it? - Jeremiah
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This is almost funny if it wasn't so sad.

You guys are afraid of women and your inability to control them.

For instance, look at monogamy and feminism. Were men and (sometimes women) monogamous in marriage? No. Men didn't have to be. So, what is the big fear? Women might, because of feminism, not want to be monogamous. This denotes a fear of women's sexuality. But, not of men. Even though, historically, men have been able to have affairs without suffering repercussions.

Too, the wave of feminism that is feared is the one that targeted middle class to upper middle class white women. Women have always worked and many of them opted out of marriage or have been single parents never married from time immemorial.

The Harriet Nelson crowd was very, very tiny.

Further, and this too is hysterical, the concept of government as father or husband, also denotes fear of women. The right wing now insists that women must be under the control of either a man or the government because those are the only two options. Again, women cannot be trusted. You people crack me up.

You don't have family values. You have fear.
This is almost funny if it wasn't so sad.

You guys are afraid of women and your inability to control them.

For instance, look at monogamy and feminism. Were men and (sometimes women) monogamous in marriage? No. Men didn't have to be. So, what is the big fear? Women might, because of feminism, not want to be monogamous. This denotes a fear of women's sexuality. But, not of men. Even though, historically, men have been able to have affairs without suffering repercussions.
Was that supposed to make sense? I'm sure there were many monogamous men, you think they all cheated? Women did it do. Who's controlling women or trying to in what way? We aren't mind readers.
Too, the wave of feminism that is feared is the one that targeted middle class to upper middle class white women. Women have always worked and many of them opted out of marriage or have been single parents never married from time immemorial.

The Harriet Nelson crowd was very, very tiny.

Further, and this too is hysterical, the concept of government as father or husband, also denotes fear of women. The right wing now insists that women must be under the control of either a man or the government because those are the only two options. Again, women cannot be trusted. You people crack me up.

You don't have family values. You have fear.
You have brain damage. Conservatives are typically opposed to the able bodied living off of public funds. I am not aware of any desire for legislating male control over women, what are you talking about?
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I don't believe in GOP "values". I believe there is more than just "let him die".
I don't believe in GOP "values". I believe there is more than just "let him die".

Didn't mean to thank Deany posting from a moving car and it swerved. Dean never let's anyone forget the time he went to the town hall meeting and shouted "let them die"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
I don't believe in GOP "values". I believe there is more than just "let him die".

Yes there is more to CON values than that.

There's lets help market forces kill people off so we can pretend we had nothing to do with it.

But FYI, rdean our DEM leadership isn't working too hard to prevent that either.

How you continue to miss that makes me somewhat suspicious of your quest for truth, to be honest.

I think you're just another partisan, mate.
I don't believe in GOP "values". I believe there is more than just "let him die".


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."

That's DEMOCRAT Governor Richard Lamm.
But on the other hand, Jeremiah, we all know gay couples who are good, contributing citizens, good neighbors, and in every overt way exemplary. Both male and female. I am reluctant to condemn all homosexuals because of the obnoxious behavior of some of the most visible examples.

I'm an avid motorcyclist and I don't want to be painted with the same brush as the Hell's Angels or the kids careening around on their crotch rockets. Or the old bastards in my generations with gray pony tails, for that matter.
Did somebody really post a link to a 1984 NYT article as an illustration of contemporary GOP philosophy?
I don't believe in GOP "values". I believe there is more than just "let him die".

Yes there is more to CON values than that.

There's lets help market forces kill people off so we can pretend we had nothing to do with it.

But FYI, rdean our DEM leadership isn't working too hard to prevent that either.

How you continue to miss that makes me somewhat suspicious of your quest for truth, to be honest.

I think you're just another partisan, mate.

Yes rdean is a dupe for the elite left. He believes in elitism, statism, and leftism. His belief system is simply this: Ds good Rs bad...DUH!

He is incapable of comprehending that both political parties are not dissimilar, but he is not alone. Sadly many Americans have been duped by the two party system.
Hardly can one call themselves a Christian that wishes ill will upon another...

That is true that it isn't Christ like to wish ill upon another, Moonglow. I agree. When I think of the lives destroyed by men such as Bryan Singer and Collins-Rector, it makes my blood boil. I admit I lack compassion for paedophiles who are above the law. I have a serious problem with these paedophile rings run by elitists who blackmail our govt officials to keep themselves from being prosecuted... The same thing goes on in Europe.

Never in the history of hollywood has it been made plain - people coming out in broad daylight with their own photographs and saying - this man is guilty - this is what he did to me - never before has there been this type of standing up to these guys and the time to support the victims is 'right now'... not one of these men has confessed to his crimes or apologised for the lives destroyed - they are all liars who have sold their souls for filthy lucre and indulging themselves in the rape and sodomy of underage boys.

