The events in Paris are the reason we should NOT take any Muslim refugees from the middle east

There are about 100 recognized ethnic groups and almost all of them contain Muslims. To make it little more complicated, most people are a combination of ethnic groups. So discriminating basic ethnicity won't work.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.

That's true. We can stop all of them from entering the country. However, Catholics, Jews, and Hindus don't want to kill us.
And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
It's been confirmed that 2 of the attackers had Syrian passports. They were part of the "refugee" migration. We knew all along the refugees has ISIS fighters among them, but this shuts up the liberals who ludicrously have been asking for refugees to be admitted here in America.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.

That's true. We can stop all of them from entering the country. However, Catholics, Jews, and Hindus don't want to kill us.
And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

Yes, it does justify it. Furthermore, the fact that the majority of them would like to impose Sharia law here also justifies it. That alone justifies it. If the Muslims who are already here are not citizen, then we should deport them.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.

That's true. We can stop all of them from entering the country. However, Catholics, Jews, and Hindus don't want to kill us.
And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
Yes, it does justify it. Furthermore, the fact that the majority of them would like to impose Sharia law here also justifies it. That alone justifies it. If the Muslims who are already here are not citizen, then we should deport them.
As Trump advocates we need a MASS DEPORTATION PROGRAM, the sooner the better, and we need to start it off with Muslim illegal aliens. It is long overdue for Operation Wetback II, as well as a closing of all the mosques and the elimination of all Korans, inside US borders.

The time for excess tolerance is OVER. I wrote an OP advocating this one year ago. >>>

CDZ - MASS DEPORTATION, Not Amnesty | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.

That's true. We can stop all of them from entering the country. However, Catholics, Jews, and Hindus don't want to kill us.
And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for the crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
That's true. We can stop all of them from entering the country. However, Catholics, Jews, and Hindus don't want to kill us.
And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid
All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
It isn't punishment to not allow them in the country. if they were real men they would stand up and drive the islomonazi into the ground. Instead they are lead like cows across the world as a smoke screen for murdering scumbags that give you liberals sexual chills

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
You need to change your pants.

You cowards are so vulnerable to manipulation it's pathetic.

120+ dead and it's just a little ole manipulation eh?

Get back to your more mainstream liberal talking points. You look less stupid that way.

Comprehension fail.

Cowards like you are vulnerable to manipulation by naziesque right wing propaganda outlets which are turning all of you into bigots. They are fearmongering you all into pants shitting toddlers jumping at your own shadows.


There are already two posters on this forum openly calling for the extermination of all Muslims, and you chickenshit assholes aren't far behind.

The Koran (sp) == the Muslim Bible == calls for the extermination of all non-Muslims.

That's YOU and ME.

You want to hand them a knife and turn your back on them --- go ahead. I'd rather shoot them on sight.
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
How do we know some of those "refugees" aren't members of ISIS?
They KNOW that at least one of the attackers in France came through as one of the " refugees ". Their Imams have ordered them to invade disguised as refugees.
Those who have reached Germany are raping women for not being dressed according to Sharia Law.
Most Germans wish to hell they had never heard of the refugees.
And Sweden is having big problems too and France, of course.
Germany and Hungary seem to be getting the worst of it ... but they let the most invaders in.

The Muslim Bible --- the Koran --- calls for killing all non-Muslims. They cannot claim to be a religion of Peace when the book their religion is founded on says ' kill everyone else '.

These people HAVE to be removed from the face of the Earth.
[QUOTE="Flopper, post: 12813996, member: 22983

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America[/QUOTE]

I'd bet a months pension that if one of those 76 who died from Islamic attacks was your daughter whom they raped and killed you opinion would change damn fast.

I'd much prefer YOU were one of the 76.
Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid

You do realize that this discussion is all hypothetical since there is no way to keep Muslims out of this country other than closing the boarders.
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So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid

You do realize that this discussion is all hypothetical since there is no way to keep Muslims our of this country other than closing the boarders.
Dude you & I are done here. Your excuses, much like this one, are juvenile amatuer bullshit.
The only reason it will be difficult is because we lack a leader. We have a coward n chief. Nothing more
[QUOTE="Flopper, post: 12813996, member: 22983

Since 9-11 there have been 76 people die in Islamic Terrorist attack in the United States, compared 225,000 murdered and 600 who died from lighting strikes. 6 people a year dying in Islamic terrorist attack do not justify stopping Muslims from entering the US. Even if we stopped Muslims from entering the country, we would still have Islamic terrorist attacks from the 5 to 10 million already in the US.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

I'd bet a months pension that if one of those 76 who died from Islamic attacks was your daughter whom they raped and killed you opinion would change damn fast.

I'd much prefer YOU were one of the 76.[/QUOTE]
Yes, and I would probably want to burn Mosques and shoot any foreigner with dark skin that looks like he could be a Muslim. In other words, I would become what I hate.
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid

You do realize that this discussion is all hypothetical since there is no way to keep Muslims our of this country other than closing the boarders.
Dude you & I are done here. Your excuses, much like this one, are juvenile amatuer bullshit.
The only reason it will be difficult is because we lack a leader. We have a coward n chief. Nothing more
So you have no idea how to stop Muslims from the entering the country.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid

You do realize that this discussion is all hypothetical since there is no way to keep Muslims our of this country other than closing the boarders.
Dude you & I are done here. Your excuses, much like this one, are juvenile amatuer bullshit.
The only reason it will be difficult is because we lack a leader. We have a coward n chief. Nothing more
So you have no idea how to stop Muslims from the entering the country.
For the last fucking time.


Only a retard thinks we can not control our own borders.
So you're solution is to bring in 65k more unknown potential terrorists?

Logic much?
My solution is we should pursue those that perpetrate, plan, or assist in terrorist attacks, not the 99.9% that don't. Punishing the many for crimes of the few is about as un-American as you can get.
Unamerican you say?

So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid

You do realize that this discussion is all hypothetical since there is no way to keep Muslims out of this country other than closing the boarders.

I'm all for that. Should have done it years ago.
So it's ok to punish the innocent for the crimes of others if they aren't Americans.
Not bringing them into our country is not a punishment.

Can I just come over to your house & bring all of my neighbors anytime I feel like it?

Your argument is juvenile & stupid

You do realize that this discussion is all hypothetical since there is no way to keep Muslims our of this country other than closing the boarders.
Dude you & I are done here. Your excuses, much like this one, are juvenile amatuer bullshit.
The only reason it will be difficult is because we lack a leader. We have a coward n chief. Nothing more
So you have no idea how to stop Muslims from the entering the country.
For the last fucking time.


Only a retard thinks we can not control our own borders.
Then they come from Germany, France, India, Indonesia,and every other country on earth.

As I said before, How are you going determine that a person is Muslim. Islamic terrorist such as the ones that hit Paris or those who pulled off 911 are not going to walk through immigration carrying a prayer rug followed by 4 wives wearing head scarfs and veils.

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