The FAKE FTX Scandal

It's not fake.

It's very real.

The FTX Scandal Is Worse Than Democrats And The Media Are Admitting – Because They’re Part Of It​

Your post belongs in the REAL FTX scandal thread.

I went to a lot of trouble to create both topics, and you still can't figure it out!

Very annoying.

Yes dumbass, we count the mail in votes, as we always have...before a degenerate made it an issue because he didn't have it in him to do right by his country and conceed a loss.
Yep, no doubt about it, we count absentee ballots just as we always have done before.

As you know, however, it didn't take weeks to count those ballots. We have a far higher population here in Florida and yet, we had our results in hours, not weeks.

Is there a greater chance of fraud in any election if the results are posted hours or weeks later?

Oh, just curious, who are you referring to when you call them a degenerate?

There are two scandals surrounding FTX right now. One is real, the other is a hoax. This topic is about the fake scandal.

If you want to discuss the real scandal, I have created a topic for it here: The REAL FTX Scandal

There is a stupid hoax going around that FTX somehow facilitated the laundering of money for the Democrats. The story goes that the Democrats voted for aid to Ukraine. Then the Ukrainians gave money to FTX, and then FTX donated that money to Democrats.

This hoax is stupid beyond belief.

First, aid to Ukraine was a bipartisan thing. An overwhelming number of Republicans voted for aid to Ukraine. It is only recently that Putin has been able to convert a lot of them into surrendering Ukraine because we are winning.

Second, the propagandists pushing this hoax have provided ZERO evidence of Ukrainians giving money to FTX.


This bullshit is made up out of thin air.

We are deep in "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!" territory, boys and girls. And I can guarantee you these facts will trigger a lot of the tards.

It never even occurs to the rubes to ask for evidence. They are just waiting for their puppet masters to make some up for them.

Third, the only dealings FTX had with Ukraine was to partner with an organization called Aid To Ukraine. This organization accepted donations which would be used to help Ukrainians. FTX's role was to enable people to donate crypto coins which FTX would then convert to currency for the Ukrainians.

So you see, the money was flowing TO Ukraine FROM FTX. Not the other way around.

But facts never stop the tards from bleeving the dumbest shit.

Fourth, most of the US government aid going to Ukraine goes to contractors and humanitarian groups. It does not go directly to the Ukrainian government.

Body cam footage shows Klaus Schwab feeding Sam Bankman Fried doggy treats while DePape was breaking into the Pelosi Home
Yep, no doubt about it, we count absentee ballots just as we always have done before.

As you know, however, it didn't take weeks to count those ballots. We have a far higher population here in Florida and yet, we had our results in hours, not weeks.

Is there a greater chance of fraud in any election if the results are posted hours or weeks later?
Do you know what an apples and oranges fallacy is?

You just made one.

First, the apple.

Florida completely hosed their ballot counting in 2000. It took MONTHS for a result. So they have made great strides since then to avoid making the same mistakes.

Florida allows mail-in ballot counting to begin 22 days before election day.

For those who vote early in person, Florida law requires the counting of those ballots to be completed the day before election day.

And finally, DeSantis won by a wide margin. Something like 20 points. So it was obvious very early he had won.

Now to the oranges.

Many states don't allow mail-in ballots to be counted until election day.

The races in many states were much closer than Florida. Razor thin.

And then the sore losers have really made the job of election officials much harder.

You see, there are these violent sore losers who really made a yuge mess of things in 2020. They attacked the Capitol. They stomped around election officials' houses with long rifles and handguns. They made a gazillion phone calls to those same election officials threatening to murder them and their families. Even though a lot of those election officials were members of their same party!

The president of the United States tried to twist the arms of election officials to fake enough votes for him to win.

They sent illegal electoral voters to Washington.

And then they forced an incredibly incompetent audit in Arizona by some goons who had ZERO experience auditing elections. Nevertheless, the tards still said Trump lost.

So I am sure you can understand how the election officials this time around, especially in Arizona, are being very, very, very, very, very careful about counting the votes accurately so that the violent retard mob can't accuse them of cheating.

The tards want it both ways. If the results came in too quickly, there was cheating! If the results are coming in too slowly, they are rigging the results!

So...basically...fuck off.
Oh, just curious, who are you referring to when you call them a degenerate?

How does " a degenerate" turn into "them"?

I'm of course talking about Trump, who took a shit on this country, midfucked you rw tools and caused an attack on our Congress rather than admit an electoral loss.

P.S. Take your inconsequential Biden memes and shove them you know where.
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How does " a degenerate" turn into "them"?

I'm of course talking about Trump, who took a shit on this country, midfucked you rw tools and caused an attack on our Congress rather than admit an electoral loss.

P.S. Take your inconsequential Biden memes and shove them you know where.

Sadly and so typical of the far-left. When proven to be wrong, the far left quickly resorts to childish name-calling and dodges answering legitimate questions. Why do you suppose that is? Ignorance or desperation?

