The events in Paris are the reason we should NOT take any Muslim refugees from the middle east

Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
You need to change your pants.

You cowards are so vulnerable to manipulation it's pathetic.

120+ dead and it's just a little ole manipulation eh?

Get back to your more mainstream liberal talking points. You look less stupid that way.

Comprehension fail.

Cowards like you are vulnerable to manipulation by naziesque right wing propaganda outlets which are turning all of you into bigots. They are fearmongering you all into pants shitting toddlers jumping at your own shadows.


There are already two posters on this forum openly calling for the extermination of all Muslims, and you chickenshit assholes aren't far behind.
Blah blah blah blah

You sound like an old woman spewing nonsense & gossip at a quilting festival
Change your pants. I can smell you from here.
Nice. I miss the old 5th grade insults. Good job kiddo!
Replace ETHNIC with RELIGIOUS for CURRENT CONDITIONS... do I have to spell out everything for you?...OR are you just a terrorist sympathizer...I, for one, would not be surprised!
There are about 100 recognized ethnic groups and almost all of them contain Muslims. To make it little more complicated, most people are a combination of ethnic groups. So discriminating basic ethnicity won't work.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.

That's true. We can stop all of them from entering the country. However, Catholics, Jews, and Hindus don't want to kill us.
And neither do most Muslims.

All it takes is 1% of them who do to create an army of 15 million murderous thugs. However, the percentage that want to kill us is much greater than that, and the percentage that want to impose Sharia on us is a majority of them.

And no, you can not stop all Muslims from entering the country any more than you stop all Catholics. Like other religions, Muslims are members of all nationalities, all races, and all economic classes.

You could easily stop the vast majority of them simply by limiting immigration from a small number of countries. However, nothing in the Constitution prevents the United States from controlling what type of people we allow to enter the country. The first amendment doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.
And the deflection for the PC-protected religion continues...

Do you believe all Muslims to be guilty until proven innocent while everyone else remains innocent until proven guilty?
Sure don't!

But keep deflecting, you make this so easy!

Deflecting from what? The OP wants to ban particular religion from coming into this country. Is it PC to think that's discriminatory?

Or should we just concede that it's discriminatory but make the argument that sometimes discrimination is justified?

Like locking up the Japanese during WWII...

Of course it's discriminatory. It makes perfect sense to discriminate against people who have a high probability of trying to kill you.
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
You need to change your pants.

You cowards are so vulnerable to manipulation it's pathetic.

Do you stick your finger in a light socket because someone triple dares you to?
You bigots shit your pants because your media masters tell you to.

Sounds like a terrorist lover to me!
And the deflection for the PC-protected religion continues...

Do you believe all Muslims to be guilty until proven innocent while everyone else remains innocent until proven guilty?
Sure don't!

But keep deflecting, you make this so easy!

Deflecting from what? The OP wants to ban particular religion from coming into this country. Is it PC to think that's discriminatory?

Or should we just concede that it's discriminatory but make the argument that sometimes discrimination is justified?

Like locking up the Japanese during WWII...

Of course it's discriminatory. It makes perfect sense to discriminate against people who have a high probability of trying to kill you.
You need to change your pants.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
You need to change your pants.

You cowards are so vulnerable to manipulation it's pathetic.

Do you stick your finger in a light socket because someone triple dares you to?
You bigots shit your pants because your media masters tell you to.
Only an imbecile needlessly subjects himself to danger to impress others.

So tell us, imbecile, why should Americans needlessly subject themselves to danger, so they can prove how tough they are?
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
How do we know some of those "refugees" aren't members of ISIS?
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
How do we know some of those "refugees" aren't members of ISIS?

  • “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    Daily Express (UK) ^
    AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations - hidden amongst innocent refugees. "Just wait," he smiled. The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes. The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe. Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the...
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
And one of the terrorists has been CONFIRMED with having refugee status.
And your stupid liberal ass would allow them here.
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
How do we know some of those "refugees" aren't members of ISIS?

  • “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    Daily Express (UK) ^
    AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations - hidden amongst innocent refugees. "Just wait," he smiled. The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes. The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe. Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the...
If I was an ISIS terrorist and wanted the West to turn away all those infidel refugees I want to slaughter, I would tell the pants shitters media that most of the refugees were ISIS.

If I wanted the pants shitters to keep filling their pants every day, I would say things like this every day.
Who perpetrated the attack?

ISIS is claiming responsibility.

Who are the refugees running away from?

Assad and ISIS.

You fucking nazi retards want to force them to go back and be slaughtered.

Unconscionable chickenshit assholes.
How do we know some of those "refugees" aren't members of ISIS?

  • “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    Daily Express (UK) ^
    AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations - hidden amongst innocent refugees. "Just wait," he smiled. The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes. The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe. Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the...
If I was an ISIS terrorist and wanted the West to turn away all those infidel refugees I want to slaughter, I would tell the pants shitters media that most of the refugees were ISIS.

If I wanted the pants shitters to keep filling their pants every day, I would say things like this every day.

They did tell the media, jackass!
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
Stay out of their nations, arm them all, not just the Zionists, and see what happens. Their precious oil however, you won't have access to that, which is the only reason we've ever been there.
We DO NOT need their oil anymore.

We have so much of our own oil that we are EXPORTING it.

And all the oil that would have come through the pipeline Obama just nixed was set to be EXPORTED too.

It was NOT for American use.

We export most of the oil from Alaska too.
Yes, we do need their oil because 1/3 of the world's oil production is in the Middle East. Oil prices in the US are determined by world market prices. Without Mid-Eastern oil, worldwide prices would soar. It would cripple US trading partners and send prices up in the US.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

Did you ever fight for our country?

If you had children and a wife would you desert them to go fight? Or make and effort to get them a safe haven?

I hate to break it to you all of a sudden like this but many of the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan are actually married with children. All service members are not single.
Are you in favor of importing syrian refugees into america?

Why or why not?
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
Stay out of their nations, arm them all, not just the Zionists, and see what happens. Their precious oil however, you won't have access to that, which is the only reason we've ever been there.
We DO NOT need their oil anymore.

We have so much of our own oil that we are EXPORTING it.

And all the oil that would have come through the pipeline Obama just nixed was set to be EXPORTED too.

It was NOT for American use.

We export most of the oil from Alaska too.

and plenty of places to drill for more.
America could become energy independent..
Stay out of their nations, arm them all, not just the Zionists, and see what happens. Their precious oil however, you won't have access to that, which is the only reason we've ever been there.
Nuclear warheads are why we've been over there, Mr Know-Nothing. Why do you think Trump keeps saying we should have gotten the oil ? You don't even know that we didn't get any oil from there.




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