The Evolving Trump Scandal of Dishonest Fake News


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The nation is in big trouble and the Left would have you think it is all about Donald Trump. If you followed their discourse, this guy is a bigger disaster and problem than ISIS, North Korea and the Zika virus all rolled into one! Except for the fact that 304 electoral college votes, 34 more than needed to secure a win, and the man is carrying out an agenda exactly as he detailed it during his campaign that the people put him in office for!

No, the real story not being told the people is the Democrats lies, high crimes and weaponizing of the media and intelligence agencies points to an increasing need to rout all Obama and Hillary sympathizers from within our intelligence agencies before they do more serious harm to our national security putting personal politics ahead of their jobs. Let us look at a few facts:

1). The Washington Post, famously liberal and democratically biased, reported that Trump gave out sensitive, improper info to the Russians about laptops jeopardizing the nation as in inept, bumbling fool. LIE. The National Security Advisor McMaster and Secretary of State Tillerson, who were both ACTUALLY IN THE ROOM at the time have come forth to state clearly that there is no truth to this story and Trump did everything by the book!

2). Then the Washington Post published another story claiming that active FBI Director Rod Rosenstein threatened to quit over the Comey matter handling. ANOTHER PROVEN LIE. He has since come forward to publically state there never was any truth to that allegation.

3). After that, The Washington Post put out an article saying that Comey was asking for more resources to do his investigation when he was fired (implying efforts by Trump to quash his investigation). Never mind that after almost 9 months, they still have found zero to investigate! TRUTH: McCabe has stated that the FBI has all the money they need to do the investigation.

4). Chuck Schumer warned Trump that not playing ball with Washington would land him in hot, retaliatory water. Since then:
----Numerous transcripts of sensitive calls to foreign leaders have been leaked to the Liberal Media.
----Numerous drafts of Executive Orders have been leaked to the Liberal Media.
----Info was leaked aimed at damaging Jeff Sessions.
----Felony violations of the Espionage Act through the unmasking of General Flynn to the media.

5). NSA head McMaster has now publicly affirmed that all reports of a Trump Alliance are totally BOGUS.

Since February of 2017:
* Leaks have been made to the President of Mexico by the AP.
* Leaks have been made to the Ambassador from Australia by THE WASHINGTON POST.
* Leaks to Paris have been made by THE POLITICO.
* Leaks have been made to the Kremlin by REUTERS.

You can always tell what the Left is up to by just looking at what they accuse the other side of! All of these attacks and accusations are nothing more than smoke and mirrors to keep the public attention away from, and Trump tied up from investigating THEM. THE DEMOCRATS are the colluders. THE DEMOCRATS have weaponized the media and sympathizers within the intelligence agencies in another effort to overload the system to try to destroy the presidency of Trump at the expense of the nation to save their own necks!

But perhaps, this is the biggest scandal of them all, soon to be coming out more to the fore.

The WikiLeaks that revealed last year from John Podesta's emails about how the democrats were colluding with the media and other forces to try to rig the election so that Hillary would win was effected by a democratic malcontent inside Washington called SETH RICH, who did not like what he saw of his party becoming FASCIST and CORRUPT. So last July he set out to release those emails in an attempt to thwart these actions.

KEEP IN MIND that it was these emails which gave rise to the democrats whole claim that they had been hacked by Russia as some sort of joint effort to put Trump into office! THE ENTIRE PATTER OF THE DEMOCRATS SINCE JANUARY HAS BEEN TO ESSENTIALLY INCREASING ACCUSE THE PRESIDENT OF TREASON ACTING AS A RUSSIAN SPY/AGENT!

But what about Seth Rich? A few days after he released the Podesta emails, Seth was shot dead on the streets of D.C. It was dismissed as a robbery and attempted buried, but nothing was taken from his person!

MARK MY WORDS that Seth Rich was murdered by the democrats for his leaking of the Podesta emails to send a message to others and more will be coming out about this. The democratic party IMO has become a power-hungry, mad crime syndicate part of a larger global initiative bent on the destruction of Trump to save their hold on power to return control of the fat and valuable USA asset under their control.

If I were Trump, I would be very careful and I expect an attempt will be made on his life. As he sees himself free and clear of all of these allegations and charges, not only will the Seth Rich murder be properly investigated, but those within the intelligence agencies leaking info to the press will be found and properly dealt with. Then some of the real crimes between Hillary, the DNC and others will be very closely looked at. A lot of people will be going to prison for sedition.
Excellent yammering and very impressive that you figured out how to change colors in your post but where is the proof of what you wrote?

Excellent yammering and very impressive that you figured out how to change colors in your post but where is the proof of what you wrote?


Link? Proof? What do you think, I just copied and pasted the above from some website? You really consider the internet as a source of reliable information? The above was researched, put together, organized and written by ME upon the close following of maybe a dozen direct sources tied first hand to the incidents at hand, from live TV press releases made by the people listed to television interviews with them and others, including Dr. Sabastian Gorka. If you don't trust my information or already know of the events, I suggest you quit relying on others, stop being lazy and do your own investigating!

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