The Facts About Obama's Economic Record

[The GOP refused to act on their talk!

so what you idiot? If the Democrats had acted and the electorate had acted too it would have been done but neither did in fact they were openly opposed so the Republican philosophy did not prevail.
Over your head you fool??.
If Republicans wanted GSE reform, all they had to do was put it on the legislative calendar for a full vote in the Senate. But they refused to do that with any of the related bills that made it to the Republican leadership in the Senate.
For crying out loud, you can go on YouTube and see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears who said and did what, who warned and called for reform and who denied and demagogued. If you can't bring yourself to read, go watch it on video.

Barney Frank’s Denialism About the Housing Bubble

Bush and McCain Warned Democrats of Housing Crisis and Financial Meltdown

Democrats Covering Up Fannie and Freddie Scandal

Democrats Blocked Reform of Freddie and Fannie

There are several more where those came from.

Barney Frank was but a member of the minority party in the House. How the hell did he block the majority party Republicans?? Are they that weak that they cower in his mere presence? If so, Republicans should be barred from Congress.

dear, they blocked it the same way Republicans block Obamacare and single payer despite being minority or slight majority. Do you ever think before you post??

You think Republicans blocked ObamaCare? :cuckoo:

Dear the reason Obamacommie care is not single payer is because of Republicans and the reason Obamacommiecare may be blocked by court this month is because of Republicans
For crying out loud, you can go on YouTube and see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears who said and did what, who warned and called for reform and who denied and demagogued. If you can't bring yourself to read, go watch it on video.

Barney Frank’s Denialism About the Housing Bubble

Bush and McCain Warned Democrats of Housing Crisis and Financial Meltdown

Democrats Covering Up Fannie and Freddie Scandal

Democrats Blocked Reform of Freddie and Fannie

There are several more where those came from.

Let's see if you even have a clue to what you're talking about, shall we...? Despite you trying to blame one member of the minority party in the House, as edthecynic pointed out, one bill actually did make it out of the House.

... now here's the question to test your knowledge ... why did that bill die in the Senate ... ?
For crying out loud, you can go on YouTube and see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears who said and did what, who warned and called for reform and who denied and demagogued. If you can't bring yourself to read, go watch it on video.

Barney Frank’s Denialism About the Housing Bubble

Bush and McCain Warned Democrats of Housing Crisis and Financial Meltdown

Democrats Covering Up Fannie and Freddie Scandal

Democrats Blocked Reform of Freddie and Fannie

There are several more where those came from.

Let's see if you even have a clue to what you're talking about, shall we...? Despite you trying to blame one member of the minority party in the House, as edthecynic pointed out, one bill actually did make it out of the House.

... now here's the question to test your knowledge ... why did that bill die in the Senate ... ?

not enough support but what support there was was from Republicans. Case closed!!
For crying out loud, you can go on YouTube and see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears who said and did what, who warned and called for reform and who denied and demagogued. If you can't bring yourself to read, go watch it on video.

Barney Frank’s Denialism About the Housing Bubble

Bush and McCain Warned Democrats of Housing Crisis and Financial Meltdown

Democrats Covering Up Fannie and Freddie Scandal

Democrats Blocked Reform of Freddie and Fannie

There are several more where those came from.

Barney Frank was but a member of the minority party in the House. How the hell did he block the majority party Republicans?? Are they that weak that they cower in his mere presence? If so, Republicans should be barred from Congress.

dear, they blocked it the same way Republicans block Obamacare and single payer despite being minority or slight majority. Do you ever think before you post??

You think Republicans blocked ObamaCare? :cuckoo:

Dear the reason Obamacommie care is not single payer is because of Republicans and the reason Obamacommiecare may be blocked by court this month is because of Republicans

Holy fuck. Can someone inform that imbecile that ObamaCare is already in effect?

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:
For crying out loud, you can go on YouTube and see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears who said and did what, who warned and called for reform and who denied and demagogued. If you can't bring yourself to read, go watch it on video.

Barney Frank’s Denialism About the Housing Bubble

Bush and McCain Warned Democrats of Housing Crisis and Financial Meltdown

Democrats Covering Up Fannie and Freddie Scandal

Democrats Blocked Reform of Freddie and Fannie

There are several more where those came from.

Barney Frank was but a member of the minority party in the House. How the hell did he block the majority party Republicans?? Are they that weak that they cower in his mere presence? If so, Republicans should be barred from Congress.

dear, they blocked it the same way Republicans block Obamacare and single payer despite being minority or slight majority. Do you ever think before you post??

