The Fairness of the election

The voting process was loosened and made insecure in multiple States.
There are reported irregularities in areas under democrat control that resulted in large swings of votes going to Dems late in the election.
The changing of the voting process may have been done unconstitutionally.

I have no doubt none of this will be resolved before Biden is sworn in. What I want is proof there was no fraud. Secure all election materials, secure all machines. list all poll workers.

No destruction of any materials until this is sorted out.

1) How?
2) Poppycock. There has not been one verified report of irregularities that meet your criteria.
3) Maybe, maybe not.
4) You could do that with every election ever held. Why this one? I tell you why...the Orange Buffoon is a spoiled brat.
Bullshit. Everyone has an ID, if you can't do that you shouldn't be able to vote. Sorry.

I do agree. But if the US didn't have a history of disenfranchising voters, then maybe it wouldn't be an issue.
The voting process was loosened and made insecure in multiple States.
There are reported irregularities in areas under democrat control that resulted in large swings of votes going to Dems late in the election.
The changing of the voting process may have been done unconstitutionally.

I have no doubt none of this will be resolved before Biden is sworn in. What I want is proof there was no fraud. Secure all election materials, secure all machines. list all poll workers.

No destruction of any materials until this is sorted out.

1) How?
2) Poppycock. There has not been one verified report of irregularities that meet your criteria.
3) Maybe, maybe not.
4) You could do that with every election ever held. Why this one? I tell you why...the Orange Buffoon is a spoiled brat.

None verified yet. You don't want an investigation, you want to bury everything and pretend nothing happened, because you got what you wanted, and screw it if people had to cheat to get it.

This election has markers that defy previous results. Excessive mail ballots, bellweather counties being wrong for the first time ever, complete lack of a presidential coat-tail in the House, A favorable Senate map for Dems going down to two run-offs. All the questions happening in swing States, and all the questions happening in Dem controlled Election Districts.
Bullshit. Everyone has an ID, if you can't do that you shouldn't be able to vote. Sorry.

I do agree. But if the US didn't have a history of disenfranchising voters, then maybe it wouldn't be an issue.

Then you are just making excuses to make it easier for people to cheat because you don't care, and worse don't have the balls to admit it.
Bullshit. Everyone has an ID, if you can't do that you shouldn't be able to vote. Sorry.

I do agree. But if the US didn't have a history of disenfranchising voters, then maybe it wouldn't be an issue.

Then you are just making excuses to make it easier for people to cheat because you don't care, and worse don't have the balls to admit it.

Not at all. You are missing my point. Some believe you are only wanting ID because you don't want them to vote. I get that sentiment in that the US - especially the southern States - absolutely have a history of doing so.
Bullshit. Everyone has an ID, if you can't do that you shouldn't be able to vote. Sorry.

I do agree. But if the US didn't have a history of disenfranchising voters, then maybe it wouldn't be an issue.

Then you are just making excuses to make it easier for people to cheat because you don't care, and worse don't have the balls to admit it.

Not at all. You are missing my point. Some believe you are only wanting ID because you don't want them to vote. I get that sentiment in that the US - especially the southern States - absolutely have a history of doing so.

This isn't the 1960's or the 1930's or the 1880's. Asking someone for an ID, to verify their ID or vote in person isn't suppression. All your Jim Crow anecdotes are bullshit dodges.

36 hour voting period, voting in person unless for cause, ID to vote, Signature log to vote, national holiday for election day.
None verified yet. You don't want an investigation, you want to bury everything and pretend nothing happened, because you got what you wanted, and screw it if people had to cheat to get it.

This election has markers that defy previous results. Excessive mail ballots, bellweather counties being wrong for the first time ever, complete lack of a presidential coat-tail in the House, A favorable Senate map for Dems going down to two run-offs. All the questions happening in swing States, and all the questions happening in Dem controlled Election Districts.

What are you talking about. Mondale won one state against Reagan. That would suggest half of what you said is totally untrue. So, one election cycle the Repubs win swing states, the next Dem. And? Do you know how big of a conspiracy theory - and how many people would have to know - for all of what you said to happen to occur?

Of course there were excessive mail ballots - you hear of COVID?

You Yanks crack me up. You really do. You always rage on about how you are the greatest country on Earth with your freedom etc. You have two political parties and people get shitty every election cycle due to all sorts of shennanigans - whether it be gerrymandering by both sides or dead people voting. You're free like Putin was fairly elected.
None verified yet. You don't want an investigation, you want to bury everything and pretend nothing happened, because you got what you wanted, and screw it if people had to cheat to get it.

