The family of George Floyd is considering suing pro-Trump rapper Kanye West after he falsely claimed that Floyd died from fentanyl, not killed by cop

Kanye stepped on the third rail.

As I have stated a few times on this board...

There is a pecking order of the 'disenfranchised, and the discriminated'...

NO ONE...NO ONE is higher on that pecking order than Jews.

We are all gonna get to see that in real time.
he is correct about geroge and so is candance. cop should get a new trial.
More fake outrage directed at a conservative black man. You can imagine Media Matters high fiving each other when they came up with that one.
Not sure it passes a defamation smell text what with a drugged, fat fuck, multi time criminal , resisting arrest and pretending he can’t breathe
One more time lib loons-when you actually can’t breathe then you can’t talk either yet he made his proclamation over and over again.
You people are too dumb to vote or reproduce.
Floyd was going to die somehow. He was a worthless POS

Yep, he was. Had the cop not kept his knee on his neck for more than 2 minutes after all movement, including breathing has stopped the cop would not be in jail today.

because it is true . he had enough drug in him to kill a horse. he was with his drug dealer . the original autopsy said the same thing toi dems influece the corner in to changing to help them.
Not according to the autopsy....but MAGAt-GOPrs always act like they know more than the medical profession.
Not according to the autopsy....but MAGAt-GOPrs always act like they know more than the medical profession.

They will repeat anything that confirms their biases. They hated Kanye West when he said a republican did not like blacks.

yes according to the original autopsy before the corner was influence by dems to change it.
Nobody was influenced by anyone.

Chauvin was a pos crooked cop with over 30 violations of police brutality that were ignored until he committed murder. He should have been locked up long ago.
The coroner said Floyd had a lethal level of Fentanyl in his body.

Did the cop dose him?
The coroner said Floyd had a lethal level of Fentanyl in his body.

Did the cop dose him?
The medical examiner did not say that and did say that Floyd died as a result of what Cauvin did. So just face that reality and understand that Chauvin is going to spend the rest of his life in prison.
K. West appears to be a good, hard working, conscientious person. I can't say anything about his musical talent because I'm not familiar with his portfolio.

But I fear he is afflicted with a disease codified by humor journalist, Dave Barry, as "Blitherer's Disease." BD is characterized by the person lacking the "filter" that most people have between the brain and the mouth; the filter that says, "you probably shouldn't say this out loud." In him, it's missing.

He says things that a lot of other people think, but that a public personage shouldn't say out loud. It's not a character flaw, just a cause of for raised eyebrows.

George Floyd - like a lot of people who succumbed to "Covid," - died of a number of things simultaneously. But it is undeniable that if he hadn't been arrested he would have survived to have a few more productive days, doing whatever it was that he did. And in the law, that's good enough for a wrongful death lawsuit or a homicide conviction. Obviously. K. West was kinda wrong.
I think you should have voiced your opinions about this at his funeral...

You mean like when Hillary told the families of the dead in Libya "what difference does it make?"

The real truth here is in the middle as usual: Floyd was doped up on enough fentanyl that he was already majorly F-ed up and when he resisted arrest and ended up on the street that police had to hold him down because of his psychotic behavior, the constraint which likely wouldn't have killed any normal person was enough to cause him to die.
My information was he was alive in ambulance and died at hospital. If I am Wrong then I admit such.

" Floyd was unresponsive when an ambulance came and was pronounced dead at a local hospital."

If you watch the whole video you will see almost 2 minutes when he is not moving at all, not even breathing.

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