You think Republicans blocked ObamaCare? :cuckoo:

Dear the reason Obamacommie care is not single payer is because of Republicans and the reason Obamacommiecare may be blocked by court this month is because of Republicans

Holy fuck. Can someone inform that imbecile that ObamaCare is already in effect?

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Dear, not in form Obama wanted. Too slow to understand??
For crying out loud, you can go on YouTube and see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears who said and did what, who warned and called for reform and who denied and demagogued. If you can't bring yourself to read, go watch it on video.

Barney Frank’s Denialism About the Housing Bubble

Bush and McCain Warned Democrats of Housing Crisis and Financial Meltdown

Democrats Covering Up Fannie and Freddie Scandal

Democrats Blocked Reform of Freddie and Fannie

There are several more where those came from.

Let's see if you even have a clue to what you're talking about, shall we...? Despite you trying to blame one member of the minority party in the House, as edthecynic pointed out, one bill actually did make it out of the House.

... now here's the question to test your knowledge ... why did that bill die in the Senate ... ?

not enough support but what support there was was from Republicans. Case closed!!

Wrong answer. Let's see what Mike thinks before I tell you the right answer.
Barney Frank was but a member of the minority party in the House. How the hell did he block the majority party Republicans?? Are they that weak that they cower in his mere presence? If so, Republicans should be barred from Congress.

dear, they blocked it the same way Republicans block Obamacare and single payer despite being minority or slight majority. Do you ever think before you post??
You think Republicans blocked ObamaCare? :cuckoo:

Dear the reason Obamacommie care is not single payer is because of Republicans and the reason Obamacommiecare may be blocked by court this month is because of Republicans
Holy fuck. Can someone inform that imbecile that ObamaCare is already in effect?

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Dear, not in form Obama wanted. Too slow to understand??
Hisses the forum idiot who doesn'doesn't know ObamaCare is in effect. :rolleyes: Obama did want that but few others did. With a solid majority in the House and a filibuster-proof Senate, Democrats could have passed ant bill they wanted. While Republicans were against any healthcare reform Democrats were pitching, the public option was dropped from the bill because Democrat leaders didn't want it in. While Republicans didn't either, they were helpless to block it had Democrats wanted it.
Democrats could have passed ant bill they wanted. .

dear, they passed only as much as they could barely pass. Republican opposition held them way back as did continuing electoral opposition.

Are you catching on now??
But as of now the crash of 1929 happened BEFORE FDR. THAT'S WHY HE WAS ELECTED.

dear, everyone knows that so you appear like a silly child proudly proclaiming 1+1=2. In fact, Hoover was a liberal who did stupid liberal things(eg Hoover stimulus Dam) much like FDR did stupid liberal things and so instead of ending it a month or two the Depression lasted 16 years much like the USSR lasted 70 years and Red China lasted 30 years.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
Funny, every time a con fucks up the other cons call him a liberal. Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. are all now called liberals by the extremist right wingers. That's your I.Q.
-- Obama has shattered Bush's record of debt accumulation, and he has done so in less than 6.5 years. In 8 years, Bush added $4.9 trillion to the national debt (from $5.7 trillion in January 2001 to $10.6 trillion in January 2009). In only 6 years and 5 months, Obama has added $7.5 trillion to the national debt (from $10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $18.1 trillion as of last month). And it's worth noting that we would be even deeper in debt if Obama and the Democrats had gotten their way on spending.

Obama didn't add all of that debt. In fact he added very little of it.

Do you know that over 2 trillion dollars worth of spending in the last six years is interest on the debt - debt accumulated for decades?

Is that Obama's fault?
False question. Obama HAS added
dear, they blocked it the same way Republicans block Obamacare and single payer despite being minority or slight majority. Do you ever think before you post??
You think Republicans blocked ObamaCare? :cuckoo:

Dear the reason Obamacommie care is not single payer is because of Republicans and the reason Obamacommiecare may be blocked by court this month is because of Republicans
Holy fuck. Can someone inform that imbecile that ObamaCare is already in effect?

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Dear, not in form Obama wanted. Too slow to understand??
Hisses the forum idiot who doesn'doesn't know ObamaCare is in effect. :rolleyes: Obama did want that but few others did. With a solid majority in the House and a filibuster-proof Senate, Democrats could have passed ant bill they wanted. While Republicans were against any healthcare reform Democrats were pitching, the public option was dropped from the bill because Democrat leaders didn't want it in. While Republicans didn't either, they were helpless to block it had Democrats wanted it.
That is the correct motorcycle.
Funny, every time a con fucks up the other cons call him a liberal. Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. are all now called liberals by the extremist right wingers. That's your I.Q.

