The Failure of Obanomics and Income Inequality

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
GDP figures came out Friday. Another quarter of growth well below 3%. Except for last quarter, laden with military purchaes, growth has been 3% or less almost every quarter of Obama's presidency. Coming out of a recession that simply sucks. Look at total growth and Obama is the stunted president.
Bush's recovery produced a total 15.8% growth
Clinton's tech boom economy that all Democrats pine for produced a total 16.7% growth
Reagan's recovery, which Dems like to tarnish any way they can, produced a whopping 27.7% growth
Obama's recovery that he touts all the time produced a measly 10.8%.

This is, some would say, despite massive government intervention in the economy. I would say it's because of it, but that's another story.
And despite Dem talking points, income inequality is worse today than any other time.
And there is the connection. Democrats talk about taxing the top income earners as a way to achieve income equality. That doesnt work, has never worked, and wont work again.
What they neglect are the stagnating middle class workers. Slow growth has a price. And that price is being paid by middle class people who lost a $60,000/yr job and now have a $40,000/yr job. Pro-growth policies, including rolling back the enormous burden of regulation, would produce faster growth, and higher incomes across the board.
But Dems dont want to talk about faster growth. They want to create class warfare. And their drones here will go for it every time because they dont care how much they make, they only care some other guy is making more than them and they want some of it. Dems are envious and stupid.
(Source: Recovery from Great Recession is underwhelming Pew Research Center
GDP figures came out Friday. Another quarter of growth well below 3%. Except for last quarter, laden with military purchaes, growth has been 3% or less almost every quarter of Obama's presidency. Coming out of a recession that simply sucks. Look at total growth and Obama is the stunted president.
Bush's recovery produced a total 15.8% growth
Clinton's tech boom economy that all Democrats pine for produced a total 16.7% growth
Reagan's recovery, which Dems like to tarnish any way they can, produced a whopping 27.7% growth
Obama's recovery that he touts all the time produced a measly 10.8%.

This is, some would say, despite massive government intervention in the economy. I would say it's because of it, but that's another story.
And despite Dem talking points, income inequality is worse today than any other time.
And there is the connection. Democrats talk about taxing the top income earners as a way to achieve income equality. That doesnt work, has never worked, and wont work again.
What they neglect are the stagnating middle class workers. Slow growth has a price. And that price is being paid by middle class people who lost a $60,000/yr job and now have a $40,000/yr job. Pro-growth policies, including rolling back the enormous burden of regulation, would produce faster growth, and higher incomes across the board.
But Dems dont want to talk about faster growth. They want to create class warfare. And their drones here will go for it every time because they dont care how much they make, they only care some other guy is making more than them and they want some of it. Dems are envious and stupid.
(Source: Recovery from Great Recession is underwhelming Pew Research Center
All economic policies will fail until we provide living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels. Until we provide self-supporting opportunities for everyone across the board, talk is cheap, and policies are wasting time and money. We have a rapidly growing population, people are living longer, and our work force can not depend on government assistance programs and unemployment checks forever. At some point, either we put America back to work producing what America uses and consumes, or government debt will be our ruin.

At present, government debt is the only catalyst keeping us afloat. The government continues to borrow money, throw it at non-doable non-workable solutions, hoping to buy time. The government thinks that with time and throwing enough money at the problem, that it'll eventually correct itself. What's wrong with this picture? The economy is too far into a decline for it to be self-correcting. No miracle is going to provide an adequate number of living wages jobs, which will enable citizens to be productive and self-supporting. Mr. Obama, nor anyone else will have success rebuilding our economy as long as they ignore the root cause behind our decline. The Washington Brotherhood is responsible for what we're seeing and experiencing, and they are the ones that must correct their many socioeconomic mistakes over the past 50 plus years of "The Selling of America".
GDP figures came out Friday. Another quarter of growth well below 3%. Except for last quarter, laden with military purchaes, growth has been 3% or less almost every quarter of Obama's presidency. Coming out of a recession that simply sucks. Look at total growth and Obama is the stunted president.
Bush's recovery produced a total 15.8% growth
Clinton's tech boom economy that all Democrats pine for produced a total 16.7% growth
Reagan's recovery, which Dems like to tarnish any way they can, produced a whopping 27.7% growth
Obama's recovery that he touts all the time produced a measly 10.8%.

This is, some would say, despite massive government intervention in the economy. I would say it's because of it, but that's another story.
And despite Dem talking points, income inequality is worse today than any other time.
And there is the connection. Democrats talk about taxing the top income earners as a way to achieve income equality. That doesnt work, has never worked, and wont work again.
What they neglect are the stagnating middle class workers. Slow growth has a price. And that price is being paid by middle class people who lost a $60,000/yr job and now have a $40,000/yr job. Pro-growth policies, including rolling back the enormous burden of regulation, would produce faster growth, and higher incomes across the board.
But Dems dont want to talk about faster growth. They want to create class warfare. And their drones here will go for it every time because they dont care how much they make, they only care some other guy is making more than them and they want some of it. Dems are envious and stupid.
(Source: Recovery from Great Recession is underwhelming Pew Research Center
All economic policies will fail until we provide living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels. Until we provide self-supporting opportunities for everyone across the board, talk is cheap, and policies are wasting time and money. We have a rapidly growing population, people are living longer, and our work force can not depend on government assistance programs and unemployment checks forever. At some point, either we put America back to work producing what America uses and consumes, or government debt will be our ruin.

