The Fairness of the election

Dr Grump

Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2006
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
Not a single one of Donald’s lying lawyers pleaded fraud.
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
Trump lost. Get over it.
The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.

What did they do that was actually illegal though?
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.
false the premise of the case is that voters from the states were disenfranchised because of illegal changes to the voting laws that allowed fraud .
Stuffing ballot boxes with irregular votes is fraud regardless of how it is done. That has been shown over and over again recently; and very noticible, testified to in hearings. Now whether the filing processes have hit that aspect yet or not I cannot say but I am certain beyond a doubt that the irregularities have been over whelming that have been brought forth for the people to see.
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The voting process was loosened and made insecure in multiple States.
There are reported irregularities in areas under democrat control that resulted in large swings of votes going to Dems late in the election.
The changing of the voting process may have been done unconstitutionally.

I have no doubt none of this will be resolved before Biden is sworn in. What I want is proof there was no fraud. Secure all election materials, secure all machines. list all poll workers.

No destruction of any materials until this is sorted out.
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.

And you don't care because you got what you want. You wouldn't care if shown hard evidence because you got what you want.

If Trump is truly as evil as your construct of him is, what's a little fraud to get what you want? To "save" the republic?
Stuffing ballot boxes with irregular votes is fraud regardless of how it is done. That has been shown over and over again recently; and very noticible, testified to in hearings. Now whether the filing processes have hit that aspect yet or not I cannot say but I am certain beyond a doubt that the irregularities have been over whelming that have been brought forth for the people to see.

The court filing processes never got that far ... the cases were dismissed due to a lack of evidence ...

That's your problem ... folks who claim to have seen fraud refuse to testify in court ... there's prison time for perjury ... testimony that deserves hostile cross-examination ...

No legal evidence of fraud ... funny how "law-and-order" conservatives don't seem to know what law and order is ... all sitting judges throughout the land are being paid to throw the election ... NASA grade CT ...
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
That's not correct. The SC has pretty much said they're hands off to states passing laws governing their own elections. The OP is correct that REPUBLICAN legislatures passed mail in voting, and the dems used it. In the past Republican legislatures suppressed dem votes by closing polling places, purging voter rolls and basically making it hard to vote in person.
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
That's not correct. The SC has pretty much said they're hands off to states passing laws governing their own elections. The OP is correct that REPUBLICAN legislatures passed mail in voting, and the dems used it. In the past Republican legislatures suppressed dem votes by closing polling places, purging voter rolls and basically making it hard to vote in person.

Having a ID is "hard"?
Stuffing ballot boxes with irregular votes is fraud regardless of how it is done. That has been shown over and over again recently; and very noticible, testified to in hearings. Now whether the filing processes have hit that aspect yet or not I cannot say but I am certain beyond a doubt that the irregularities have been over whelming that have been brought forth for the people to see.
But nobody is saying ballots were stuffed. Not even Giuliani.
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.

And you don't care because you got what you want. You wouldn't care if shown hard evidence because you got what you want.

If Trump is truly as evil as your construct of him is, what's a little fraud to get what you want? To "save" the republic?

I didn't. I wanted a compete repudiation of Trumpybear and his corrupt bunch of Banana Republicans.

I do care though. I mean at some point the cognitive dissonance is going to get the better of some of the newly converted Banana Republicans and I thoughts of suicided will no doubt plague their fragile minds.

Don't do it. It's going to be okay. There is another election right around the corner.
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.

And you don't care because you got what you want. You wouldn't care if shown hard evidence because you got what you want.

If Trump is truly as evil as your construct of him is, what's a little fraud to get what you want? To "save" the republic?

I didn't. I wanted a compete repudiation of Trumpybear and his corrupt bunch of Banana Republicans.

I do care though. I mean at some point the cognitive dissonance is going to get the better of some of the newly converted Banana Republicans and I thoughts of suicided will no doubt plague their fragile minds.

Don't do it. It's going to be okay. There is another election right around the corner.

Nah, you got what you wanted and will ignore any evidence of bad faith or malfeasance because you are a dishonest hack.

Again, your blind dog avatar is apt, see no evil, no evil.

There will be a reckoning for half asses like you, I hope you are around to see it.
false the premise of the case is that voters from the states were disenfranchised because of illegal changes to the voting laws that allowed fraud .

What were the changes? And why were they illegal? And did the changes cause fraud - ie - you don't like the changes just because? or you don't like the changes because they led to fraud? If all the changes did was allow more people to have their say, then what's the problem?

All that being said, I still don't see what the issue is other than butt hurtedness about losing.

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