The events in Paris are the reason we should NOT take any Muslim refugees from the middle east

Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

Seriously Gramps, can't you ever say anything other than some grumpy old variation of GET OFF MY LAWN?

Believed it or not, the Middle East is just a bit more complicated than "fuck em".
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
Stay out of their nations, arm them all, not just the Zionists, and see what happens. Their precious oil however, you won't have access to that, which is the only reason we've ever been there.
We have plenty of our own oil but you dumbfucks won't let us get it
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

Seriously Gramps, can't you ever say anything other than some grumpy old variation of GET OFF MY LAWN?

Believed it or not, the Middle East is just a bit more complicated than "fuck em".
No, it's not. Kill every last Muslim in terrorist held territory & nuke that shithole till the Sands turn to glass.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

Seriously Gramps, can't you ever say anything other than some grumpy old variation of GET OFF MY LAWN?

Believed it or not, the Middle East is just a bit more complicated than "fuck em".
It is not what you libtards think it is either.
In Twin Falls Idaho Defunding the refuge center at the College of Southern Idaho is on the ballot in the next election
ISIS among the refugees means vetting and carefully selecting who to take in is vital for the security of each country.

This is not going to bode well for the refugees or muslims in general that are in or trying to get to europe.
Besides the idiocy of saying this is Dem's fault, it won't be long before the anti-America RWNJs say its Obama's fault.

You are proof positive that you cannot teach a donkey the value of a human life.

Your hero Barack is a coward and a traitor. He has a shady past associating with criminals. He inexplicably rose in prominence doing nothing but being black and mumbling. He appointed criminal friends, half of who got vetted out. He handed out tax payer stimulus funds to all his benefactors and phony green jobs. He voted down every moral act that would be kind to unborn babies or Christians or the innocence of young students. He relished in homosexual causes, transgender causes, anti cop causes, anti Israel causes, anti military causes, you name it. He did absolutely nothing to help blacks in unemployment, to stop rampant gang violence in black urban communities, to help blacks stay in school, not create single parent families, to stay away from filthy music and thug ideas --- instead he hid under his oval office desk. He has been the center of 10 major scandals ALL OF THEM buried by the leftist mainstream media or he would have been impeached by now. He refuses to call any Islamic terrorist attack “Islamic terrorism” much less do anything about it!!!!!! The morning after the Benhghazi horror he jets off to las vegas to hobnob with his hollywoood celebrities instead of addressing the grave crisis. Hell, this bastard would not even march with all of Europe’s national leaders in Paris against Islamic terrorism after the charli hedbo massacre. Even Netanyahu and Abbas were there arm in arm at the front of the march. Where was your f---king hero? Watching TV in the white house, could not be bothered. The man is a pox on this nation and there are millions of fools and idiots who do not care or cannot figure that out and still vote for him.
And this is the sort of country the traitor liberals want for this one. Just look at this thread. The liberals actually blame the USA for the terrorists attacking France. Thank god we can have guns here.

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Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

I got a better idea. Let's just not kill anymore Arab Muslims over there.

As long as we ship all our Muslims over there, you have a deal.

Bet you think Drumpf can and will "build a wall" and import 11 million immediately and at no cost to the US.

RW traitors just don't seem able to think things through.
Why would we wanna import 11 million at no cost to the US?
ISIS among the refugees means vetting and carefully selecting who to take in is vital for the security of each country.

This is not going to bode well for the refugees or muslims in general that are in or trying to get to europe.

ISIS among the refugees means vetting and carefully selecting who to take in is vital for the security of each country.

Males aged 10-60, take none. Maybe take orphans, under age 5. Everyone else, send them back to Syria.
We have enough people with no skills, we don't need more who will never assimilate.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

THe US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

UN condemns attacks in Paris....Wow.That's really going out on a limb.
Will they call for an emergency session to work on more gun control in the US?
What did you expect the UN to do other than condemn it?
Terrorists strike at the heart of France...

