The Favorite Belief of Fools


Sep 23, 2010
Media question of the hour: Do you trust your government? Answer: Yes & No.

Yes —— if income is derived from tax dollars. That answer is heard from necessary civil servants, all federal, state, and local government employees, along with the entire parasite class. A substantial number to be sure, but nowhere near the majority. When it comes to physical safety those same people answer with a qualified NO. They want physical security and their tax dollar incomes. If achieving both means abolishing the Bill of Rights they answer YES.

The rest of the country answers the question with a resounding NO, NO, NO. They do not, nor did they ever, trust the government on physical or financial security. It is those Americans who create the wealth and fight the major wars that defend the country the YES group is giving away.

Our spiritual leader speaks

Obviously, President Obama failed miserably at everything except growing the welfare state then-Senator Obama talked about in 2006:

“If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.” – Barack Obama, August 28, 2006

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Immediately after Hussein decided to run for president he sold himself as a spiritual leader who would protect the poor and defenseless —— if only the people would give him the power of government so he could do good things. A large number of Americans bought the bullshit in spite of Plato’s warning:

The people always have some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.

NOTE: It was difficult to apply Plato’s warning to an entire political party; ergo, Hussein deserves thanks for personifying the role of protector long played by the Democrat party. To see through Hussein is to see every tyranny Socialists posing as Democrats forced on the country.

The sum of Hussein fears

More than anything else, lost trust is doublespeak for losing the FOOLS WHO BELIEVE A BENIGN TOTALITARIAN IS POSSIBLE. Everything Hussein & Company say and do is predicated on the continuing belief of fools. That belief is the foundation for the trust Democrats must keep intact. It matters not that America’s enemies are growing stronger while Americans are made weaker by their own government —— so long as fools believe in totalitarian government Hussein & Company can lead everybody to the slaughterhouse.

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