The events in Paris are the reason we should NOT take any Muslim refugees from the middle east

And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

He didnt say they were american. He said the action is un-american you fool.

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