Hollande: Several dozen dead in attacks around Paris
Nov 13,`15 -- Several dozen people were killed Friday in a series of terror attacks, the deadliest to hit Paris since World War II, French President Francois Hollande said, announcing that he was closing the country's borders and declaring a state of emergency.
At least 35 people died in at least six attacks. Many of those killed were in a popular concert hall where patrons were taken hostage, police and medical officials said. The violence gripped the city in fear and recalled the horrors of the Charlie Hebdo carnage just 10 months ago. A police official said 11 people were killed in a Paris restaurant in the 10th arrondissement, and other police officials said at least twice that number died elsewhere, primarily in the Bataclan music venue, where the hostages were taken. It was unclear how many people were in the hall; one official said there were around 100, while another said there were far fewer. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to be publicly named in the quickly moving investigation.


Rescue workers gather at victims in the 10th district of Paris, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Several dozen people were killed in a series of unprecedented attacks around Paris on Friday, French President Francois Hollande said, announcing that he was closing the country's borders and declaring a state of emergency.​

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the series of attacks. Hollande, in a televised address, said the nation would stand firm and united against the attackers. "This is a terrible ordeal that again assails us," he said. "We know where it comes from, who these criminals are, who these terrorists are." U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking to reporters in Washington, called the attacks on Paris "outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians" and vowed to do whatever it takes to help bring the perpetrators to justice. Later Friday, automatic gunfire and blasts could be heard from the concert hall, and police officials confirmed that security forces had launched an assault there. Neither official could be named when discussing the ongoing operation, which several officials said involved dozens of hostages. Scores of police surrounded the building and sirens wailed throughout the neighborhood.

Earlier Friday, two explosions were heard outside the Stade de France stadium north of Paris during a France-Germany friendly football match. A police union official said there were two suicide attacks and a bombing that killed at least three people. The official, Gregory Goupil of the Alliance Police Nationale, whose region includes the area of the stadium, said explosions went off simultaneously near two entrances and a McDonalds. An Associated Press reporter in the stadium Friday night heard two explosions loud enough to penetrate the sounds of cheering fans. Sirens were immediately heard, and a helicopter was circling overhead. Hollande, who was in the stadium, was evacuated to an emergency meeting. The attack comes as France has heightened security measures ahead of a major global climate conference that starts in two weeks, out of fear of violent protests and potential terrorist attacks.


See also:

Paris attacks: Dozens dead and Bataclan hostage stand-off
13 November 2015 - France has declared a national state of emergency and has closed its borders after at least 40 people were killed in multiple gun and bomb attacks in Paris.
At least 15 people were killed at the Bataclan concert hall, where gunmen took up to 60 people hostage. Police have now stormed the venue and killed two attackers, French media say. Others died in attacks near the Stade de France, with some reports suggesting a suicide blast, and at restaurants in central Paris. Paris residents have been asked to stay indoors and military personnel are being deployed across the city.

The deadliest attack appears to have targeted the Bataclan concert hall. The BBC's Hugh Schofield says scores of ambulances have arrived at the scene, suggesting many victims inside. Other attacks hit neighbouring Le Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon restaurants in the 10th district where a BBC reporter could see 10 people lying on the road, either dead or seriously injured. And an eyewitness told Liberation newspaper that he had heard more than 100 rounds being fired at La Belle Equipe cafe in the 11th district.

US President Barack Obama spoke of "an outrageous attempt to terrorise innocent civilians". UK PM David Cameron said he was shocked and pledged to do "whatever we can to help".

Paris attacks: Dozens dead and Bataclan hostage stand-off - BBC News


Paris attacks live updates
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

The US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

Fuck you

Making sure the message sinks in. Warmongers have thick skulls:

The US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

UN condemns attacks in Paris....Wow.That's really going out on a limb.
Will they call for an emergency session to work on more gun control in the US?
What did you expect the UN to do other than condemn it?

Where is the obligatory We will bring those responsible to justice....
But for now we must concentrate on the real cause of the attacks....

Climate change....

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