Too stupid as always!!! conservatives and libertarians want limited govt as our Founders did. Any president though will likely be centrist to get elected and a centrist while in office since he must always compromise with the party opposite in our democracy.

A liberal will lack the IQ to understand these simple facts which children can understand.
So let's review the excuses for Obama's poor economic record:

* The first huge spending increase came in the FY 2009 budget.

Obama signed most of the FY 2009 spending bills, because the Dem-controlled Congress stalled them so they could pad them and he could sign them.

* Freddie and Fannie had to be taken over by the federal government, and that cost a lot of money.

And that would not have been necessary if then-Senator Obama and other Dems in Congress had not blocked Republican attempts to rein in Freddie and Fannie's dangerous intervention in the housing market. This is all on YouTube, if you don't like to read.

* TARP cost a lot of money.

Then-Senator Obama voted for TARP, and TARP would have been much smaller or even unnecessary if Senator Obama and other Dems had not blocked every Republican attempt to rein in Freddie and Fannie. There would have been far fewer risky home loans to bundle into toxic assets in the first place if Freddie and Fannie had not opened the flood gates by their massive intervention.

* There was a sizable Social Security cost-of-living increase for FY 2009, and that cost a lot of money.

Please. It's not like SS cost-of-living increases had never happened before! They happen every few years, for goodness sake. That's a poor explanation for the tripling of the deficit in just one year. By 2007, before the recession hit, and before the Dems took control of Congress, Bush had the deficit down to less than $200 billion. But then the Dems jacked up spending in the FY 2009 spending bills that they stalled so Obama could sign them.

* The huge increase in the number of people who have left the workforce is due to a large wave of people retiring.

Nope, sorry. That dog won't hunt. See the OP.

* The U-6 is not a good gauge because it includes people who are employed. So it doesn't matter that the U-6 has been much higher under Obama than it was under Bush.

The "employed people" in the U-6 are people who want full-time work but can't find it and who are stuck in part-time jobs that they're working only out of necessity. The rest of the people in the U-6 are jobless. The U-6 is widely recognized as the "real unemployment rate."

By the way, the labor force participation rate has been worse under Obama than it was under Bush, as I've documented in previous replies. This fact should be no surprise since the U-6 has been so high under Obama.


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So let's review the excuses for Obama's poor economic record:

* The first huge spending increase came in the FY 2009 budget.

Obama signed most of the FY 2009 spending bills, because the Dem-controlled Congress stalled them so they could pad them and he could sign them.

* Freddie and Fannie had to be taken over by the federal government, and that cost a lot of money.

And that would not have been necessary if then-Senator Obama and other Dems in Congress had not blocked Republican attempts to rein in Freddie and Fannie's dangerous intervention in the housing market. This is all on YouTube, if you don't like to read.

* TARP cost a lot of money.

Then-Senator Obama voted for TARP, and TARP would have been much smaller or even unnecessary if Senator Obama and other Dems had not blocked every Republican attempt to rein in Freddie and Fannie. There would have been far fewer risky home loans to bundle into toxic assets in the first place if Freddie and Fannie had not opened the flood gates by their massive intervention.

* There was a sizable Social Security cost-of-living increase for FY 2009, and that cost a lot of money.

Please. It's not like SS cost-of-living increases had never happened before! They happen every few years, for goodness sake. That's a poor explanation for the tripling of the deficit in just one year. By 2007, before the recession hit, and before the Dems took control of Congress, Bush had the deficit down to less than $200 billion. But then the Dems jacked up spending in the FY 2009 spending bills that they stalled so Obama could sign them.

* The huge increase in the number of people who have left the workforce is due to a large wave of people retiring.

Nope, sorry. That dog won't hunt. See the OP.

* The U-6 is not a good gauge because it includes people who are employed. So it doesn't matter that the U-6 has been much higher under Obama than it was under Bush.

The "employed people" in the U-6 are people who want full-time work but can't find it and who are stuck in part-time jobs that they're working only out of necessity. The rest of the people in the U-6 are jobless. The U-6 is widely recognized as the "real unemployment rate."

By the way, the labor force participation rate has been worse under Obama than it was under Bush, as I've documented in previous replies. This fact should be no surprise since the U-6 has been so high under Obama.

Let's not forget too that the recession was over 6 months after Obama took office thanks to what Bush had done. Sadly, Obama's stupid socialist programs have stalled the recovery for 7 years almost as if he's competing with FDR for worst economic performance in American History.

What does that tell is about why liberalism failed in the USSR too?

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