I am praying for the judgment of God to fall heavily on the heads of each one of these paedophile King pins and I pray that prayer each morning now. I pray their movies fail so badly they never get another phone call for work. That their families are so shamed by their behavior they have to move and change their names. That the American people realize what Hollywood has been up to and boycott the films of such men including Weistein films ( definitely boycott those ) until they are all driven out of business.

That the pain they caused to others be returned upon their own heads. Let the destruction of their flesh be for the salvation of their souls if any are interested. (although I find no sign of remorse in any of them) These men do not believe they will be held accountable but I have faith God is going to turn them into "believers" of accountability whatever it takes - let it be done.

I have precedent for that prayer as King David prayed it against his enemies who by his own description were such evil men he probably held back most of what they were into! I make no apologies for petitioning heaven over this Brian Singer - & - Collins-Rector bunch. Collins - Rector's mothers family ( Collins ) are satanists who is related to the infamous John Collins - Director - Satanist - who made occult / horror films decades ago. The Collins family should be driven from Hollywood. When the tree is bad so is the fruit. It is what it is and it is time to get it out of America. It doesn't belong here.
But on the other hand, Jeremiah, we all know gay couples who are good, contributing citizens, good neighbors, and in every overt way exemplary. Both male and female. I am reluctant to condemn all homosexuals because of the obnoxious behavior of some of the most visible examples.

I'm an avid motorcyclist and I don't want to be painted with the same brush as the Hell's Angels or the kids careening around on their crotch rockets. Or the old bastards in my generations with gray pony tails, for that matter.

To be clear, DSG, I am pointing out these men, Brian Singer, Collins - Rector ( whose mother was a Collins satanist ) paedophiles who have been in control of Hollywood up until now.

Because of the fact that Singer and Collins have involved with hosting Gay Pride events in which underage boys were harmed - it would behoove the gay community to come out with a public statement condemning the actions of these men and distancing themselves from having anything whatsoever to do with them in the future.

Anyone who desires to not be affiliated with child rapists - paedophiles in film industry should come out now with a strong statement condemning it and demanding they be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There is no statute of limitations on destroying the lives of children. If that is the law? Change it immediately. Children deserve to be protected without reserve.

I have met many kind and generous people who were part of the gay community. They would never condone what Bryan Singer and Collins - Rector satanist did to these kids - but silence is not an acceptable response to learning the Sponsors - Hosts of Gay Pride events was identified as paedophile predators. They must speak up or else remove themselves completely from the Hollywood scene. ( anyone who stays in we'll assume condones this )

I'm waiting to see what they will do as I find it very suspicious that no one has been willing to say anything. It doesn't look good. This story isn't going away. This story is getting bigger by the day and I believe the reason is obvious. There will be no questions later on as to why judgment fell on specific regions of the nation. Las Vegas is another one. In Las Vegas the paedophiles actually sell children on the auction block to wealthy elitists, arabs, Europeans, etc. Imagine that happening right here in America. Gunderson Chief of FBI for 27 years said it was going on every week in Las Vegas. Selling children. Men selling human souls on an auction block... no judgment expected for such things? Think again. It's on the way. - Jeremiah p..s. people have a choice. Condemn the actions of Bryan Singer and Collins - Rector or defend their actions and join in their fate. Free choice. Choose wisely!
What a society values speaks volumes about it. A society that values God, family, children, work, education - is a society that will flourish. A society that doesn't value God, family, children, hard work, education is a society that has lost its way and is doomed. imo.

Hi hi's^^,
Which God/dess are you referring to when you talk about a society that values God? Or are you talking about a higher power in general?
*Hugs and Bright Blessings*
What a society values speaks volumes about it. A society that values God, family, children, work, education - is a society that will flourish. A society that doesn't value God, family, children, hard work, education is a society that has lost its way and is doomed. imo.

Hi hi's^^,
Which God/dess are you referring to when you talk about a society that values God? Or are you talking about a higher power in general?
*Hugs and Bright Blessings*

The reference, I believe, is based on the Judeo-Christian definition.
It must be pretty easy to run for office as a democrat. They don't have to worry about a failure to live up to "family values" because they make no claim of it. You can see it in posts. Every time a republican is accused of adultery the "family values" snarky comments come out from the left but nobody expects democrats to live up to any social values.

Yeah the president is not married and has kids out of wedlock, anymore fallacies I can straighten out?

Either you were in a coma or you are less than 17 years old and you can't remember Bubba Bill Clinton. I guarantee the name will come up again so you better brush up on the definition of "sodomy".

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