The FAKE FTX Scandal

How many times have they been caught lying? Russian collusion was a lie. Trump was not spied on was a lie. Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation was a lie. The paper belongs around a dead fish or the bottom of a bird cage. Anything political from them cannot be trusted. And everything is political.
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Everyone got sucked in by this guy. Major investment firms, pro football stars, and the most popular celebrities. This is NOT a left or right issue.

He walked into the top banks and investment companies in the world and walked out with millions. How is that possible? Unlike you, I, or these major celebrities, they have unlimited resources to thoroughly vet anything in which they invest.

What went wrong?

Before the infamous DOT.COM collapse decades ago, Warren Buffet was asked why he wasn't investing in the explosion. He said that if he couldn't touch it, or carry it, he wasn't investing in it. I've clung to that ever since and it has served me well. I was beginning to weaken as I watched Bitcoin skyrocket. So glad I resisted the urge!

How many times have they been caught lying? Russian collusion was a lie. Trump was not spied on was a lie. Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation was a lie. The paper belongs around a dead fish or the bottom of a bird cage. Anything political from them cannot be trusted. And everything is political.

Trump tower meeting with Russian government rep to get Clinton compromat and discuss lifting of sanctions...not collusion? Manafort feeding FSB agent internal campaign info not collusion? Since when?

Trump was never spied on, and it was absolutely a lie that Obama somehow directed anything like that. Spying was on ex-campaign members Manafort and Carter as part of the Crossfire Hurricane counter intelligence investigation. Multiple reviews of this this investigation by Trump DOJ found no political bias, no inapropriate interference from the White House.

Most importantly: Did they lie about Republicans investigating Biden and finding nothing?
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Trump tower meeting with Russian government rep to get Clinton compromat and discuss lifting of sanctions...not collusion? Manaort feeding FSB agen internal campaign info not collusion? Since when?

Did they lie about Republicans investigating Biden and finding nothing?

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Everyone got sucked in by this guy. Major investment firms, pro football stars, and the most popular celebrities. This is NOT a left or right issue.

He walked into the top banks and investment companies in the world and walked out with millions. How is that possible? Unlike you, I, or these major celebrities, they have unlimited resources to thoroughly vet anything in which they invest.

What went wrong?

Before the infamous DOT.COM collapse decades ago, Warren Buffet was asked why he wasn't investing in the explosion. He said that if he couldn't touch it, or carry it, he wasn't investing in it. I've clung to that ever since and it has served me well. I was beginning to weaken as I watched Bitcoin skyrocket. So glad I resisted the urge!

What the fuck? There were no tax-payer funds in FTX and there is nothing illegal about funding political campaigns. Maybe there should be. but Republicans are consistently against any such reforms.
You mean aside from fairly well functioning governing?

Everyone getting a check to pocket, vaccination development and distribution.
Yeah, how's that working out? Massive inflation crushing low, middle, and fixed-income households. Vaccine development has proven to NOT do what was promised, cost millions of people their careers, and has injured or killed millions of others around the world.

Yeah, how's that working out? Massive inflation crushing low, middle, and fixed-income households. Vaccine development has proven to NOT do what was promised, cost millions of people their careers, and has injured or killed millions of others around the world.

You are right, it's our government's fault a deadly pandemic and major war distorted the markets and caused global scale inflation.

But we are coming out of it with strong growth and full employment.

On vaccines what you are saying is counterfactual nutbag bullshit. They have been proven safe and effective.
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There is ZERO evidence to back up the claim Democrats send aid to Ukraine, then Ukrainian officials gave money to FTX to give back to Democrats.


Why are you not asking for proof of the Ukrainian officials who gave money to FTX to give to the Democrats?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

All you brainless parroting rubes remind me of this old cartoon:

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There are two scandals surrounding FTX right now. One is real, the other is a hoax. This topic is about the fake scandal.

If you want to discuss the real scandal, I have created a topic for it here: The REAL FTX Scandal

There is a stupid hoax going around that FTX somehow facilitated the laundering of money for the Democrats. The story goes that the Democrats voted for aid to Ukraine. Then the Ukrainians gave money to FTX, and then FTX donated that money to Democrats.

This hoax is stupid beyond belief.

First, aid to Ukraine was a bipartisan thing. An overwhelming number of Republicans voted for aid to Ukraine. It is only recently that Putin has been able to convert a lot of them into surrendering Ukraine because we are winning.

Second, the propagandists pushing this hoax have provided ZERO evidence of Ukrainians giving money to FTX.


This bullshit is made up out of thin air.

We are deep in "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!" territory, boys and girls. And I can guarantee you these facts will trigger a lot of the tards.

It never even occurs to the rubes to ask for evidence. They are just waiting for their puppet masters to make some up for them.

Third, the only dealings FTX had with Ukraine was to partner with an organization called Aid To Ukraine. This organization accepted donations which would be used to help Ukrainians. FTX's role was to enable people to donate crypto coins which FTX would then convert to currency for the Ukrainians.

So you see, the money was flowing TO Ukraine FROM FTX. Not the other way around.

But facts never stop the tards from bleeving the dumbest shit.

Fourth, most of the US government aid going to Ukraine goes to contractors and humanitarian groups. It does not go directly to the Ukrainian government.

It's not fake.

I disagree.
There is ZERO evidence to back up the claim Democrats send aid to Ukraine, then Ukrainian officials gave money to FTX to give back to Democrats.


Why are you not asking for proof of the Ukrainian officials who gave money to FTX to give to the Democrats?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

All you brainless parroting rubes remind me of this old cartoon:

We will find out with the new House.

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