This election has markers that defy previous results. Excessive mail ballots, bellweather counties being wrong for the first time ever, complete lack of a presidential coat-tail in the House, A favorable Senate map for Dems going down to two run-offs. All the questions happening in swing States, and all the questions happening in Dem controlled Election Districts.

What are you talking about. Mondale won one state against Reagan. That would suggest half of what you said is totally untrue. So, one election cycle the Repubs win swing states, the next Dem. And? Do you know how big of a conspiracy theory - and how many people would have to know - for all of what you said to happen to occur?

Of course there were excessive mail ballots - you hear of COVID?

You Yanks crack me up. You really do. You always rage on about how you are the greatest country on Earth with your freedom etc. You have two political parties and people get shitty every election cycle due to all sorts of shennanigans - whether it be gerrymandering by both sides or dead people voting. You're free like Putin was fairly elected.

How does the Mondale case compare to this, where the EC was decided by 4 states that flipped late into the voting process, where the votes that did the flipping are the most unverifiable form of voting, and were counted by people who wanted the eventual winner to win?

It doesn't have to be large, it has to be in the States and even just the cities in question.

My god, what the fuck does Putin have to do with this?
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.

And you don't care because you got what you want. You wouldn't care if shown hard evidence because you got what you want.

If Trump is truly as evil as your construct of him is, what's a little fraud to get what you want? To "save" the republic?

I didn't. I wanted a compete repudiation of Trumpybear and his corrupt bunch of Banana Republicans.

I do care though. I mean at some point the cognitive dissonance is going to get the better of some of the newly converted Banana Republicans and I thoughts of suicided will no doubt plague their fragile minds.

Don't do it. It's going to be okay. There is another election right around the corner.

Nah, you got what you wanted and will ignore any evidence of bad faith or malfeasance because you are a dishonest hack.

Again, your blind dog avatar is apt, see no evil, no evil.

There will be a reckoning for half asses like you, I hope you are around to see it.

You shouldn't pick on my dog like that. She may have gone blind (and was deaf at birth), but she could see with her nose. She could smell a bag of chips opening anywhere in the house and be there in less than a second. She was easily distracted because she could see shadows. But (like the American electorate) she would always sniff out the truth of where I threw her slimy wet pull toy! Except when we washed it. Was that cruel?
How does the Mondale case compare to this, where the EC was decided by 4 states that flipped late into the voting process, where the votes that did the flipping are the most unverifiable form of voting, and were counted by people who wanted the eventual winner to win?

A lot of the above is totally untrue. There were scrutineers in every voting place. Are you saying that in thousands of booths across all those four states the Dems all colluded to shut out scrutineers? You do realise that even the Repubs who run those states say that didn't happen, right? Not some midnight to dawn talking head on the radio conspiracy theorist, but those on the ground?
Also, when I watched the vote live, Missouri, Texas, Iowa, Florida and Montana - plus a couple of others - had Biden ahead. I thought Biden was going to wipe the floor with Trump Then over the day, the mail in ballots started coming in in those states were heavily in favour of Trump. You don't hear Dems complaining about that.

And you know what, all that happened in those states (WI, MI etc) was what polling said would happen. Late votes would favour Biden. Sometimes, polling IS right...
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
Trump lost. Get over it.
Not even those who have access to all the information and are suing are saying that the election was stolen.
It's now about the process. Even the right-wing loons suing are saying - "yes, they voted, and there was no fraud, however, were they allowed to vote in the manner that they voted?" That is the crux.

And when it really comes down to it, who cares how they voted? It only matters that they get their constitutional right to have their say, right?
You would disenfranchise millions of votes (including Trump ones BTW) just because you don't like the way they voted? Do you think that is fair? Is that morally, ethically right? Any right minded person would say no, it is not fair to disenfranchise them. .
And to double down, the reason there were so many mail in ballots in the first place, was because the guy doing all the whining now about the result (Trump) royally fucked up the COVID response. He has never taken responsibility for anything going pear shaped in his life. Yet his Deplorables lap it up. These are the same people who are ALWAYS rambling on about the blacks and the hispanics and the poor and the dumb need to take responsibility for their lives, yet their champion is the antithesis of this. This is why you are the world's joke and people laugh at you all the time.

The election is fraudulent. If the states aren't held to account for their breaking of their own laws according to their constitutions, they will do it again, and more brazenly in the next election.
That's not correct. The SC has pretty much said they're hands off to states passing laws governing their own elections. The OP is correct that REPUBLICAN legislatures passed mail in voting, and the dems used it. In the past Republican legislatures suppressed dem votes by closing polling places, purging voter rolls and basically making it hard to vote in person.

I agree with the SC being hands off with states conducting their own methods. However, states must follow their own laws, especially when it affects the entire nation.
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.

