The Fate of the GOP party is in Trump's Hands

SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.

Because you put up Hillary. You're not a bright one are you?

Hell, as scary as Hillary is, even She might have a good chance against Trump these days. Sit back, enjoy the ride. It's going to be even bumpier than before with a Crazy Person driving.

Dems don't have a winner in the bunch. Trump is no "Conservative", he isn't a "Republican" whatever he is none of the clowns on stage for thee Dems can take him out.
Trump isn't letting an upcoming election fence him in like it would a run-of-the-mill politician.
Instead, he's working hard on KEEPING AMERICA GREAT!
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.

Because you put up Hillary. You're not a bright one are you?

Hell, as scary as Hillary is, even She might have a good chance against Trump these days. Sit back, enjoy the ride. It's going to be even bumpier than before with a Crazy Person driving.

Dems don't have a winner in the bunch. Trump is no "Conservative", he isn't a "Republican" whatever he is none of the clowns on stage for thee Dems can take him out.

Just call Him a democrat
hes an old blue dog who loves his country
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.

Because you put up Hillary. You're not a bright one are you?

Hell, as scary as Hillary is, even She might have a good chance against Trump these days. Sit back, enjoy the ride. It's going to be even bumpier than before with a Crazy Person driving.

Dems don't have a winner in the bunch. Trump is no "Conservative", he isn't a "Republican" whatever he is none of the clowns on stage for thee Dems can take him out.

Just call Him a democrat
hes an old blue dog who loves his country

That's why he's spending us into oblivion?
That's why he is expanding our presence in Saudi Arabia?

He (like all of them) work for the same folks and it isn't us.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.

Because you put up Hillary. You're not a bright one are you?

Hell, as scary as Hillary is, even She might have a good chance against Trump these days. Sit back, enjoy the ride. It's going to be even bumpier than before with a Crazy Person driving.

Dems don't have a winner in the bunch. Trump is no "Conservative", he isn't a "Republican" whatever he is none of the clowns on stage for thee Dems can take him out.

Just call Him a democrat
hes an old blue dog who loves his country

That's why he's spending us into oblivion?
That's why he is expanding our presence in Saudi Arabia?

He (like all of them) work for the same folks and it isn't us.

I dont like it either
Debatable their claws are in so deep they come at him from all directions as friend and foe

Thier was something the other day he flip flopped on that had me grumblin ... trump you prick cock smoker whats wrong with you
for the life of me i cant remember what it is
GOP is the party of Trump right now. It will continue till he is gone. Here’s the catch 22. There are only two major parties with an electorate that is rife with short term memory. The system is designed to be slow and deliberate. Too many voters are fickle and impatient. As a result they change parties after getting disgusted. It’s not an “if” its a “when”. Within a few years when the Democrats cannot do enough to satisfy the captious public, they will be shown the door in favor of a non-Trump GOP.

SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.
They will know it’s about race.

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