At present, government debt is the only catalyst keeping us afloat. The government continues to borrow money, throw it at non-doable non-workable solutions, hoping to buy time. The government thinks that with time and throwing enough money at the problem, that it'll eventually correct itself. What's wrong with this picture? The economy is too far into a decline for it to be self-correcting. No miracle is going to provide an adequate number of living wages jobs, which will enable citizens to be productive and self-supporting. Mr. Obama, nor anyone else will have success rebuilding our economy as long as they ignore the root cause behind our decline. The Washington Brotherhood is responsible for what we're seeing and experiencing, and they are the ones that must correct their many socioeconomic mistakes over the past 50 plus years of "The Selling of America".
Just for entertainment value because you've already proven you dont have a clue, what exactly do you suggest to solve the problem?
And never mind that your post didnt remotely address mine.
Democrats brilliant idea...punish those who dare work hard and become successful.
GDP figures came out Friday. Another quarter of growth well below 3%. Except for last quarter, laden with military purchaes, growth has been 3% or less almost every quarter of Obama's presidency. Coming out of a recession that simply sucks. Look at total growth and Obama is the stunted president.
Bush's recovery produced a total 15.8% growth
Clinton's tech boom economy that all Democrats pine for produced a total 16.7% growth
Reagan's recovery, which Dems like to tarnish any way they can, produced a whopping 27.7% growth
Obama's recovery that he touts all the time produced a measly 10.8%.

This is, some would say, despite massive government intervention in the economy. I would say it's because of it, but that's another story.
And despite Dem talking points, income inequality is worse today than any other time.
And there is the connection. Democrats talk about taxing the top income earners as a way to achieve income equality. That doesnt work, has never worked, and wont work again.
What they neglect are the stagnating middle class workers. Slow growth has a price. And that price is being paid by middle class people who lost a $60,000/yr job and now have a $40,000/yr job. Pro-growth policies, including rolling back the enormous burden of regulation, would produce faster growth, and higher incomes across the board.
But Dems dont want to talk about faster growth. They want to create class warfare. And their drones here will go for it every time because they dont care how much they make, they only care some other guy is making more than them and they want some of it. Dems are envious and stupid.
(Source: Recovery from Great Recession is underwhelming Pew Research Center
All economic policies will fail until we provide living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels. Until we provide self-supporting opportunities for everyone across the board, talk is cheap, and policies are wasting time and money. We have a rapidly growing population, people are living longer, and our work force can not depend on government assistance programs and unemployment checks forever. At some point, either we put America back to work producing what America uses and consumes, or government debt will be our ruin.

At present, government debt is the only catalyst keeping us afloat. The government continues to borrow money, throw it at non-doable non-workable solutions, hoping to buy time. The government thinks that with time and throwing enough money at the problem, that it'll eventually correct itself. What's wrong with this picture? The economy is too far into a decline for it to be self-correcting. No miracle is going to provide an adequate number of living wages jobs, which will enable citizens to be productive and self-supporting. Mr. Obama, nor anyone else will have success rebuilding our economy as long as they ignore the root cause behind our decline. The Washington Brotherhood is responsible for what we're seeing and experiencing, and they are the ones that must correct their many socioeconomic mistakes over the past 50 plus years of "The Selling of America".
Just for entertainment value because you've already proven you dont have a clue, what exactly do you suggest to solve the problem?
And never mind that your post didnt remotely address mine.
I give the solution almost every single day on this forum. I did so again this morning on another thread. I repeat my solution all the time. Please check my many comments and I'm sure that'll you'll have no problem finding what I believe to be the solution. If you're too lazy to look for it, as soon as I have time, I'll cut and paste it here for your benefit. And, did you take me off ignore already? If so, why? I'm shocked.
I have a theory with absolutely no facts to back it up but here it goes.

Income inequality is not a very important issue for most voters, that is to say, it is not the issue which decides who they will vote for. Politicians have much much more polarizing issues which take precedence when it comes to voters. Stuff like:
-pro choice vs pro life
-gun control
I have a theory with absolutely no facts to back it up but here it goes.

Income inequality is not a very important issue for most voters, that is to say, it is not the issue which decides who they will vote for. Politicians have much much more polarizing issues which take precedence when it comes to voters. Stuff like:
-pro choice vs pro life
-gun control
I think you're correct. Generally voters dont care what someone else maks. It only becomes an issue when they arent making what they used to, or are not seeing any increase Which has been the case over the last 6 years.

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