The Endgame

Critical thinking not your strong suit we don't get as old as you are without being incredibly dim and dense because the truth would infuriate you so much you would start fighting back and trying to educate people. Now enjoy ignore or maybe I can report you since technically this is trolling with no actual reply.
Whites were once 35 percent of the global population.

We are now 8 percent.

White genocide is very real.

It is not too late to turn it around.
The alt-right is not going to be stopped. Because: the alt-right isn't people or a party or an organization. It's the idea that races are biologically distinct and ill-fit to live together.

You cannot kill this idea. No. 1, you can't kill ideas. And No. 2, it's true.

Whites are catching on.
The alt-right is not going to be stopped. Because: the alt-right isn't people or a party or an organization. It's the idea that races are biologically distinct and ill-fit to live together.

You cannot kill this idea. No. 1, you can't kill ideas. And No. 2, it's true.

Whites are catching on.

Except that blended races have a 100% better chance at long-term survival.
The alt-right is not going to be stopped. Because: the alt-right isn't people or a party or an organization. It's the idea that races are biologically distinct and ill-fit to live together.

You cannot kill this idea. No. 1, you can't kill ideas. And No. 2, it's true.

Whites are catching on.

Except that blended races have a 100% better chance at long-term survival.
Remember that these alt-right fools don't believe in evolution and don't think inbreeding is a bad idea
the alt-right isn't people or a party or an organization. It's the idea that races are biologically distinct and ill-fit to live together.

At least you're a Trump supporter who is honest about his beliefs and why you voted for him.

Anyways America was created and flourished under the opposite of that belief. Countries that held that belief, like Nazi Germany, the USSR, 1940's Japan, etc. have all collapsed or been destroyed. :thup:
So let me get this straight, an orange man will save whites?


Ok, that gets a funny.

The cognitive gymnastics involved in accepting the premise that white people are being persecuted by society today has never failed to blow my mind.
Believe me there ain't much there to blow.....:) Just do as Rustic does NAZI! SOCIALIST! seems to work for him LOL

Please watch and share with friends and family.

Honestly I've never heard the words "white genocide" in my life. That's why I decided to watch this video.
The strangest thing for me is when former French President Sarkozy said "the goal is to meet the challenge of racial inbreeding" and then "it's not a choice it's an obligation"... I really don't understand why a Head of State (because in 2008 he was the President of France) should say something like that? :omg:
It's a very unusual and strange statement for a politician (especially if he's a Head of State) :eusa_think:
I've never heard a politician here saying "we have the challenge of racial inbreeding" :dunno:

Please watch and share with friends and family.

Honestly I've never heard the words "white genocide" in my life. That's why I decided to watch this video.
The strangest thing for me is when former French President Sarkozy said "the goal is to meet the challenge of racial inbreeding" and then "it's not a choice it's an obligation"... I really don't understand why a Head of State (because in 2008 he was the President of France) should say something like that? :omg:
It's a very unusual and strange statement for a politician (especially if he's a Head of State) :eusa_think:
I've never heard a politician here saying "we have the challenge of racial inbreeding" :dunno:

Sarkozy is a Jew. They have no loyalty to ANY country they have loyalty to their race. The Jewish races goal is complete domination and control of the world and the only race in their way is the White Race. Is intermixing pushed in Vietnam? I know they have started attacking Japan....

Please watch and share with friends and family.

Honestly I've never heard the words "white genocide" in my life. That's why I decided to watch this video.
The strangest thing for me is when former French President Sarkozy said "the goal is to meet the challenge of racial inbreeding" and then "it's not a choice it's an obligation"... I really don't understand why a Head of State (because in 2008 he was the President of France) should say something like that? :omg:
It's a very unusual and strange statement for a politician (especially if he's a Head of State) :eusa_think:
I've never heard a politician here saying "we have the challenge of racial inbreeding" :dunno:

Sarkozy is a Jew. They have no loyalty to ANY country they have loyalty to their race. The Jewish races goal is complete domination and control of the world and the only race in their way is the White Race. Is intermixing pushed in Vietnam? I know they have started attacking Japan....

No here there are a few mixed couple maybe because our law doesn't allowed sex between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners.
And you can't find commercials on TV or movies or tv series with mixed couple or something like that :)

Please watch and share with friends and family.

Honestly I've never heard the words "white genocide" in my life. That's why I decided to watch this video.
The strangest thing for me is when former French President Sarkozy said "the goal is to meet the challenge of racial inbreeding" and then "it's not a choice it's an obligation"... I really don't understand why a Head of State (because in 2008 he was the President of France) should say something like that? :omg:
It's a very unusual and strange statement for a politician (especially if he's a Head of State) :eusa_think:
I've never heard a politician here saying "we have the challenge of racial inbreeding" :dunno:

Sarkozy is a Jew. They have no loyalty to ANY country they have loyalty to their race. The Jewish races goal is complete domination and control of the world and the only race in their way is the White Race. Is intermixing pushed in Vietnam? I know they have started attacking Japan....

No here there are a few mixed couple maybe because our law doesn't allowed sex between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners.
And you can't find commercials on TV or movies or tv series with mixed couple or something like that :)

Wow. That must be nice. Its not only expected its pushed HEAVILY in media,movies,books,music etc. There are still some areas that its rare to see but its everywhere.

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