‘The environment is upside down’: Why Dems are winning the culture wars: Changes in public opinion on abortion & gay rights

Parents should have the right to kill their children as long as it's done in private and done with the children are very young.

Wait for it.......

Sarcasm alert!
Democrats position, how is it bad, at 8 months and 29 days, or even the day of, how is it morally wrong to stick a needle into the head of a perfectly healthybaby in the womb.

How is it wrong when the baby litetally fights for its life, feels the pain of the needle in the brain

How is it wrong to suck the brain out killing that baby the day it would of been born healthy.

All democrats just voted for this so it is obviously a good thing.
democrats are very sick people...babies are wonderful and beautiful I have even seen video of biden trying to kiss babies...sweet little babies are not evil they bring joy to this shitty world
Don’t believe any Republican who campaigned in the primary on banning all abortions, even for rape and incest , when they try to soften their position now. Do. Not. Believe. Them.

Democrat Marxist Socialist Agenda has cost US Taxpayers $30 Trillion Dollars.
Our GDP is only $24 Trillion.

Each American Taxpayer now is in debt to The Government for $245,000.

The interest yearly on Democrat National Debt is $444 Billion. $444 Billion a year.
We have a total debt of $92 Trillion.

Democrats, through Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, have murdered nearly 70 Million US Citizens-Taxpayers.

We have a $1 Trillion Dollar Trade Deficit, and $7 Trillion in US debt is held by Foreign Nations.

All Democrat Fantasy Spending Programs are completely unaffordable and should be abolished and eliminated.

We just can't afford you any more.

America needs a divorce from you pronto.
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democrats are very sick people...babies are wonderful and beautiful I have even seen video of biden trying to kiss babies...sweet little babies are not evil they bring joy to this shitty world

You Nazis are the ones who are sick. It is none of your business.
Parents should have the right to kill their children as long as it's done in private and done with the children are very young.

Wait for it.......

Sarcasm alert!
Democraps should believe this, if they are consistent and coherent.
Democrat Marxist Socialist Agenda has cost US Taxpayers $30 Trillion Dollars.
Our GDP is only $24 Trillion.

Each American Taxpayer now is in debt to The Government for $245,000.

The interest yearly on Democrat National Debt is $444 Billion. $444 Billion a year.
We have a total debt of $92 Trillion.

Democrats, through Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, have murdered nearly 70 Million US Citizens-Taxpayers.

We have a $1 Trillion Dollar Trade Deficit, and $7 Trillion in US debt is held by Foreign Nations.

All Democrat Fantasy Spending Programs are completely unaffordable and should be abolished and eliminated.

We just can't afford you any more.

America needs a divorce from you pronto.

Unfortunately we cannot divorce leftism. It’s like a fungus that keeps creeping back. Leftism must be completely destroyed. It will take generations to weaken society again and like mold it will slowly appear and spread again.
The constitution gives them no power over the topic of abortion. Roe was a lie.

Roe gave the power over abortion to the doctors, and their patients.
Dobbs transferred that to the states, who are applying draconian restrictions.

I prefer the decision in the hands of medical professionals who need 20 years of education, than legislators with no educational requirement.
Roe gave the power over abortion to the doctors, and their patients.
Contract killers and their clients. Please don’t lie.
Dobbs transferred that to the states, who are applying draconian restrictions.
Life sentences and executions would not be draconian, and those aren’t even the current level of restrictions. Draconian refers to Draco the Lawgiver of Athens, known for giving excessive punishment for victimless crimes.

Homicide of the innocent is not victimless. Life imprisonment or execution is appropriate for contract killer scum and their clients.
Homicide of the innocent is not victimless. Life imprisonment or execution is appropriate for contract killer scum and their clients.
I posted the pictures of two fetuses, and asked what the punishment should be for aborting them before viability, and killing them after viability.

Answers varied but republicans universally identified either one to be protected before and after viability. The problem with their view is that one was a picture of a fetal human, and the other a fetal pig.

They believed in protecting the life of a future ham sandwich.
Until I told them they were protecting the life of a future ham sandwich.
Don’t believe any Republican who campaigned in the primary on banning all abortions, even for rape and incest , when they try to soften their position now. Do. Not. Believe. Them.

Dems are LOSING the culture war. Badly

In the past 18 months alone they have destroyed all the gains they made in the past 40 years.

Now they are actively, deliberately, and repeatedly generating hatred. And you know darn well some of that is going to rub off on all the Democrat constituents.

Democrats, right now, are being EJECTED, from the courts, from the schools, and even from CNN.

No one wants groomers. No one wants CRT or any other kind of communist propaganda. NO ONE WANTS THEIR UNDERWEAR FONDLED BY THE BROWNSHIRTS.

Democrats WERE winning the culture was. Past tense. But they blew it. Badly. They got a little too enthusiastic.
I posted the pictures of two fetuses, and asked what the punishment should be for aborting them before viability, and killing them after viability.
For a homicide in cold blood, the punishment should be life in prison or executions.

The problem with their view is that one was a picture of a fetal human, and the other a fetal pig.
Yeah I’ve seen this one. It’s not as clever as you think.

Ultimately you’re hinging on visual similarity between mammals of different species at a young age which is unavoidable due to evolution. Humans have rights, pigs are just property, doesn’t matter what age in either case.

We don’t need visual similarity and we don’t need to stare at pictures.

The human isn’t pregnant with the baby pig. The pig isn’t pregnant with the baby human. Even assuming you could magically remove that obvious clue somehow, there are a myriad ways you could scientifically distinguish between the pig and the human.

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