The evidence continues to pile up - how will atheists continue to deny it?

It's getting harder and harder for atheists to keep their primitive views as archeology, science, and technology converge to prove the Bible was accurate...

Whoa, Bethsaida! Archaeologists May Have Found Peter’s Home Town | The Stream
They found the city of Troy a while back, proving that Zeus is real. Why do you deny it?
Do you have more evidence than just Troy to support Zeus? No? Didn't think so.
Of course I do, goyim. Ever heard of the Oracle at Delphi? Yeah, we know where that shit is. Ever heard of Athens? Sparta? Way more ancient than Bethlehem.

Hades is going to roast your ass.
W0w and i thought atheists pride themselves on knowinf between right and wrong on their own - is this the right you speak of cos its pure evil how you answered...


Did it ever dawn on you that scripture was intentionally written in such a way as to conceal teaching and knowledge essential to good mental health and a fruitful and fulfilled life, national treasure, and divert their many irrational and superstitious enemies especially since most of scripture and all of the gospels were written during brutal times of conquest and oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of expression and people were maimed imprisoned enslaved and killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons?


Did you never think to seek any hidden meaning to the fantastical stories and unusual expressions in scripture, teaching that was cloaked in a strange language, even borrowing imagery from other cultures, specifically to divert confuse and thereby remain above the grasp of their stupid, albeit more powerful, superstitious enemies?


Even though the authors couldn't have been more obvious about the cryptic nature of their many outrageous claims and strange sayings?


Apparently it still works like a charm, the keys to eternal life, even the meaning of the words, remain above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply no matter how many times they read the words, and some people still don't believe in magic.

Imagine that!
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Did it ever dawn on you that scripture was intentionally written in such a way as to conceal teaching and knowledge essential to good mental health and a fruitful and fulfilled life, national treasure, and divert their many irrational and superstitious enemies especially since most of scripture and all of the gospels were written during brutal times of conquest and oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of expression and people were maimed imprisoned enslaved and killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons?


Did you never think to seek any hidden meaning to the fantastical stories and unusual expressions in scripture, teaching that was cloaked in a strange language, even borrowing imagery from other cultures, specifically to divert confuse and thereby remain above the grasp of their stupid, albeit more powerful, superstitious enemies?


Even though the authors couldn't have been more obvious about the cryptic nature of their many outrageous claims and strange sayings?


Apparently it still works like a charm, the keys to eternal life, even the meaning of the words, remain above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply no matter how many times they read the words, and some people still don't believe in magic.

Imagine that!
I dont need your madeup interpretations of magical nonsense. It is utterly useless. Sorry.
I dont need your madeup interpretations of magical nonsense. It is utterly useless.
Like your posts! And your brain (which you absolutely refuse to use for some reason). And your existence.
Oh my, someone call the waaaaaahmbulance...
Why, snowflake? Did my post “hurt” your feelings? Do you need some coloring books now? :laugh:
You know, you always do this (throw your little hissy) when anyone makes fun of your magical voodoo. Why do you invite this on yourself?
I dont need your madeup interpretations of magical nonsense. It is utterly useless.
Like your posts! And your brain (which you absolutely refuse to use for some reason). And your existence.
Oh my, someone call the waaaaaahmbulance...
Why, snowflake? Did my post “hurt” your feelings? Do you need some coloring books now? :laugh:
You know, you always do this (throw your little hissy) when anyone makes fun of your magical voodoo. Why do you invite this on yourself?
Only a fragile little snowflake would think I’m even remotely close to having a “hissy” :laugh:


Did it ever dawn on you that scripture was intentionally written in such a way as to conceal teaching and knowledge essential to good mental health and a fruitful and fulfilled life, national treasure, and divert their many irrational and superstitious enemies especially since most of scripture and all of the gospels were written during brutal times of conquest and oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of expression and people were maimed imprisoned enslaved and killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons?