Is there a greater chance of fraud in any election if the results are posted hours or weeks later?

As you will agree, the riot was terrible, and all the worse an unarmed woman was killed by a Capital Policeman with a sketchy record, especially regarding his weapon. As you know, President Trump suggested far greater numbers of security personnel be on hand but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi quietly ignored that request. Why do you suppose that might be?

Let's compare the Jan 6 riot with those promulgated by the far left.


Why was he (Ray Eppes) first on the FBI's Most Wanted list, mysteriously removed and never questioned either by the FBI or the bogus Jan 6 committee?




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No it is not. And Twitter is going to prove it. You liars have got to be pissed.

Not really. Because I've heard this shit before about Whitewater or Obama's birth certificate or any of the other thing that you guys have convinced yourselves MUST BE TRUE!

There's barely anything on that laptop that incriminates Hunter and nothing that incriminates Joe.

Find a real source. The NYT has no credibility with anything political.
Right. Why listen to America's paper of record when you have some nut in his mother's basement who knows the real story!!!

Sadly and so typical of the far-left. When proven to be wrong, the far left quickly resorts to childish name-calling and dodges answering legitimate questions. Why do you suppose that is? Ignorance or desperation?

Is there a greater chance of fraud in any election if the results are posted hours or weeks later?

As you will agree, the riot was terrible, and all the worse an unarmed woman was killed by a Capital Policeman with a sketchy record, especially regarding his weapon. As you know, President Trump suggested far greater numbers of security personnel be on hand but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi quietly ignored that request. Why do you suppose that might be?

Let's compare the Jan 6 riot with those promulgated by the far left.


Why was he (Ray Eppes) first on the FBI's Most Wanted list, mysteriously removed and never questioned either by the FBI or the bogus Jan 6 committee?





Wow, so why do you need to photoshop politicians making out of on context comments.

The BLM Riots happened because we ignored decades of complaints about police misconduct.

The Jan 6 Riot happened because a man-baby couldn't admit he lost an election.
So... crypto turned out to be a Ponzi scheme, and you guys are whining that it turned out to be a ponzi scheme when your side were the ones promoting it.
Do you know what an apples and oranges fallacy is?

You just made one.

First, the apple.

Florida completely hosed their ballot counting in 2000. It took MONTHS for a result. So they have made great strides since then to avoid making the same mistakes.

Florida allows mail-in ballot counting to begin 22 days before election day.

For those who vote early in person, Florida law requires the counting of those ballots to be completed the day before election day.

And finally, DeSantis won by a wide margin. Something like 20 points. So it was obvious very early he had won.

Now to the oranges.

Many states don't allow mail-in ballots to be counted until election day.

The races in many states were much closer than Florida. Razor thin.

And then the sore losers have really made the job of election officials much harder.

You see, there are these violent sore losers who really made a yuge mess of things in 2020. They attacked the Capitol. They stomped around election officials' houses with long rifles and handguns. They made a gazillion phone calls to those same election officials threatening to murder them and their families. Even though a lot of those election officials were members of their same party!

The president of the United States tried to twist the arms of election officials to fake enough votes for him to win.

They sent illegal electoral voters to Washington.

And then they forced an incredibly incompetent audit in Arizona by some goons who had ZERO experience auditing elections. Nevertheless, the tards still said Trump lost.

So I am sure you can understand how the election officials this time around, especially in Arizona, are being very, very, very, very, very careful about counting the votes accurately so that the violent retard mob can't accuse them of cheating.

The tards want it both ways. If the results came in too quickly, there was cheating! If the results are coming in too slowly, they are rigging the results!

So...basically...fuck off.

So PA ILLEGALLY changed their voting procedures to allow dems to cheat -- and you ignore that
Not really. Because I've heard this shit before about Whitewater or Obama's birth certificate or any of the other thing that you guys have convinced yourselves MUST BE TRUE!

There's barely anything on that laptop that incriminates Hunter and nothing that incriminates Joe.

Right. Why listen to America's paper of record when you have some nut in his mother's basement who knows the real story!!!
And we have heard for seven fucking years Trump is going to prison. I really wish traitors like you would just shut the fuck up.
And we have heard for seven fucking years Trump is going to prison. I really wish traitors like you would just shut the fuck up.

Trump keep committing actual crimes, that's the problem. Gets away with two impeachments and he thinks he's above the law.
Trump keep committing actual crimes, that's the problem. Gets away with two impeachments and he thinks he's above the law.
What crimes? What convictions? Are you stupid? The people above the law are Comey, Mc Cabe, Brennan, Clapper and Fauci. Incest Joe and Hunter are not held to account either. What is wrong with you people?
What crimes? What convictions? Are you stupid? The people above the law are Comey, Mc Cabe, Brennan, Clapper and Fauci. Incest Joe and Hunter are not held to account either. What is wrong with you people?
But no convictions there so they must not have committed crimes. If you want to be consistent… which you don’t

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