And you don't care because you got what you want. You wouldn't care if shown hard evidence because you got what you want.

If Trump is truly as evil as your construct of him is, what's a little fraud to get what you want? To "save" the republic?

I didn't. I wanted a compete repudiation of Trumpybear and his corrupt bunch of Banana Republicans.

I do care though. I mean at some point the cognitive dissonance is going to get the better of some of the newly converted Banana Republicans and I thoughts of suicided will no doubt plague their fragile minds.

Don't do it. It's going to be okay. There is another election right around the corner.

Nah, you got what you wanted and will ignore any evidence of bad faith or malfeasance because you are a dishonest hack.

Again, your blind dog avatar is apt, see no evil, no evil.

There will be a reckoning for half asses like you, I hope you are around to see it.

You shouldn't pick on my dog like that. She may have gone blind (and was deaf at birth), but she could see with her nose. She could smell a bag of chips opening anywhere in the house and be there in less than a second. She was easily distracted because she could see shadows. But (like the American electorate) she would always sniff out the truth of where I threw her slimy wet pull toy! Except when we washed it. Was that cruel?

How does the Mondale case compare to this, where the EC was decided by 4 states that flipped late into the voting process, where the votes that did the flipping are the most unverifiable form of voting, and were counted by people who wanted the eventual winner to win?

A lot of the above is totally untrue. There were scrutineers in every voting place. Are you saying that in thousands of booths across all those four states the Dems all colluded to shut out scrutineers? You do realise that even the Repubs who run those states say that didn't happen, right? Not some midnight to dawn talking head on the radio conspiracy theorist, but those on the ground?
Also, when I watched the vote live, Missouri, Texas, Iowa, Florida and Montana - plus a couple of others - had Biden ahead. I thought Biden was going to wipe the floor with Trump Then over the day, the mail in ballots started coming in in those states were heavily in favour of Trump. You don't hear Dems complaining about that.

And you know what, all that happened in those states (WI, MI etc) was what polling said would happen. Late votes would favour Biden. Sometimes, polling IS right...

Lets investigate and find out. You are thinking this is an episode of Law and Order, 1 hour to figure it all out.

There is plenty of circumstantial evidence of possible issues, and a lot of the country agrees with me.

Of course lefties like you will just resort to oppression and "re-education" like you Stalinesque fuckholes always do.
The election was fraudulent. = Banana Republican Truthiness.

They just feel it's true, deep down, you know. Deep down in their gut.

It just feels like it has to be.

And you don't care because you got what you want. You wouldn't care if shown hard evidence because you got what you want.

If Trump is truly as evil as your construct of him is, what's a little fraud to get what you want? To "save" the republic?

I didn't. I wanted a compete repudiation of Trumpybear and his corrupt bunch of Banana Republicans.

I do care though. I mean at some point the cognitive dissonance is going to get the better of some of the newly converted Banana Republicans and I thoughts of suicided will no doubt plague their fragile minds.

Don't do it. It's going to be okay. There is another election right around the corner.

Nah, you got what you wanted and will ignore any evidence of bad faith or malfeasance because you are a dishonest hack.

Again, your blind dog avatar is apt, see no evil, no evil.

There will be a reckoning for half asses like you, I hope you are around to see it.

You shouldn't pick on my dog like that. She may have gone blind (and was deaf at birth), but she could see with her nose. She could smell a bag of chips opening anywhere in the house and be there in less than a second. She was easily distracted because she could see shadows. But (like the American electorate) she would always sniff out the truth of where I threw her slimy wet pull toy! Except when we washed it. Was that cruel?


No seriously when we washed her toy it took a few seconds to realize she couldn't smell it, then she moved on to like a grid like search of the whole house till she found it. Australian Shepherds are pretty smart.

The chip thing was frighteningly weird. Open a bag and she'd be sitting there just looking at you and the bag! Day or night.
Lets investigate and find out. You are thinking this is an episode of Law and Order, 1 hour to figure it all out.

There is plenty of circumstantial evidence of possible issues, and a lot of the country agrees with me.

Of course lefties like you will just resort to oppression and "re-education" like you Stalinesque fuckholes always do.

No, there is nothing to investigate. 55 lawsuits later should tell you something. A lot of those that have been dismissed have been done so by Trump appointed judges. Is that telling you anything? At all?
There is no evidence, circumstantial or otherwise. Why do you think the lawsuits have been kicked to the kerb?

And just so you know, and I'm absolutely serious about this - an Orange Man yelling at the top of his voice "fraud!!!" is not evidence.

Oh, so now you have a caveat. If you throw your toys out the cot and throw a tantie, and you are told to 'grow the fuck up' that is Stalinesque??? Ha!!! Loser....

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