Did you never think to seek any hidden meaning to the fantastical stories and unusual expressions in scripture, teaching that was cloaked in a strange language, even borrowing imagery from other cultures, specifically to divert confuse and thereby remain above the grasp of their stupid, albeit more powerful, superstitious enemies?


Even though the authors couldn't have been more obvious about the cryptic nature of their many outrageous claims and strange sayings?


Apparently it still works like a charm, the keys to eternal life, even the meaning of the words, remain above the grasp of all those who do not think very deeply no matter how many times they read the words, and some people still don't believe in magic.

Imagine that!
I dont need your madeup interpretations of magical nonsense. It is utterly useless. Sorry.

I didn't offer you any made up interpretations of magical nonsense.

I asked you some questions and listed some facts that any rational person would include in their speculations if they were seeking the truth, like the fact that scripture was written during brutal times of persecution and conquest when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were imprisoned, maimed, and killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons...

You think that I made that up?

Are you an idiot?

Thank you for helping me to show the wisdom of Carlo Collodi in his magical bullshit Tale of a Puppet, a warning to little children about the real danger of naughty boys becoming a jackass for life if they stay too long on Pleasure Island.
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'This cryptotheology is not easily set aside, for it is irresistible: "Nothing is thinkable without these notions....It is first of all a question of demonstrating the systematic and historical solidarity of concepts and gestures of thought which we often believe we can be innocently separated. The sign and the divinity have the same place and the same time of birth. The age of the sign is essentially theological. It will perhaps never (end [italics]). Its historical closure is (nonetheless outlined [it.]).' (Of Grammatology pp.13-14)

We are, by language, culture and tradition, implicated with divinity, accomplice to sacralization, predestined to ontotheology. It is the task of deconstruction to reveal that complicity and to demonstrate, contrary to ontotheological assumptions and by way of marking their closure, that the thing we take to be irreducibly itself, originally and insignificantly itself, "sol de non-signification," is always already a sign. As Derrida states in his analysis of Pierce's semiology, "The thing itself is a sign." '
(McKenna, Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction, p. 145)
It's getting harder and harder for atheists to keep their primitive views as archeology, science, and technology converge to prove the Bible was accurate...

Whoa, Bethsaida! Archaeologists May Have Found Peter’s Home Town | The Stream
You notice the significant word in that story, right? MAY. As is, "might be, could. possibly, maybe be". In other words, nothing of any significance has actually been proven to have been discovered. You theists love doing this. You love to trot out these stories of archaeological digs that offer the ambiguous possibly, might be some place that was mentioned in the Bible, as if they are proof, absolute of the accuracy of your fairy tales, and fables. Get back to us when you have a single, absolute, without a doubt, this IS such-and-such a place.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone when archaeologists discover evidence that confirms the NT.
I didn't offer you any made up interpretations of magical nonsense.
Of course you did. That is literally all you do. And then you declare them to be fact. Rinse, repeat.

No, I pointed out facts about the historical context in which scripture was written. Its not my opinion, it is a historical fact that most of scripture and all of the NT was written during the occupation and destruction of Judea, when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and hundreds of thousands of Jews were enslaved, exiled or slaughtered.

This is no small point..

It is a simple fact that any rational person would include in their speculations when trying to discover the truth about stories that were obviously written in figurative language using well know literary teaching techniques, concealing subjects that remain above the grasp of people who do not think very deeply..

Your weak dismissal of sound logic and reasoning is making you look like a brainless internet bot with a very limited number of preprogramed responses.

Either that or you truly are dead to yourself and to others, a completely false human being..

Thank you for helping me show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate and for so generously demonstrating the terrifying and disturbing consequences for failing to do so..
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It shouldn’t surprise anyone when archaeologists discover evidence that confirms the NT.
Actually, it would surprise everyone since not a single archaeologist has done so, yet. Give a single report of a "discovery" that doesn't include the word "may", "maybe", "perhaps", or some variation thereof.

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