The Exploding Costs of CommieCare


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
"Obamacare was carefully constructed to manipulate the standard 10-year cost projections of the CBO. Because benefits would not fully kick in for four years, President Obama could trumpet 10-year gross costs of less than $1 trillion — $938 billion to be exact.

But now that the near-costless years 2010 and 2011 have elapsed, the true 10-year price tag comes into focus. From 2013 through 2022, the CBO reports, the costs of Obamacare come to $1.76 trillion — almost twice the phony original number.

It gets worse. Annual gross costs after 2021 are more than a quarter of $1 trillion every year — until the end of time. That, for a new entitlement in a country already drowning in $16 trillion of debt..............."

Obamacare: The reckoning - The Washington Post

Costs never matter to liberals, only good intentions.......
Much cheaper than the crappe "system" we have now- doubled in cost just under BOOOSH with 750k bankruptcies and 45k unneccessary deaths a year- never again, dittohead....and more savings to come, send your ideas to your a-hole Pub reps...
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So, you mean like Medicare? Because health care care in general skyrocketed with no controls? My father the doctor was for "socialized medicine" since 1940- COULD NOT BELIEVE we're STILL doing this Pubcrappe...
Much cheaper than the crappe "system" we have now- doubled in cost just under BOOOSH with 750k bankruptcies and 45k unneccessary deaths a year- never again, dittohead....and more savings to come, send your ideas to your a-hole Pub reps...

You will only be useful when you die. They will compost your body and it will go onto a garden.

Right now, you are nothing but a cholonoscopy bag.

Wake up asshole.
One payer welfare care for all !!! lol

That's why ACA is perfect for the USA- only the bereft get that (medicaid)- everyone else gets the same as now, but without the scams and Switzerland and Holland.

As Pelosi said, people will get it when they get it. There's so much Pub/corporate misinformation it's ridiculous...
Much cheaper than the crappe "system" we have now- doubled in cost just under BOOOSH with 750k bankruptcies and 45k unneccessary deaths a year- never again, dittohead....and more savings to come, send your ideas to your a-hole Pub reps...

You will only be useful when you die. They will compost your body and it will go onto a garden.

Right now, you are nothing but a cholonoscopy bag.

Wake up asshole.

Thanks for the tribute, mindless Pubtroll...
Krauthammer is playing clever wordgames. He notes that the new number is about twice the old number, without noting that the two numbers numbers are different because they refer to different things. As documents ( : Health Care Costs Didn’t Double) the higher costs are not due to a recalculation but due to the fact that it is a different ten-year period being considered. Indeed, the report that Krauthammer cites ( Estimates.pdf) in claiming that the CBO has raised its estimates actually reads in part (emphasis added)

CBO and JCT now estimate that the insurance coverage provisions of the ACA
will have a net cost of just under $1.1 trillion over the 2012–2021 period—about
$50 billion less than the agencies’ March 2011 estimate for that 10-year period
If the CBO is now saying it's $1.8 trillion.. that means it's probably more like $5 trillion.

I miss the days of $500 toilet seats!
Much cheaper than the crappe "system" we have now- doubled in cost just under BOOOSH with 750k bankruptcies and 45k unneccessary deaths a year- never again, dittohead....and more savings to come, send your ideas to your a-hole Pub reps...

You will only be useful when you die. They will compost your body and it will go onto a garden.

Right now, you are nothing but a cholonoscopy bag.

Wake up asshole.

Thanks for the tribute, mindless Pubtroll...

You are the one who seems unable to post more than about six words at a time.

But you think I'm mindless....

Wait....."you think"......:lol::lol::lol:

That was a mistake.
So, to review: It's not the Post, it's that bought off A-HOLE Krauthammer, it's not commiecare , it's not skyrocketing, and the dupes are sorely misled- too bad the Pub Propaganda Machine doesn't EVER have the "left wing equivalent" like the Post. IE the fegging truth. Same with corporate media...
Much cheaper than the crappe "system" we have now- doubled in cost just under BOOOSH with 750k bankruptcies and 45k unneccessary deaths a year- never again, dittohead....and more savings to come, send your ideas to your a-hole Pub reps...

You will only be useful when you die. They will compost your body and it will go onto a garden.

Right now, you are nothing but a cholonoscopy bag.

Wake up asshole.

"cholonoscopy bag" lol. Not in the medical field, I see. Colonoscopy is a procedure. A colostomy bag is worn by someone with a colostomy. BTW, wish you would wake up. Hell, you gladly grab your ankles and tell your republican leaders, "you don't even have to use lube this time."
"Obamacare was carefully constructed to manipulate the standard 10-year cost projections of the CBO. Because benefits would not fully kick in for four years, President Obama could trumpet 10-year gross costs of less than $1 trillion — $938 billion to be exact.
But now that the near-costless years 2010 and 2011 have elapsed, the true 10-year price tag comes into focus. From 2013 through 2022, the CBO reports, the costs of Obamacare come to $1.76 trillion — almost twice the phony original number.
It gets worse. Annual gross costs after 2021 are more than a quarter of $1 trillion every year — until the end of time. That, for a new entitlement in a country already drowning in $16 trillion of debt..............."
Obamacare: The reckoning - The Washington Post
If you took time to actually read the report you'd notice that Obamacare is now estimated to cost 50billion less then first thought.
But dont let reality get in the way of being a republican
"Obamacare was carefully constructed to manipulate the standard 10-year cost projections of the CBO. Because benefits would not fully kick in for four years, President Obama could trumpet 10-year gross costs of less than $1 trillion — $938 billion to be exact.
But now that the near-costless years 2010 and 2011 have elapsed, the true 10-year price tag comes into focus. From 2013 through 2022, the CBO reports, the costs of Obamacare come to $1.76 trillion — almost twice the phony original number.
It gets worse. Annual gross costs after 2021 are more than a quarter of $1 trillion every year — until the end of time. That, for a new entitlement in a country already drowning in $16 trillion of debt..............."
Obamacare: The reckoning - The Washington Post
If you took time to actually read the report you'd notice that Obamacare is now estimated to cost 50billion less then first thought.
But dont let reality get in the way of being a republican

LogikAndRezon (robo) was a poster on the old AOL boards. He's not your average dumb downed gop reactionary. He lies and distorts as effortlessly as limbaugh, hannity, beck and O'Reilly. He's disgusting.

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