The FAKE FTX Scandal

I can't help but notice you ignore everything you don't like. Keep marching towards the cliff lemming. Had you been paying attention you would see the problems.

As the Ukrainian financial institutions were allegedly under attack they moved towards more crypto. At the same time the West was looking into ways to limit thr Russians using crypto to avoid sanctions. FTX is only one of presumably many players in the game. Your demands are both childish and irrelevant, the House of cards is coming down.

Again, you guys all thought Crypto was wonderful because it wasn't controlled by any government, and it seemed like a get rich quick scheme.

When in fact, it should have been obvious to anyone at the start it was a Ponzi Scheme.
Again, you guys all thought Crypto was wonderful because it wasn't controlled by any government, and it seemed like a get rich quick scheme.

When in fact, it should have been obvious to anyone at the start it was a Ponzi Scheme.
I never once supported crypto. Fiat currency based on good faith is bad enough, at least hard cash is still available.
Oh Lush, your gnat like attention span reveals itself again. Why did Ukraine seek donations in crypto? Start there, or don't bother, no doubt by the time you figure it out you'll have blacked out or forgotten the topic anyway.
Who said that Ukraine sought donations in crypto? When you start with that lie there is nowhere else to go..
Who said that Ukraine sought donations in crypto? When you start with that lie there is nowhere else to go..
Lie? Only an uninformed moron would make that assertion, I expect nothing less from you. This is your one and only freebie, any further ignorance is your own problem.

Lie? Only an uninformed moron would make that assertion, I expect nothing less from you. This is your one and only freebie, any further ignorance is your own problem.

You didn't read your own link?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed legislation on Wednesday that legalizes cryptocurrency—a move that comes after Ukraine has received a flurry of donations in digital currency in recent weeks amid the country's war with Russia.

There ALREADY were donations coming in using crypto. Z just made it easier. He IS fighting an expensive war you idiot.

And that crypto had to be converted to cash at some point.
You didn't read your own link?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed legislation on Wednesday that legalizes cryptocurrency—a move that comes after Ukraine has received a flurry of donations in digital currency in recent weeks amid the country's war with Russia.

There ALREADY were donations coming in using crypto. Z just made it easier. He IS fighting an expensive war you idiot.

And that crypto had to be converted to cash at some point.
Yet they created a law so they could get more. How dense are you?
Yet they created a law so they could get more. How dense are you?
Hey's not like they said they wanted donations ONLY in crypto.

They wanted and needed donations. Legalizing crypto made donations increase and THAT was what they advocated
Hey's not like they said they wanted donations ONLY in crypto.

They wanted and needed donations. Legalizing crypto made donations increase and THAT was what they advocated
When did I ever claim ONLY? Never, do try to be honest.
Half the guys on Wall Street are doing drugs, but it's okay because they are white.

Cheez…now back to the old trusty race card. Hunter is as white as they get so not sure where you are going with that anyway.

The guy was hired when his dad was VP to gain influence. Now his dad is in the WH and his prior dealings with China are an issue. They seem to have this administration over a barrel, which is why they are so soft on China. You can believe what you wish, but a reasonable person can see that this administration has some real legal issues that are being covered up by their corrupt DOJ and FBI.
Cheez…now back to the old trusty race card. Hunter is as white as they get so not sure where you are going with that anyway.

Oh, don't play coy, Cleetus.

Poor black kid goes to jail.
Some master of the universe on Wall Street gets rehab.

Frankly, I'm rather bothered so much of our economy is run by coked up parasites, but hey, you are good with it. Probably because you want to be one some day and move out of the trailer park.

The guy was hired when his dad was VP to gain influence. Now his dad is in the WH and his prior dealings with China are an issue. They seem to have this administration over a barrel, which is why they are so soft on China.

Or they recognize that antagonizing China was a terrible idea. Trump's trade war on China actually hurt America more than it did China. Probably contributed to the 2020 Recession (and we were going into recession before Covid hit.)

You can believe what you wish, but a reasonable person can see that this administration has some real legal issues that are being covered up by their corrupt DOJ and FBI.

Right, it's all a conspiracy... and not... what everyone in both parties have been doing for years.

So simple enough solution. If you hold public office, no one in your immediate family can hold down a job requiring any kind of government regulation. (Actually, part of the reason why Hunter worked with China and Ukraine is that he was prohibited from lobbying for American companies when his dad became Veep.)

No joining a lobbying firm for 10 years after you leave office. Done.
Poor black kid goes to jail.
Some master of the universe on Wall Street gets rehab.
Again, not sure that has to do with Hunter.

Probably because you want to be one some day and move out of the trailer park.

I make a LOT more money than you. I know this because you posted your salary here some time ago. My wife is a physician so it's safe to say she makes quite a bit more than you as well. Did I mention that I live in a lower cost of living area thanks to not electing Democrats. Add it all up and you can be assured we don't live in a trailer park. We are Republican because we both successful AND intelligent.
The hoaxes get dumber and dumber. The propagandists know they don't even have to try very hard any more. The rubes have been so completely dumbed down, they will bleev and parrot anything. Literally anything.
Are you a hoax? You get dumber and dumber.

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